Why JD Vance?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I watched Hill Billy Elegy, which is the life story of JD Vance. It then hit me, he is already someone of a cultural icon, just like Trump himself.

Politics is all about selling yourself and a myriad of ways to do it, but without charisma and notoriety, you better have a ton of cash and the media behind you. Having a ton of cash and the media behind you is often how the Left sells us their politician, in combination of promoting the cult of party, which is selling the notion that everyone is Hitler but them and only they are free from racism and bigotry, etc.

Being a Republican, you don't have the media behind you and will probably not have the loads of cash the DNC normally has to push across candidates like Kamala Harris who neither has charisma or any notoriety outside of politics. So, as a Republican, you better have charisma and/or notoriety, both of which JD has. And like it or not, Trump has charisma, even though he can be abrasive and unlikeable, he also had notoriety combined with the charisma. Because of this notoriety Trump had coming into politics, it is simply harder to sell the notion that a money man like Trump is actually turned into a racist KKK member overnight when he decided to make the fateful decision to enter the dirty world of politics. Trump even dated a black woman for two years and at one point asked Oprah to be his VP bfore entering the world of politics. Again, when Trump asked Oprah to be his VP, it was with the knowledge he knew politics was entertainment. He wanted to sell his brand. Likewise, it will be harder to sell JD to the American public as a racist KKK member himself, especially that he married a wife that is a "darky". But you know they will still try, because they always do. It is all they know really. It is who they have become.

But back to Harris, even with a ton of cash and the media behind you like Harris, you are left with forced public appearances and debates where the truth gets harder and harder to warp into the propaganda talking points you wish to use to sell the candidate, much like continuing to sell Joe Biden as he publicly can't link two words together to complete a sentence.

I think this is the main reason Trump disdains politicians like DeSantis. He simply lacks the charisma and notoriety needed to win as President.

Sadly, what is needed to win elections is not what is needed to judge the best people to get elected, but that is life. At the same time, just because they may be entertainers also does not mean they are not the best people for the job either. All you can do is hope you get lucky as they end up being one of the best people for the job.
I wonder if all the DNC Lefties in Hollywood are kicking themselves for making the movie Hill Billy Elegy.

After all, they made JD appear human and likeable in the movie, but now will have to try and convince us he is Hitler Jr.

I watched Hill Billy Elegy, which is the life story of JD Vance. It then hit me, he is already someone of a cultural icon, just like Trump himself.

Politics is all about selling yourself and a myriad of ways to do it, but without charisma and notoriety, you better have a ton of cash and the media behind you. Having a ton of cash and the media behind you is often how the Left sells us their politician, in combination of promoting the cult of party, which is selling the notion that everyone is Hitler but them and only they are free from racism and bigotry, etc.

Being a Republican, you don't have the media behind you and will probably not have the loads of cash the DNC normally has to push across candidates like Kamala Harris who neither has charisma or any notoriety outside of politics. So, as a Republican, you better have charisma and/or notoriety, both of which JD has. And like it or not, Trump has charisma, even though he can be abrasive and unlikeable, he also had notoriety combined with the charisma. Because of this notoriety Trump had coming into politics, it is simply harder to sell the notion that a money man like Trump is actually turned into a racist KKK member overnight when he decided to make the fateful decision to enter the dirty world of politics. Trump even dated a black woman for two years and at one point asked Oprah to be his VP bfore entering the world of politics. Again, when Trump asked Oprah to be his VP, it was with the knowledge he knew politics was entertainment. He wanted to sell his brand. Likewise, it will be harder to sell JD to the American public as a racist KKK member himself, especially that he married a wife that is a "darky". But you know they will still try, because they always do.

But back to Harris, even with a ton of cash and the media behind you like Harris, you are left with forced public appearances and debates where the truth gets harder and harder to warp into the propaganda talking points you wish to use to sell the candidate.

I think this is the main reason Trump disdains politicians like DeSantis. He simply lacks the charisma and notoriety needed to win as President.

Sadly, what is needed to win elections is not what is needed to judge the best people to get elected, but that is life. At the same time, just because they may be entertainers also does not mean they are not the best people for the job either. All you can do is hope you get lucky as they end up being one of the best people for the job.
Vance was picked because of his MAGA views, his age, and because he can hold the base....maybe even get a few of those on the fence over.
Haley and Scott were seen as RINO's by the MAGA establishment.

This was a no brainer. And I hear it was all Jr's idea. :)
Vance was picked because of his MAGA views, his age, and because he can hold the base....maybe even get a few of those on the fence over.
Haley and Scott were seen as RINO's by the MAGA establishment.

