Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

I am the working man's best friend.
I R 1.
I bust my ass 7 days a week in my detective business, averaging 500 miles a week on the road.
With the proceeds of that business I invest my $$$.
When I invest my $$$ I am the one that I am worried about 100% of the time.
It is NOT my responsibility to give anyone a damn job, increase the jobs in America, make sure someone has a job, make sure someone has a "living middle class wage" and "help the economy" or society with their jobs and salaries.
My job when I invest my $$$ THAT I BUSTED MY ASS FOR IS TO MAKE LOTS OF $$$$$$$.
If everyone worked hard at that and educated themselves to what the market demanded the $$$ comes in by itself.
When workers demand a portion of the capital that they never worked a minute for as a % of their wages that is over and above what the market demands for that job the worker suddenly finds themself looking for a job fast.

And that is what is going on now. American unskilled labor was far over paid for decades and the chickens have come home to roost.

I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.
the argument is who run the company into the ditch ?
the worker who was overpaid for his effort and turned out a inferior product cus of union rules /restictions or the ceo who let it happen and like the union worker took as much as he could in salary with as little effort as possible

both are partly to blame
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I am the working man's best friend.
I R 1.
I bust my ass 7 days a week in my detective business, averaging 500 miles a week on the road.
With the proceeds of that business I invest my $$$.
When I invest my $$$ I am the one that I am worried about 100% of the time.
It is NOT my responsibility to give anyone a damn job, increase the jobs in America, make sure someone has a job, make sure someone has a "living middle class wage" and "help the economy" or society with their jobs and salaries.
My job when I invest my $$$ THAT I BUSTED MY ASS FOR IS TO MAKE LOTS OF $$$$$$$.
If everyone worked hard at that and educated themselves to what the market demanded the $$$ comes in by itself.
When workers demand a portion of the capital that they never worked a minute for as a % of their wages that is over and above what the market demands for that job the worker suddenly finds themself looking for a job fast.

And that is what is going on now. American unskilled labor was far over paid for decades and the chickens have come home to roost.

I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.
the argument is who run the company into the ditch ?
the worker who was overpaid for his effort and turned out a inferior product cus of union rules /restictions or the ceo who let it happen and like the union worker took as much as he could in salary with as little effort as possible

both are partly to blame

Most of the union workers I know work extremely hard for their money and have a hell of a lot more experience and skill than their non-union counterparts. It would seem the company's investment in the union workers does pay off most of the time.
the argument is who run the company into the ditch ?
the worker who was overpaid for his effort and turned out a inferior product cus of union rules /restictions or the ceo who let it happen and like the union worker took as much as he could in salary with as little effort as possible

both are partly to blame

Well, honestly, I don't think that autoworkers are overpaid. Henry Ford once said, "If my employees don't make enough to buy my product, I wouldn't have a business."

Also, while there are a lot of complaints about American cars in the last few decades, they are NOT because of union guys not doing their jobs.

Most of those decisions were made in the boardrooms. For instance, when the government handed down quite sensible fuel efficiency standards and left a loophole for SUV's, the Auto Industry started marketting everything as an SUV rather than just complying with the law. Of course, when gasoline shot up to $4.00 a gallon, no one wanted a car you had to dump half your paycheck into to fuel.

Now, where the real problem happened was with outsourcing. Back in the day, all parts were made by union guys in union shops. Then the auto companies decided to start buying parts from other companies in the third world, and all the auto plants do now is assemble the cars.

This had two effects. The first was far less workers than they used to have, but still all those retirees on pensions. The second was, a lot of that crap made in the third world really was crap.
And you don't get paid anything for all of your good HAJIBA deeds.
Your employer is so bad he forces you to work for free and no one else will hire you.

No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.

Do not have the balls to take all of your life savings and borrow another 100K to start your own business?

Why should I have to.

Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me. I know this is a concept you don't seem to get. The world should not be bending over to kiss your ass because you own a business.
No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.

Do not have the balls to take all of your life savings and borrow another 100K to start your own business?

Why should I have to.

Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me. I know this is a concept you don't seem to get. The world should not be bending over to kiss your ass because you own a business.

Marxist pussy. You're a fucking coward.
Anyone who bothered to really listen to Rev. Wright instead of taking bits and pieces out of context found he wasn't how he was being pictured. But, of course, right-wing radio whined and their lemmings listened.

Correct, he was and is far worse. Wright is a racist to the core, hate filled and radical. The message of Wright is the same as that of Louis Farrakhan.
Most of the union workers I know work extremely hard for their money and have a hell of a lot more experience and skill than their non-union counterparts. It would seem the company's investment in the union workers does pay off most of the time.

87% of Union workers are employed by some form of government.

You want to rephrase the above lie, so as not to be so absurd?
Anyone who bothered to really listen to Rev. Wright instead of taking bits and pieces out of context found he wasn't how he was being pictured. But, of course, right-wing radio whined and their lemmings listened.

Correct, he was and is far worse. Wright is a racist to the core, hate filled and radical. The message of Wright is the same as that of Louis Farrakhan.

