Why Is The Latino Poverty Rate So High?

What best example? That the mixed economies Ayn decried are in fact the leading economies in the world and have thus rendered laissez faire an utterly debunked concept?

dear, lets be precise, conservative intellectuals know that America is the richest country in human history by far and it is the most mixed toward capitalism.

Dear, China just switched to capitalism and now everyone is getting rich whereas they had been starving to death under liberal brainpower that though it was superior to capitalism. Starving to death under liberal management is a bad thing- right??

As unicorns/the Easter Bunny/conservative intellectuals can tell ya, Ed, the PRC is not a capitalist country. Sorry to disappoint.

too stupid and again perfectly illiterate!! No country is pure capitalist
but China took a huge step toward capitalism in 1980 and now 20 million a year are buying cars, not starving to death very slowly under liberalism!! Got it now???

Why not read "Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics" to get
the basics down?????

Wen Jiaboa came here and said they worship capitalism and Adam Smith now. Krugman a liberal calls it capitalism. U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar
dear, lets be precise, conservative intellectuals know that America is the richest country in human history by far and it is the most mixed toward capitalism.

Dear, China just switched to capitalism and now everyone is getting rich whereas they had been starving to death under liberal brainpower that though it was superior to capitalism. Starving to death under liberal management is a bad thing- right??

As unicorns/the Easter Bunny/conservative intellectuals can tell ya, Ed, the PRC is not a capitalist country. Sorry to disappoint.

too stupid and again perfectly illiterate!! No country is pure capitalist
but China took a huge step toward capitalism in 1980 and now 20 million a year are buying cars, not starving to death very slowly under liberalism!! Got it now???

Why not read "Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics" to get
the basics down?????

Wen Jiaboa came here and said they worship capitalism and Adam Smith now. Krugman a liberal calls it capitalism. U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar

Then this: "China just switched to capitalism" is incorrect? And it indeed supports the notion that, contrary to Ayn's thoughts on it, mixed economies are the way to go?
As unicorns/the Easter Bunny/conservative intellectuals can tell ya, Ed, the PRC is not a capitalist country. Sorry to disappoint.

too stupid and again perfectly illiterate!! No country is pure capitalist
but China took a huge step toward capitalism in 1980 and now 20 million a year are buying cars, not starving to death very slowly under liberalism!! Got it now???

Why not read "Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics" to get
the basics down?????

Wen Jiaboa came here and said they worship capitalism and Adam Smith now. Krugman a liberal calls it capitalism. U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar

Then this: "China just switched to capitalism" is incorrect? And it indeed supports the notion that, contrary to Ayn's thoughts on it, mixed economies are the way to go?

too stupid!! All economies are mixed the question is, to what degree!!
too stupid and again perfectly illiterate!! No country is pure capitalist
but China took a huge step toward capitalism in 1980 and now 20 million a year are buying cars, not starving to death very slowly under liberalism!! Got it now???

Why not read "Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics" to get
the basics down?????

Wen Jiaboa came here and said they worship capitalism and Adam Smith now. Krugman a liberal calls it capitalism. U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar

Then this: "China just switched to capitalism" is incorrect? And it indeed supports the notion that, contrary to Ayn's thoughts on it, mixed economies are the way to go?

too stupid!! All economies are mixed the question is, to what degree!!

Okie doke. We got that nutty bitch Ayn Rand out of the way.

So indeed, since mixed is a given, thus all that matters is: to what degree? Subjective measures aside, that would be where most benefit, and see the greatest improvement. Thus large and well off middle classes would be the goal, and none seem to be doing better at that than those countries employing the Nordic Model.

Seems to me, then, it's best to emulate success, i.e. the Nordic Model.
Okie doke. We got that nutty bitch Ayn Rand out of the way.

why call her nutty if you lack the IQ to say why she is nutty?? Are you always 100% opposed to thinking???

So indeed, since mixed is a given, thus all that matters is: to what degree? Subjective measures aside, that would be where most benefit, and see the greatest improvement. Thus large and well off middle classes would be the goal, and none seem to be doing better at that than those countries employing the Nordic Model.

Seems to me, then, it's best to emulate success, i.e. the Nordic Model.

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.
Okie doke. We got that nutty bitch Ayn Rand out of the way.

why call her nutty if you lack the IQ to say why she is nutty?? Are you always 100% opposed to thinking???

So indeed, since mixed is a given, thus all that matters is: to what degree? Subjective measures aside, that would be where most benefit, and see the greatest improvement. Thus large and well off middle classes would be the goal, and none seem to be doing better at that than those countries employing the Nordic Model.

Seems to me, then, it's best to emulate success, i.e. the Nordic Model.

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Since once again it's not an IQ thing but merely having information. Here's how I got there: I read Fountainhead and loved it; who wouldn't? Roark is a character you cheer for throughout. Talent kicking privileged's butt, in a perfect Hollywood ending. Can't wait to see what Ayn wrote next.

Then OMG! What a piece of shit. Gratuitous PRs of this and that. Under-developed characters, and a totally nutty one, whose liittle retreat in the CO mountains for the nation's industrialists was a goddamn commune! What the fuck?

