Why Is Trump At War With Everyone...Except Russia?

I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
Damn that Trump. Why doesn't he just tell everyone our intelligence agencies and news media would never lie to anyone. We should just take their word for it. When is Trump going to get with the program?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
Here's a clue for you.

So you're a fan of the Young Turks eh?

Is there some part of the content you'd like to dispute?
My question to you was a yes or no question. So what is it, yes. Or no?

So was mine. You first.
Frankly, given the bullshit I found in our intelligence communities two reports of Russian hacking evidence (from my personal, first hand knowledge) and now this golden shower leak bullshit, I'm voting for a war with them. Clearly there's some house cleaning to be done.

The press is shit, has been shit, and I've been seriously wanting them to get slapped around for being shit for a long time (see my sig)

And I think both the Rs and Ds are corrupt fucks so I'm good there too.

Like I said, I'm loving Trump so far.
Russia doesn't hate America as much as democrats do. They have had 8 years to replace Americans with democrats. They have packed the media and intelligence agencies with operatives. Trump is applying some disinfectant.

There's an easy exercise to do to really understand how wacked out people like the above poster are.

Just imagine that the Russians had meddled in our election for the purpose of getting Hillary Clinton elected.

Imagine then what they'd be posting. Not a single fucking one of them would be holding the same opinions they're tossing around now.

That's how fucked up these jackwads are.
If Russia meddled to get Hillary elected they would be no better than democrats.
No, that would mean they had taken action against America and our democracy.

There is no justification for an assault on America by a foreign nation being considered in partisan terms.

Is trolling your main leisure activity, or do you have any other hobbies?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

His next wife is Russian?
He isn't at war with the people that elected him. The press and the intelligence community have shown themselves to be pawns of the Democratic Party. It was the intelligence community that leaked the fake report to the news media that Trump totally destroyed today.

Isn't he?

Well there are the far right racists and anti-Semites. Well, he's going to support Israel, that'll turn them against him.
Then there are those that want Hillary locked up. Well he isn't going to do that.
Then there are those who want the wall, which might end up being a fence, which already exists now.

I think a lot of Trump supporters might end up hating him. Though, I do have my doubts, people who decide to follow something often blindly follow and ignore the problems.
All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?
Barry Obama told republicans "we won the election and it's my way or the highway" but the left never used the word "war". Why would the radical left use the word "war" to describe the agenda of an incoming republican administration? Trump hired a Obama appointee to a Veterans Affairs position and all the democrat party ever did when they won the election was to "blame Bush" for their own incompetence. If the "intelligence community" can't keep a freaking secret and they are so negligent that they make excuses for terrorist attacks and they whine about foreign based hacking then it seems that the president elect will be doing a favor to both democrats and republicans alike when he fires every freaking incompetent bureaucrat in the FBI and the CIA.
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Barry Obama told republicans "we won the election and it's my way or the highway" but the left never used the word "war". Why would the radical left use the word "war" to describe the agenda of an incoming republican administration? Trump hired a Obama appointee to a Veterans Affairs position. If the "intelligence community" can't keep a freaking secret and they are negligent in U.S. security and they whine that they can't freaking stop foreign based hacking then it seems that the president elect needs to fire every freaking incompetent bureaucrat in the FBI and the CIA as well as the rest of the competing alphabet bureaucracies.

The report that was leaked was in private hands before it was in the intelligence communities hands... it was getting out regardless.
All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?
All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.
Barry Obama told republicans "we won the election and it's my way or the highway" but the left never used the word "war". Why would the radical left use the word "war" to describe the agenda of an incoming republican administration? Trump hired a Obama appointee to a Veterans Affairs position and all the democrat party ever did is "blame Bush". If the "intelligence community" can't keep a freaking secret and they are negligent in U.S. security and they whine that they can't freaking stop foreign based hacking then it seems that the president elect needs to fire every freaking incompetent bureaucrat in the FBI and the CIA as well as the rest of the competing alphabet bureaucracies.
I thought you rightwing extremists all vowed that "all Obama Administration people" were in the tank for Obama...what happened, forgot to coordinate your talking-points huh?

All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.

I've got no love for Russia nor do I have any for our intelligence that repeatedly lies to us and has us in perpetual never ending wars. You keep enjoying that.
Trump is at war with the establishment, he made that clear during the campaign and we hired him to kick the crap out of the establishment and their MSM fake news hacks. Great to see he's getting a head start on the job before being sworn in. Go Trump :eusa_clap:
All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.

I've got no love for Russia nor do I have any for our intelligence that repeatedly lies to us and has us in perpetual never ending wars. You keep enjoying that.

We need our intelligence agencies... what you don't always hear about is how many lives they save from terrorist plots you don't know ever existed. They are the type of unsung heroes that are only brought into the spot light when the shit hits the fan. And you are feeding off that bull shit.
All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.

I've got no love for Russia nor do I have any for our intelligence that repeatedly lies to us and has us in perpetual never ending wars. You keep enjoying that.

We need our intelligence agencies... what you don't always hear about is how many lives they save from terrorist plots you don't know ever existed. They are the type of unsung heroes that are only brought into the spot light when the shit hits the fan. And you are feeding off that bull shit.
So called liberals are all suddenly in love with the intelligence apparatus. Ain't love grand.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

Only the swamp dwellers and/or those affected by swamp gas feel that way.

All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.

I've got no love for Russia nor do I have any for our intelligence that repeatedly lies to us and has us in perpetual never ending wars. You keep enjoying that.

We need our intelligence agencies... what you don't always hear about is how many lives they save from terrorist plots you don't know ever existed. They are the type of unsung heroes that are only brought into the spot light when the shit hits the fan. And you are feeding off that bull shit.

Speak for yourself

Only the PARASITES need a bureaucrat's finger up their nostrils

All the Russia love in this thread is AMAZING. When has Russia EVER done anything to benefit the U.S.? They just hacked the DNC and undertook an operation to undermine our Presidential elections... and you want to give Putin a reach around. WTF is wrong with you people?

Hardly, O has been itching to instigate and escalate a war with Russia for over two years now. What the hell is wrong with people who trust our Intel anymore?

It doesn't even take our intelligence agencies input in order to know Russia does not have the best interest of the U.S. in its mind... but you keep thinking that.

I've got no love for Russia nor do I have any for our intelligence that repeatedly lies to us and has us in perpetual never ending wars. You keep enjoying that.

We need our intelligence agencies... what you don't always hear about is how many lives they save from terrorist plots you don't know ever existed. They are the type of unsung heroes that are only brought into the spot light when the shit hits the fan. And you are feeding off that bull shit.

I agree. We do need them. Just not at the corrupt/micomplex/never ending wars that we have been seeing the last 50 years....especially the last 20 years.

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