Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

And you don't get paid anything for all of your good HAJIBA deeds.
Your employer is so bad he forces you to work for free and no one else will hire you.

No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.
Your failings are always someone else's fault, eh loser?

Did the Jews poison the well in your village?
And you don't get paid anything for all of your good HAJIBA deeds.
Your employer is so bad he forces you to work for free and no one else will hire you.

No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.

The fact that people like you fight against Romney based on lies is making me far more inclined to support him. I dislike seeing good people slandered and libeled.
Approx one third of US citizens in 1960 were Catholics.

Some of you people are hypocritical morons. If religious affiliation is meaningless then what was all that BS about Reverend Wright?

PS...33% Catholics in 1960...3% Mormans in 2012.. No difference?


This comes under the heading of desperately grasping at straws.

When the American voter learns the whole Morman story, and they will, .....The Morman thing will crush Romney.
A lot of silliness about Catholicism and Mormonism from fringe wingers. Sheesh.
Someone is talking about Joseph Smith theocratic plots on another thread, I kid you not.
And you don't get paid anything for all of your good HAJIBA deeds.
Your employer is so bad he forces you to work for free and no one else will hire you.

No this job's pretty much a dead end, I realize that now. ONly a matter of time before another company buys us up or they move all the work to Asia or both.

What I get paid is crap. Less than what I got on my last job. It's embarrassing, really, but that's the wonderful system, where the best I can say is "I have a job".

This is why I'll fight Romney to my last breathe. Cocksuckers like him got us here.

Do not have the balls to take all of your life savings and borrow another 100K to start your own business?
Approx one third of US citizens in 1960 were Catholics.

Some of you people are hypocritical morons. If religious affiliation is meaningless then what was all that BS about Reverend Wright?

It was all about a stupid, hateful individual. I know you liberals have trouble with the concept of individuals, but that was never about Christianity itself, you fool.
Approx one third of US citizens in 1960 were Catholics.

Some of you people are hypocritical morons. If religious affiliation is meaningless then what was all that BS about Reverend Wright?

It was all about a stupid, hateful individual. I know you liberals have trouble with the concept of individuals, but that was never about Christianity itself, you fool.

Anyone who bothered to really listen to Rev. Wright instead of taking bits and pieces out of context found he wasn't how he was being pictured. But, of course, right-wing radio whined and their lemmings listened.
Oh bullshit.

Very few, so few as to be irrelevant, give a damn that Obama is a "negro." People don't like his radical, leftist policies and agenda.

Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.

That bullshit is as unquantifiable as its opposite, therefore meaningless.

Sorry, but there are indeed people whose major objection to Barack Obama is his color. Why is that so hard to believe?
Some of you people are hypocritical morons. If religious affiliation is meaningless then what was all that BS about Reverend Wright?

It was all about a stupid, hateful individual. I know you liberals have trouble with the concept of individuals, but that was never about Christianity itself, you fool.

Anyone who bothered to really listen to Rev. Wright instead of taking bits and pieces out of context found he wasn't how he was being pictured. But, of course, right-wing radio whined and their lemmings listened.


Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.

That bullshit is as unquantifiable as its opposite, therefore meaningless.

Sorry, but there are indeed people whose major objection to Barack Obama is his color. Why is that so hard to believe?

Ok, how many people? What percentage? And how many object to him for reasons that have nothing to do with color? Exact numbers, please.
It was all about a stupid, hateful individual. I know you liberals have trouble with the concept of individuals, but that was never about Christianity itself, you fool.

Anyone who bothered to really listen to Rev. Wright instead of taking bits and pieces out of context found he wasn't how he was being pictured. But, of course, right-wing radio whined and their lemmings listened.



That's not much of a response.
Joe worships at the altar of union shop states.
Where from cradle to grave a job is guaranteed at a wage double what the market demands, full benefits and full retirement.

I am always curious why you guys think that a CEO or investor should get a 8 or 9 figure salary but you begrudge a working man a fair wage with benefits?
whats a FAIR wage and whats A FAIR reward for investing your money wisely ???

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