Why is political terrorism more acceptable than so-called religious terrorism?


Nov 7, 2014

I hope that you are doing fine today. I am doing fine today...I just wanted to ask why are people like Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols more acceptable than "ISIS," who are ALLEGED to fight over religion?...Timothy McVeigh was a Republican; does his being a Republican mean that all people who claim to be a Republican are just like him or believe as he believed?...

I hope that you are doing fine today. I am doing fine today...I just wanted to ask why are people like Timothy McVeigh & Terry Nichols more acceptable than "ISIS," who are ALLEGED to fight over religion?...Timothy McVeigh was a Republican; does his being a Republican mean that all people who claim to be a Republican are just like him or believe as he believed?...
McVeigh was executed and Nichols got sentenced to 161 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole.Does that seem as if bombing a building is acceptable considering all the known terrorists that have been set free from Gitmo?
McVeigh was executed and Nichols got sentenced to 161 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole.Does that seem as if bombing a building is acceptable considering all the known terrorists that have been set free from Gitmo?

Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11? and why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?

And your assertion is silly; why would "known terrorists" be freed?
You don't read much, do you?

LOL well the thread really isn't about me but I am very particular about my sources...anyway, back to the questions (WHICH YOU DID NOT ANSWER for some reason; please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me:)

1. Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11?
2. Why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?
3. Why would "known terrorists" be freed?

You don't read much, do you?

LOL well the thread really isn't about me but I am very particular about my sources...anyway, back to the questions (WHICH YOU DID NOT ANSWER for some reason; please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me:)

1. Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11?
2. Why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?
3. Why would "known terrorists" be freed?

#1 Bill Clinton was POTUS
#2 there's not. There actually seems to be more media hype when an event seems to be tied to Right Wing extremists, efforts to blame the death of Ambassadors on cartoons and general coddling of Muslims right down to blindly obeying obama administration's redefinition of terrorism.
#3 Again, you don't read much, do you?
You're too stupid to talk to.

Just the facts, Sir/Ma'am, which I see you did not address but resorted to name-calling when I addressed the facts:

1. Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11?
2. Why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?
3. Why would "known terrorists" be freed?

#1 Bill Clinton was POTUS
#2 there's not. There actually seems to be more media hype when an event seems to be tied to Right Wing extremists, efforts to blame the death of Ambassadors on cartoons and general coddling of Muslims right down to blindly obeying obama administration's redefinition of terrorism.
#3 Again, you don't read much, do you?

1. Who/What do you mean by "POTUS?"
2. NO ONE ON THIS FORUM ATTACKS THE FOLLOWING GROUPS & CHRISTIANITY LIKE THEY ATTACK "ISIS" & ISLAM: Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia .
3. And again, please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me; Why would "known terrorists" be freed? If that is what the American media is stating, THE AMERICAN MEDIA DOES LIE.
#1 Bill Clinton was POTUS
#2 there's not. There actually seems to be more media hype when an event seems to be tied to Right Wing extremists, efforts to blame the death of Ambassadors on cartoons and general coddling of Muslims right down to blindly obeying obama administration's redefinition of terrorism.
#3 Again, you don't read much, do you?

1. Who/What do you mean by "POTUS?"
2. NO ONE ON THIS FORUM ATTACKS THE FOLLOWING GROUPS & CHRISTIANITY LIKE THEY ATTACK "ISIS" & ISLAM: Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia .
3. And again, please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me; Why would "known terrorists" be freed? If that is what the American media is stating, THE AMERICAN MEDIA DOES LIE.

1. POTUS is the acronym for President Of The United States.

2. Why would anyone attack Christianity when the two you mention, McVeigh and Nichols, were not Christians. Christians that commit terrorist acts are usually caught and severely punished.

3. The 120 or so POW's in GITMO are known terrorists and Obama intends to free them. The media isn't lying about them unless they are calling them good old boys. They are labeled by the US military that captured and imprisoned them 'the worst of the worst.'
1. POTUS is the acronym for President Of The United States.

