why is Romney better?

please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?
He says he doesn't. Many claim he does in an attempt to help justify the "Paul is a lunatic" lie spread by liberal republicans and democrats.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhQ8xi312l8]RON PAUL SLAPS DOWN 911 TRUTHER QUESTION DURING S.C DEBATE - YouTube[/ame]
Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?
He says he doesn't. Many claim he does in an attempt to help justify the "Paul is a lunatic" lie spread by liberal republicans and democrats.

Thanks. I didn't think so but wasn't sure. I would still never vote for him because of some of his views but I would vote for him before Romney.
You're a nutjob. :cuckoo:

please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.
I think you need to work that out for yourself.

Personally, I support Romney because he's run a very successful business. He understands what our economy needs to start growing again. He's run a state, he knows how to balance a budget, he knows how to work with both sides in order to provide the best solutions for the country. He understands and values the Constitution. He believes in the values that made us the most successful nation on earth. And he's a decent individual.

Ron Paul has some good ideas... unfortunately he is dangerously naive when it comes to international relations and foreign policy.

What she said.

Blah,Blah,Blah.. Vote for Romney he's on the ballot.. Ron Paul can't win.. he's Fucking Crazy.. Blah, Blah, Blah. :eusa_liar:

Ron Paul isn't crazy but many of his supporters are.
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?

Many of his supporters do.
Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?

Many of his supporters do.

Libertarian ideals are particularly appealing to minorities, especially people who are marginalized because they hold unpopular beliefs. It's true that often those beliefs are unpopular for good reason (truthers, racists, militia-types, etc...), but real freedom protects our right to think and say unpopular things.

In any case, it's fairly silly to suggest that weird people who may support a candidate indicate anything significant about the candidate. Shall we dig up some fringe weirdos that support Obama and Romney? I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard.
Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?
He says he doesn't. Many claim he does in an attempt to help justify the "Paul is a lunatic" lie spread by liberal republicans and democrats.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhQ8xi312l8]RON PAUL SLAPS DOWN 911 TRUTHER QUESTION DURING S.C DEBATE - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah like he said PUBLICLY,he will say he doesnt believe it.But he knows what really went down.He doesnt want to come out and say it though because some of his supporters are in denial and he doesnt want to lose their support by coming out and saying what he knows.

He obviously knows it was,before he started running for the office in the last election before this one before Obama got elected,he was on Alex Jones show and he said on his show a few times that he did not believe we were being told the truth about 9/11.Even though he did not come out and say it was an inside job on his show,he said there needs to be a new investigation.So that tells you something.
Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?

Many of his supporters do.

Libertarian ideals are particularly appealing to minorities, especially people who are marginalized because they hold unpopular beliefs. It's true that often those beliefs are unpopular for good reason (truthers, racists, militia-types, etc...), but real freedom protects our right to think and say unpopular things.

In any case, it's fairly silly to suggest that weird people who may support a candidate indicate anything significant about the candidate. Shall we dig up some fringe weirdos that support Obama and Romney? I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard.

exactly.well said.good point.:clap2:
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Only a moron who is unhappy with Obama would vote for Romney.They are just voting for a white Obama if they do so.There isnt one reason on earth why he is better than Paul. If they vote for Romney,nothing will change.

Like Obama,he also has ties to terrorists,like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and will also be the newest willing puppet for the establishment serving them instead of us.same with Gingrich.

Like Obama,he will also spit on the constitution.Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who believes in the constituiton and the government serving the people instead of us serving them like we do now.NOTHING will change if Romney gets in.Idiot sheeps like Pale Retard who has a sig saying anyone but Obama,just dont get that.Idiots like him who will vote for Romney is why america will continue going down the toilet it has gone down.

Idiot sheep like Pale have been brainwashed into thinking that they should vote for the lesser evil of the two and they are thinking Romney is the one they should vote for and thats why nothing ever changes because by voting for the lesser evil of the two,you are still voting for evil to remain in the office.Paul is the only candidate not evil.

Does Ron Paul believe 9/11 was an inside job?

good question..
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Romney is not better than Ron Paul. Out of all the candidate it seems that only Ron Paul puts the United States first. Unless RP runs third party, I doubt we will even get a chance to vote for him.
So you are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils. That gives Romney the edge.
He may turn out to be a more fiscal conservative but he still clings to those RINO ideas of spreading peace by way of war. Remember he disagreed with removing the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Romney has a good background on financial matters and he's had the experience and success's. I would much rather have had Allen West, but if it is Romney, he will get my vote. We need a change and its crucial for all of us. Unfortunately those registered as democrats just vote party line, or follow the democrat thinking and it clouds their thinking ability or insight and they don't even realize it. They need to stop and think outside the box. We need everyone voting Obama out, including the ones who voted for him in the first place. It is the voter that has caused this damage Obama has done, by putting a man like Obama in office.
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Romney is not better than Ron Paul. Out of all the candidate it seems that only Ron Paul puts the United States first. Unless RP runs third party, I doubt we will even get a chance to vote for him.
So you are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils. That gives Romney the edge.
He may turn out to be a more fiscal conservative but he still clings to those RINO ideas of spreading peace by way of war. Remember he disagreed with removing the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the lesser of two evils is still evil.

^ the lesser of two evils is STILL EVIL! Fucking Aye RIGHT!
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Romney is not better than Ron Paul. Out of all the candidate it seems that only Ron Paul puts the United States first. Unless RP runs third party, I doubt we will even get a chance to vote for him.
So you are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils. That gives Romney the edge.
He may turn out to be a more fiscal conservative but he still clings to those RINO ideas of spreading peace by way of war. Remember he disagreed with removing the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign WebsiteRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee :cool:
please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Romney is not better than Ron Paul. Out of all the candidate it seems that only Ron Paul puts the United States first. Unless RP runs third party, I doubt we will even get a chance to vote for him.
So you are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils. That gives Romney the edge.
He may turn out to be a more fiscal conservative but he still clings to those RINO ideas of spreading peace by way of war. Remember he disagreed with removing the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign WebsiteRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee :cool:

^ the video at the top of Paul's home page of him debating that Krugman guy is good.

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