This was a no brainer. And I hear it was all Jr's idea. :)
Going full MAGA is an indication of how confident Trump is of winning. He doesn't see a need to balance the ticket with, well, you know.
I blush to admit that I am a retiree living in a cocoon of people just like me. EVERY ONE OF THEM is thrilled at the selection of JDV.

In my mind, Vance was nominated because he is photogenic, articulate, Trump-Conservative, and he might help Trump to win Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Other picks might arguably have added to the base - for example Rubio for the Hispanic vote - but would not have energized Republicans generally. Nominating a marginally-qualified woman or Black would have been seen as pure pandering and not shifted the needle at all.

Me and my posse are salivating at the prospect of a Vance-Harris debate, if one should ever happen.

I believe that Vance could truly set a new standard for VP, involving himself in serious policy matters and paving the way for his own run in 2028. But let's win in 2024 for now.
In my mind, Vance was nominated because he is photogenic, articulate, Trump-Conservative, and he might help Trump to win Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
In reality he was picked because he said if trump had told him to unconstitutionally block Biden's certification by the use of the fake elector scheme he would have done it.

He's also said if a court should rule one of trump's policies is illegal the admin should ignore the court.

Plus he's a xenophobic isolationist, which doesn't hurt.
Vance is ambitious enough to do whatever he’s told to do for power.
And disingenuous enough to completely reverse his public opinion of trump because he knows he has no future in the party without a willingness to lick Don's scrotum on command.
And disingenuous enough to completely reverse his public opinion of trump because he knows he has no future in the party without a willingness to lick Don's scrotum on command.
The kind of guy that would break the law to mess with electoral votes if he wanted him to.
Going full MAGA is an indication of how confident Trump is of winning. He doesn't see a need to balance the ticket with, well, you know.
Balance the ticket? How about balancing the powers that be and get the Rhino's the hell out!? Why is it moderate to leave the border wide open with 300 Americans dying every day due to the drugs flowing across it? Why is it moderate to run up the biggest debt in human history? Hmm? Why is it moderate to fund wars all around the world, for both sides? Hmm?

This is another reason Trump chose JD. His mom was a victim of heroin.. Therefore, JD actually cares about the drug addicts as where the Left heartlessly turns their heads as they tell themselves, "Darwin done it". Meanwhile, China itself it making fentanyl to come across the border to murder more Americans.

I do fear for the life of JD, however. If he is successful in surviving the hateful demonizing rhetoric and court cases that will come his way and still get rank high in the polls despite it all like Trump, they will probably try to murder him like they did Trump.
Vance is ambitious enough to do whatever he’s told to do for power.
You mean like lie to the entire world that your candidate does not have dementia, even though he is a bumbling fool in debates?

That kind of ambition to hold onto power?
The kind of guy that would break the law to mess with electoral votes if he wanted him to.
Yes, that's what JD said he would do. Making him the ideal running mate for the twice impeached, 4 times indicted, once convicted, sexual abusing tax cheat.
Yes, that's what JD said he would do. Making him the ideal running mate for the twice impeached, 4 times indicted, once convicted, sexual abusing tax cheat.
Wow. Not even Hitler had such a rap sheet.

I bet you think Hitler was a better person. don't you.
You mean like lie to the entire world that your candidate does not have dementia, even though he is a bumbling fool in debates?

That kind of ambition to hold onto power?
Like refusing to comply with SCOTUS decisions you find inconvenient and lying to the entire country about fraud that doesn't actually exist to change the outcome of an election you lost.
Like refusing to comply with SCOTUS decisions you find inconvenient and lying to the entire country about fraud that doesn't actually exist to change the outcome of an election you lost.
I thought after joe Biden thumbed his nose at the court for telling him he could not pay off student loans you kids were going to impeach them all and put stooges you liked on the court.
Trump chose the future rather than a few electoral votes.....If he thought that he was that desperate for those he would have chose Youngkin.

Looks like Virginia is headed to the Trump column anyway. ;)
Wow. Not even Hitler had such a rap sheet.
Have you forgotten about the genocide of the Jews? And, you know, causing a world war. But hey, if you need to set the bar that low to feel better about trump so be it.
I thought after joe Biden thumbed his nose at the court for telling him he could not pay off student loans you kids were going to impeach them all and put stooges you liked on the court.
Perhaps should examine whether fantasies like that has contributed to your loss of touch with reality.
I thought after joe Biden thumbed his nose at the court for telling him he could not pay off student loans you kids were going to impeach them all and put stooges you liked on the court.
You are wrong. That’s not what happened at all.

But it’s pretty clear they Vance believes the president doesn’t have to abide by decisions that they don’t think are correct.

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