2. Why would anyone attack Christianity when the two you mention, McVeigh and Nichols, were not Christians. Christians that commit terrorist acts are usually caught and severely punished.

3. The 120 or so POW's in GITMO are known terrorists and Obama intends to free them. The media isn't lying about them unless they are calling them good old boys. They are labeled by the US military that captured and imprisoned them 'the worst of the worst.'

1. The President does not single-handedly run America; THE AMERICAN GOV'T which represents (like it or not) THE AMERICAN PEOPLE formed the Patriot Act after 9/11 but there was no such Act after the atrocities of the 4/19 bombing.

2. I hear nothing in this forum about the people referred to in the following link & THEIR CLAIMS TO BE CHRISTIAN GROUPS: Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia .

3. I already heard the claim, but logically one has to ask, why would known terrorists be freed? Why then don't they go ahead and free Zacharias Moussoui? DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
You don't read much, do you?

LOL well the thread really isn't about me but I am very particular about my sources...anyway, back to the questions (WHICH YOU DID NOT ANSWER for some reason; please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me:)

1. Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11?
2. Why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?
3. Why would "known terrorists" be freed?


what in your deranged mind are "the things associated with
the "4/19 bombers"----- ??
#1 Bill Clinton was POTUS
#2 there's not. There actually seems to be more media hype when an event seems to be tied to Right Wing extremists, efforts to blame the death of Ambassadors on cartoons and general coddling of Muslims right down to blindly obeying obama administration's redefinition of terrorism.
#3 Again, you don't read much, do you?

1. Who/What do you mean by "POTUS?"
2. NO ONE ON THIS FORUM ATTACKS THE FOLLOWING GROUPS & CHRISTIANITY LIKE THEY ATTACK "ISIS" & ISLAM: Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia .
3. And again, please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me; Why would "known terrorists" be freed? If that is what the American media is stating, THE AMERICAN MEDIA DOES LIE.
#1 You are ignorant. Google "POTUS".
#2 BULLSHIT Follow PantMyHouse and his host of fellow militant atheists.
#3 If you won't read and educate yourself, that's on you. It is not my job to make you an informed voter.

But WTF! Since you are apparently incapable of using a search engine for any purpose other than gathering Liberal talking points, I'll get you started.

Lists of former Guantanamo Bay detainees alleged to have returned to terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
1. POTUS is the acronym for President Of The United States.

2. Why would anyone attack Christianity when the two you mention, McVeigh and Nichols, were not Christians. Christians that commit terrorist acts are usually caught and severely punished.

3. The 120 or so POW's in GITMO are known terrorists and Obama intends to free them. The media isn't lying about them unless they are calling them good old boys. They are labeled by the US military that captured and imprisoned them 'the worst of the worst.'

1. The President does not single-handedly run America; THE AMERICAN GOV'T which represents (like it or not) THE AMERICAN PEOPLE formed the Patriot Act after 9/11 but there was no such Act after the atrocities of the 4/19 bombing.

2. I hear nothing in this forum about the people referred to in the following link & THEIR CLAIMS TO BE CHRISTIAN GROUPS: Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia .

3. I already heard the claim, but logically one has to ask, why would known terrorists be freed? Why then don't they go ahead and free Zacharias Moussoui? DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
#3 Of course it doesn't make any sense, but YOUR Dear Leader rarely does.
You don't read much, do you?

LOL well the thread really isn't about me but I am very particular about my sources...anyway, back to the questions (WHICH YOU DID NOT ANSWER for some reason; please do enlighten me with the truth instead of just personally attacking me:)

1. Why wasn't there a new system established in America (like with the Patriot Act) after 4/19/95 but there was after 9/11?
2. Why does there seem to be an American media attack on those things associated with the 9/11 bombers (namely Islam) and not on the things associated with the 4/19 bombers?
3. Why would "known terrorists" be freed?

9/11 and the Patriot Act was a designed cause and effect. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were authentic attacks on the U.S.

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