Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Link or Lie....

You don't know that? Seriously?

And you're demanding a link? Seriously?:9:

Searching for a lunatic web site to try and prove your point?

It was Redfish, stupid bitch. Read your own quote
Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Link or Lie....

You don't know that? Seriously?

And you're demanding a link? Seriously?:9:


You're waiting for me to prove to you what Redfish posted and everyone knows. And you're impatiently waiting while I'm not on the site and wasn't responding to anything.

You're mental, dude
Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Link or Lie....

You don't know that? Seriously?

And you're demanding a link? Seriously?:9:

Time is up Liar....you go on Ignore as a Certified Liar....

I didn't prove what Redfish posted and everyone knows while I wasn't on the site posting. I'd say you're a genius, but wow, you're not ...
And what self-loathing a woman is Melania that she knows about this orange piece of shit sleeping with hookers the whole time she's been 'married' to him and does nothing. She herself is bought and paid for. All of these people including Little Donald and Melania are soulless. There is nothing inside them, they are empty shells.
And what self-loathing a woman is Melania that she knows about this orange piece of shit sleeping with hookers the whole time she's been 'married' to him and does nothing. She herself is bought and paid for. All of these people including Little Donald and Melania are soulless. There is nothing inside them, they are empty shells.

Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say, judging by the bitterness in your posts, that you didn't vote for Trump.
And what self-loathing a woman is Melania that she knows about this orange piece of shit sleeping with hookers the whole time she's been 'married' to him and does nothing. She herself is bought and paid for. All of these people including Little Donald and Melania are soulless. There is nothing inside them, they are empty shells.

Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say, judging by the bitterness in your posts, that you didn't vote for Trump.

Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?
You’re still lying. Clinton wasn’t “off the hook.” Jones filed an appeal. It was only going to drag on and his looming impeachment was heating up. Plus he was vindicated with the last judgement where Jones’ case was dismissed due to lack of merit. And again, while the settlement was large, much of it was paid with other peoples’ money. It didn’t cost Clinton as much as the settlement.
Remind me again.....how many businesses did he Bankrupt?

Business is hard. The average successful entrepreneur failed four times before succeeding. You've failed starting a business never only because you never tried. Trump is a billionaire. You're the failure

Nope never been bankrupt....like the orange clown. He is now set his sites on brings the US down. He has even proposed a cabinet meeting with his Moscow associate sometime in the near future.

He will invite a murdering thug into the White House and you are fine with it.....

That's what I said. You never took a company bankrupt because you never tried. Not trying doesn't make you a success.

I'll take Trump's strategy of four business bankruptcies then become a billionaire over you not even earning a participation trophy any day of the week.

Then again you're the guy who votes for rapists, over and over ...

I didn't vote for Clinton when he ran the first time. I voted for GHW Bush. He was an honorable man. trump is a slug...

Bull shit. You're a left wing commie pinko. You never voted for a Republican in your life.

And saying you voted for slick once, the second time, isn't a defense anyway for that you're a cretin who votes for rapists and people like Hillary who re-victimize rape victims
Kaz =

Too bad for your senility Clinton never raped anyone. The one woman who said he did, swore he didn’t. This is merely you, kazzing again.

please give us a cite where Juanita Broderick said she was not raped by Clinton.
This is new to ya, gramps?

Affidavit of Jane Doe #5

that's not what she says now, why hasn't Clinton charged her with perjury?
That’s what she swore to.

so why no perjury charge from Clinton? "ah did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss Lewinsky" Sure, bubba, sure, a BJ in the oval office and your semen on her dress is not sexual relations.

That was 20 years ago and you still can’t stop talking about it. You should thank Clinton, he’s given you something to live for, for decades.
We don’t have open borders. You’re lying again. We already have much of the border blocked with walls, fences, patrolled border crossings and patrolled non-border crossings.

we don't have secure borders either. A wall in the most insecure areas makes sense. We spend billions every year on people here illegally-------a lot more than a wall or better security would cost.

Let me rephrase the question: why don't you libs want better border security?

I know the answer, I am just curious if any of you is honest enough to admit it.
How many people successfully snuck in across the southern border last year...?

one is too many. what exactly is your objection to a wall in the most vulnerable sections of our border?
Then there is no point in wasting money on the Wall because at least one will still sneak in.

again you dodged the question: why do you want to allow illegal entry into our country? why do you not want our borders secure?

I know the reason, this is a test to see if you will be honest and admit it.
Who says our borders aren’t already secure? AI didn’t answer you because you didn’t answer mine — how many people are crossing in through our southern border and getting past security? Without knowing that, I can’t answer your question.
Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?
You’re still lying. Clinton wasn’t “off the hook.” Jones filed an appeal. It was only going to drag on and his looming impeachment was heating up. Plus he was vindicated with the last judgement where Jones’ case was dismissed due to lack of merit. And again, while the settlement was large, much of it was paid with other peoples’ money. It didn’t cost Clinton as much as the settlement.

