Why is the FBI so slow on Clinton e-mail probe?

The Obama Justice Department is going to hold this over her head for awhile because the Golden Negro hates the Clintons. However, Barry knows that Hillary is the Dem's only shot at holding on to the presidency.

Eventually, the DOJ is going to say that there were rules broken but nothing justifying criminal prosecution. Hillary will then spin it to create the appearance that "those nasty Republicans came after me on these frivolous charges and that even after a thorough FBI investigation there is still nothing there. In other words, if there was something there then it would have been uncovered; therefore, there was NEVER anything there. The Republicans are all liars and Hillary is as trustworthy as Jesus Christ.

Mark my words, the bitch will not be prosecuted (DOJ will concede that rules and protocol were violated but nothing criminal took place) and then the bitch is going to affirmatively use the non-prosecution as a weapon in the campaign. This is exactly what happened with Hillary's second appearance before the committee on Benghazi (which I always asserted would be a mistake politically for a Republicans). The scary thing is that this campaigning tool - painting Hillary as the "triumphant survivor" will probably work. If the country can elect Obama not once but twice, then anything is possible.
Hmmm, why would an partisan investigation during an election season take so long? :wink:

Partisan? You mean you know that because a Democrat would never have investigated a Democrat in the first place?

Lotta Question marks and no answers

I asked you how you know the investigation is "partisan," and no, you haven't answered

Yeah, I dont do stupid questions tho

How you know the investigation is "partisan" is a stupid question? Why is that? Seriously, how do you know it's partisan? Simple question, stop being a klown and man up to it
Hmmm, why would an partisan investigation during an election season take so long? :wink:

Partisan? You mean you know that because a Democrat would never have investigated a Democrat in the first place?

Lotta Question marks and no answers

I asked you how you know the investigation is "partisan," and no, you haven't answered

Yeah, I dont do stupid questions tho

How you know the investigation is "partisan" is a stupid question? Why is that? Seriously, how do you know it's partisan? Simple question, stop being a klown and man up to it

he knows its partisan because Hillary and MSNBC told him it was. Liberals are not capable of thinking for themselves.
Partisan? You mean you know that because a Democrat would never have investigated a Democrat in the first place?

Lotta Question marks and no answers

I asked you how you know the investigation is "partisan," and no, you haven't answered

Yeah, I dont do stupid questions tho

How you know the investigation is "partisan" is a stupid question? Why is that? Seriously, how do you know it's partisan? Simple question, stop being a klown and man up to it

he knows its partisan because Hillary and MSNBC told him it was. Liberals are not capable of thinking for themselves.

It's partisan to investigate any Democrat, you'd never find a Democrat doing that
Liberals are not capable of thinking for themselves.

to all libertards.., "thinking" is a dirty word only to be uttered in sleazy places, the white house comes to mind. :up:

Oh, they love the word. They parrot that's what they are doing when they blindly support every Democrat position and repeat their talking points, like that they think
The FBI has been known to conduct investigations for years on end. Their goal has always been to gather sufficient information to seek prosecution and conviction of those guilty of breaking federal laws.

I honestly believe there is no political theme behind this. They just want to learn the truth before they act.

However, the whole thing could've been done better if Congress had got off its duff and appointed an Independent Counsel.
Why is the FBI so slow on Clinton e-mail probe?

A lie is halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

The lack of factual information hasn't stopped you rubes from manufacturing bullshit. You've repeated this bullshit so often to yourselves, you have now convinced yourselves that any facts which come out of the investigation which contradict your bullshit means there is a conspiracy!

Your entire opening post confirms this attitude. You have pre-decided to disagree with whatever the FBI findings are if they don't agree with all the pulled-out-of-your-ass speculations you have made.
. You have pre-decided to disagree with whatever the FBI findings are if they don't agree with all the pulled-out-of-your-ass speculations you have made.
Uh-huh... and of course you're including all the mindless Democrat drones that insist the bitch is innocent (after all SHE SAID SHE'S INNOCENT! AND SHE NEVER EVER LIES!) and that the FBI is just on a partisan witch hunt (DEBBIE TOLD ME SO!). :cool:
Why is the FBI so slow on Clinton e-mail probe?

A lie is halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

The lack of factual information hasn't stopped you rubes from manufacturing bullshit. You've repeated this bullshit so often to yourselves, you have now convinced yourselves that any facts which come out of the investigation which contradict your bullshit means there is a conspiracy!

Your entire opening post confirms this attitude. You have pre-decided to disagree with whatever the FBI findings are if they don't agree with all the pulled-out-of-your-ass speculations you have made.

Were you not just a couple of days ago making the argument that Mrs. Clinton violated no laws because the "government" authorized her private server? Never did you produce anything that proved that was the case. Maybe it wasn't you who did but I am thinking that anything other than complete exoneration by the FBI will be received by you as being partisan.
. You have pre-decided to disagree with whatever the FBI findings are if they don't agree with all the pulled-out-of-your-ass speculations you have made.
Uh-huh... and of course you're including all the mindless Democrat drones that insist the bitch is innocent (after all SHE SAID SHE'S INNOCENT! AND SHE NEVER EVER LIES!) and that the FBI is just on a partisan witch hunt (DEBBIE TOLD ME SO!). :cool:

G5000 posts another "the truth is out there" without one fact being presented. Mulder would be happy.

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