So, who's John Galt? Believe me, you don't wanna know. What a waste of paper and ink.
Okie doke. We got that nutty bitch Ayn Rand out of the way.

why call her nutty if you lack the IQ to say why she is nutty?? Are you always 100% opposed to thinking???

So indeed, since mixed is a given, thus all that matters is: to what degree? Subjective measures aside, that would be where most benefit, and see the greatest improvement. Thus large and well off middle classes would be the goal, and none seem to be doing better at that than those countries employing the Nordic Model.

Seems to me, then, it's best to emulate success, i.e. the Nordic Model.

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Correct; just some countries within it. Ergo, the "Nordic" Model. I thought even you woulda picked up on that, since it's in the name and shit.

Just sayin'
Okie doke. We got that nutty bitch Ayn Rand out of the way.

why call her nutty if you lack the IQ to say why she is nutty?? Are you always 100% opposed to thinking???

So indeed, since mixed is a given, thus all that matters is: to what degree? Subjective measures aside, that would be where most benefit, and see the greatest improvement. Thus large and well off middle classes would be the goal, and none seem to be doing better at that than those countries employing the Nordic Model.

Seems to me, then, it's best to emulate success, i.e. the Nordic Model.

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Since once again it's not an IQ thing but merely having information. Here's how I got there: I read Fountainhead and loved it; who wouldn't? Roark is a character you cheer for throughout. Talent kicking privileged's butt, in a perfect Hollywood ending. Can't wait to see what Ayn wrote next.

Then OMG! What a piece of shit. Gratuitous PRs of this and that. Under-developed characters, and a totally nutty one, whose liittle retreat in the CO mountains for the nation's industrialists was a goddamn commune! What the fuck?

So, who's John Galt? Believe me, you don't wanna know. What a waste of paper and ink.

typical libturd trying to change the subject and hoping no one will notice. You got a reading list yesterday. Why not use it and come back when you can contribute??

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.
why call her nutty if you lack the IQ to say why she is nutty?? Are you always 100% opposed to thinking???

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Since once again it's not an IQ thing but merely having information. Here's how I got there: I read Fountainhead and loved it; who wouldn't? Roark is a character you cheer for throughout. Talent kicking privileged's butt, in a perfect Hollywood ending. Can't wait to see what Ayn wrote next.

Then OMG! What a piece of shit. Gratuitous PRs of this and that. Under-developed characters, and a totally nutty one, whose liittle retreat in the CO mountains for the nation's industrialists was a goddamn commune! What the fuck?

So, who's John Galt? Believe me, you don't wanna know. What a waste of paper and ink.

typical libturd trying to change the subject and hoping no one will notice. You got a reading list yesterday. Why not use it and come back when you can contribute??

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Debating a nincumpoop is losing its novelty. I'm all in. Enjoy the bliss of ignorance. God how I envy you.
Since once again it's not an IQ thing but merely having information. Here's how I got there: I read Fountainhead and loved it; who wouldn't? Roark is a character you cheer for throughout. Talent kicking privileged's butt, in a perfect Hollywood ending. Can't wait to see what Ayn wrote next.

Then OMG! What a piece of shit. Gratuitous PRs of this and that. Under-developed characters, and a totally nutty one, whose liittle retreat in the CO mountains for the nation's industrialists was a goddamn commune! What the fuck?

So, who's John Galt? Believe me, you don't wanna know. What a waste of paper and ink.

typical libturd trying to change the subject and hoping no one will notice. You got a reading list yesterday. Why not use it and come back when you can contribute??

too stupid!!! Even Europe doesn't emulate the Nordic model despite being closely linked by DNA, distance, and philosophy!! So we're sure not going too.

Debating a nincumpoop is losing its novelty. I'm all in. Enjoy the bliss of ignorance. God how I envy you.

reduced to more personal attack becuase as typical liberal you lack IQ for substance. Show some character. Do you want to be a liberal all your life???
Rachel Sheffield poses this interesting question @ Why Is The Latino Poverty Rate So High?
It has been reported recently that the poverty rate among Latinos has reached 28 percent.
The number, based on a new poverty measure by the Obama Administration, should be interpreted with caution, as explained here and here. However, the overall point that more American Latino families, and Americans in general, are struggling to achieve self-sufficiency is troubling.

I personally know where households exist on five or six members all working at minimum wage just to get by.

Sounds good to me....I don't have a problem with this at all...

They turned out in big numbers for Obama...
I could give a rats ass about their issues.
Let the Democrat party take care of them....
the same reason other Americans are having a shitty time.

Bush and the republicans crashed the world economy.

So you are saying he had help from the Democrat party....
Last time I checked Bush was President and not Emperor or King.
The Democrat party is equally to blame...Were they all in exile in the Phanthom zone
and not present in the Senate and Congress.
Please,people are not buying this any more...

This is getting tiring.
Obama will have 8 years and maybe the Democrats get the WH for another 8 after that.

And we will be 30 trillion in debt and it will still be Bush's fault...

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