So he was not innocent and worry free and had good reason to have his handlers pay her off, because she could cause him a lot of trouble. And again, we're all excited because Trump isn't saying much about this?

Seems useless to me.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.

No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?
You’re still lying. Clinton wasn’t “off the hook.” Jones filed an appeal. It was only going to drag on and his looming impeachment was heating up. Plus he was vindicated with the last judgement where Jones’ case was dismissed due to lack of merit. And again, while the settlement was large, much of it was paid with other peoples’ money. It didn’t cost Clinton as much as the settlement.

So he was not innocent and worry free and had good reason to have his handlers pay her off, because she could cause him a lot of trouble. And again, we're all excited because Trump isn't saying much about this?

Seems useless to me.
Her case was thrown out due to lack of merit. How does that make him, "not innocent?" :confused:
This is new to ya, gramps?

Affidavit of Jane Doe #5

Of course even facts won't stop the nutcases. Just like their uranium claims....even when proven false they will keep repeating them. I wonder if they get their pointers from Russian trolls?

then tell us exactly why Russian interests put 145 million into the Clinton foundation and why bubba was paid 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.
You’re lying again — Clinton did not sign off on it.
No reason to settle after that happens.
Why lie?

Of course there was reason. She appealed and his looming impeachment, a more pressing issue, was heating up. He already got her case dismissed due to lack of merit, so he paid her off, in large part with other peoples’ money, to just go away.

So, an innocent man, already off the hook legally, pays a woman he did not harass a LOT of money to just go away and be quiet.

And we're all excited because Trump isn't commenting on this issue?
You’re still lying. Clinton wasn’t “off the hook.” Jones filed an appeal. It was only going to drag on and his looming impeachment was heating up. Plus he was vindicated with the last judgement where Jones’ case was dismissed due to lack of merit. And again, while the settlement was large, much of it was paid with other peoples’ money. It didn’t cost Clinton as much as the settlement.

So he was not innocent and worry free and had good reason to have his handlers pay her off, because she could cause him a lot of trouble. And again, we're all excited because Trump isn't saying much about this?

Seems useless to me.
Her case was thrown out due to lack of merit. How does that make him, "not innocent?" :confused:

It seems like a lot of money for his handlers to pay if he was innocent and her case had already been thrown out once before.

But regardless, it seems rather pointless to get all excited because Trump isn't saying much about this issue.
You're rewriting history. It was the worst recession recovery since the Great Depression. The problem is that Obama's plan to get us out of the recession was the exact same thing that W did which got us into the recession
And nowhere did you mention it was the WORST recession that Obama got us out of

That was under W and Obama. But how does a worse recession mean that Obama can't recover from it? It should have been easier to get good recovery numbers, not harder
Do you remember what McConnell said about Obama In essence,,,,anything he wants we vote or fillabuster against Not only a recession to recover from but republicans that proved it's always party first and F the country

the objection was to Obama's left wing agenda, not him personally. Whereas the dems obstruction of Trump is against him personally because they know that his policies will work if allowed to pass.
Red on a personality scale of 1 to 10 he'd fail miserably Ask those 40 or 50 no longer with him Only the best ? Clean the swamp??

yes, if you work for Trump and do not do your job, you are out. Kinda how a business should operate, yes, clean the swamp and remove the deadwood.
Of course even facts won't stop the nutcases. Just like their uranium claims....even when proven false they will keep repeating them. I wonder if they get their pointers from Russian trolls?

then tell us exactly why Russian interests put 145 million into the Clinton foundation and why bubba was paid 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Link or Lie....

from the wash post:

We will tear down Trumps wall as soon as he is gone

please tell us, in sane English, why you want open borders.
We had them before

Mexicans would cross the border, work, then return home

Once we started building walls, they just stayed

so Mexicans taking American jobs is a good thing? exactly why?
They have done these jobs for generations

But cheer up. With Trump destroying NAFTA, there will be more incentive to cross the border

neither sentence is true. but continue the lies if it makes you feel good.

BTW, crooked Hillary LOST.

What does that have to do with anything?
Of course even facts won't stop the nutcases. Just like their uranium claims....even when proven false they will keep repeating them. I wonder if they get their pointers from Russian trolls?

then tell us exactly why Russian interests put 145 million into the Clinton foundation and why bubba was paid 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.

Even more than that, the guy is continously shrieking that Russia is trying to topple our elections, now yet again he flipped to that Russia is no threat and we can sell them 20% of our uranium.

Jim would have cut in line in Jonestown to get his kool-aid first
Nobody sold Russia our uranium

the deal was signed off by Hillary Clinton as SecState, and the great obozo, then POTUS.

then the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests and bubba got 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow.
You’re lying again — Clinton did not sign off on it.


I know this is very hard for you, but you need to start dealing with the truth about the corrupt Clintons.

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