Easy to throw those scary words around without backing up your statement. Wright was no lightweight speaker. But his comments about some of the stuff America had done in its past weren't "radical" or "hate filled" but backed up by history, whether you want to believe them or not.
Just because you agree with him doesn't mean he isn't a hate-filled racist, moron. It means that...
Most of the union workers I know work extremely hard for their money and have a hell of a lot more experience and skill than their non-union counterparts. It would seem the company's investment in the union workers does pay off most of the time.

87% of Union workers are employed by some form of government.

You want to rephrase the above lie, so as not to be so absurd?

I'll give you the chance to rephrase yours. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (see link below), the number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions in 2011 was 14.7 million. The union membership rate for public sector workers (36.2 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private sector workers (6.9 percent). Workers in education, training, and library occupations had the highest unionization rate at 37.1 percent.

In 2010, government employees (783,000) comprised about half of the 1.6 million workers who were covered by a union contract but were not members of a union.

I don't see 87 percent anywhere, do you? (The link with those stats is below.)

Google is your friend.

Union Members Summary
Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me

To you fair is you can quit and go anywhere else any time you want. They can't fire you because that's "greed." Actually you do demand a system where rights are not equal.

Corporate raiders are good for the economy. They dissect businesses that the sum of the parts is greater then the whole. In other words, they are being managed poorly. That drives economic efficiency. There is nothing they do that harms the economy.
Easy to throw those scary words around without backing up your statement.

Those "scary words" are generally referred to as "facts."

As far as backing them up? Don't be stupid.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPR5jnjtLo]GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Wright was no lightweight speaker. But his comments about some of the stuff America had done in its past weren't "radical" or "hate filled" but backed up by history, whether you want to believe them or not.

Wright is a race baiting bigot. The very definition of "scumbag."
I'll give you the chance to rephrase yours. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (see link below), the number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions in 2011 was 14.7 million. The union membership rate for public sector workers (36.2 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private sector workers (6.9 percent). Workers in education, training, and library occupations had the highest unionization rate at 37.1 percent.

In 2010, government employees (783,000) comprised about half of the 1.6 million workers who were covered by a union contract but were not members of a union.

I don't see 87 percent anywhere, do you? (The link with those stats is below.)

Google is your friend.

Union Members Summary

Yep, I misread the stats. I was mixing total percentage with percentage by sector. The USBLS does indicate that "only" 52% of union members are public sector.
No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.

Do not have the balls to take all of your life savings and borrow another 100K to start your own business?

Why should I have to.

Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me. I know this is a concept you don't seem to get. The world should not be bending over to kiss your ass because you own a business.

You don't have to.
Where did anyone want you to kiss their ass? That is bull shit rhetoric.
Let me drive your car and you buy it. I will pay the expenses on it but I should have the same rights as you do to that car.
Just because you laid down the capital for it means nothing. As you claim Joe, it is all about my rights. I have a right to your gains and should not have to invest anything.
See how ridiculous your statements are?

So sit back and quit your bitching.
If you want to run with the big dogs you have to get off the porch.
Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me

To you fair is you can quit and go anywhere else any time you want. They can't fire you because that's "greed." Actually you do demand a system where rights are not equal.

Corporate raiders are good for the economy. They dissect businesses that the sum of the parts is greater then the whole. In other words, they are being managed poorly. That drives economic efficiency. There is nothing they do that harms the economy.

Dead on it with equity investors aka corporate raiders.
But the " a job is a right" crowd can not stand competition.
They are cradle to grave needy.
The audacity of someone that brings nothing to the table and then demands the same rights someone else that has worked their ass off, saved THEIR earnings and invested their entire life savings into something.
Joe believes that he should have the same rights as those folks in a business.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Hey, you know what, I don't think the business owner should have MORE rights than me or LESS rights than me

To you fair is you can quit and go anywhere else any time you want. They can't fire you because that's "greed." Actually you do demand a system where rights are not equal.

Corporate raiders are good for the economy. They dissect businesses that the sum of the parts is greater then the whole. In other words, they are being managed poorly. That drives economic efficiency. There is nothing they do that harms the economy.

Dead on it with equity investors aka corporate raiders.
But the " a job is a right" crowd can not stand competition.
They are cradle to grave needy.
The audacity of someone that brings nothing to the table and then demands the same rights someone else that has worked their ass off, saved THEIR earnings and invested their entire life savings into something.
Joe believes that he should have the same rights as those folks in a business.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Exactly. I put everything on the line for my business. My employees come to work and get paid. If we go out of business, I'm bust but they just need to find another job. Do they deserve to be rewarded if we're successful? Absolutely. Do they deserve to make the same as me? Not.
I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.
the argument is who run the company into the ditch ?
the worker who was overpaid for his effort and turned out a inferior product cus of union rules /restictions or the ceo who let it happen and like the union worker took as much as he could in salary with as little effort as possible

both are partly to blame

Most of the union workers I know work extremely hard for their money and have a hell of a lot more experience and skill than their non-union counterparts. It would seem the company's investment in the union workers does pay off most of the time.
post facts to back up you response that union workers are more qualified then non.

so anybody who is not union hangs about all day but the union worker works his ass off for the boss

yeah right i have some beach property in the desert to sell you
There again your speaking opinion
so define * HARD WORK*
and the relative differance union works perform it against non union workers
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