Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

So the law of supply and demand doesn't work for teachers?

Of course it does. And you fundamentally don't understand supply and demand. Supply and demand are driven by market...wait for it...choice...

When a teacher is hired for life no matter how poorly they perform and raises are based on seniority, that has zero to do with "supply and demand."
I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Because the guy assembling the car can be replaced by someone making $20 an hour and fully trained in a couple of days - with zero impact on production or quality.

A good CEO takes about 16 years to train, through post-graduate courses. A bad choice in CEO and the company will be done, over, bankrupt.

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.

I think the contempt is for morons like you, who think putting a nut on a bolt is just as demanding as devising capital budgets and operational plans. You find no value in what executives do, because you cannot grasp what it is they do.

Compensation is commensurate with wealth generation.
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Birds of a feather flock together.
Wait and see. You will see few if any SBC preachers come out against Romney for being a Mormon.
The Obama factor is that strong. They hate a negro in the White House more than a Mormon.
Book it. I live here.

Oh bullshit.

Very few, so few as to be irrelevant, give a damn that Obama is a "negro." People don't like his radical, leftist policies and agenda.
Because the guy assembling the car can be replaced by someone making $20 an hour and fully trained in a couple of days - with zero impact on production or quality.

A good CEO takes about 16 years to train, through post-graduate courses. A bad choice in CEO and the company will be done, over, bankrupt.

That's strange, because the third wealthiest American and CEO of the largest database corporation only has a high school diploma.
Lincoln's comment that labor is always more important than capital is obvious based on the commentary above.
That's strange, because the third wealthiest American and CEO of the largest database corporation only has a high school diploma.

It happens, <1% of the time. Most of the time, executives are highly educated and have immense training over and above that. These days, if you don't know lean, you don't know shit and won't be hired by anyone as an executive.
Lincoln's comment that labor is always more important than capital is obvious based on the commentary above.

I'm still waiting for you to get rich by digging holes in the desert and filling them back in. Labor is what's important, right?
I bolded the use of first person pronouns, just to give you an idea of how selfish this statement sounds.

Again, how does that answer my question.

How is the guy who actually assembles the car not worth $28.00 an hour, but the CEO who runs the company into the ditch worth 12 million?

Because the guy assembling the car can be replaced by someone making $20 an hour and fully trained in a couple of days - with zero impact on production or quality.

A good CEO takes about 16 years to train, through post-graduate courses. A bad choice in CEO and the company will be done, over, bankrupt.

Also, that little diatribe really indicates a deep seated hatred for working folks in general.

I think the contempt is for morons like you, who think putting a nut on a bolt is just as demanding as devising capital budgets and operational plans. You find no value in what executives do, because you cannot grasp what it is they do.

Compensation is commensurate with wealth generation.

Or a robot can assemble it with presicion and no human error.
Lincoln's comment that labor is always more important than capital is obvious based on the commentary above.

I'm still waiting for you to get rich by digging holes in the desert and filling them back in. Labor is what's important, right?

Labor is prior to, and... at BrainyQuote Abraham Lincoln Quotes. Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. ...

An educated, cultured individual shares a common base of knowledge with other such individuals, Uncensored. That you did not know this quote surprises no one who is either educated or knows you.
You truly know not of what you talk. Go learn something before you talk again. I mean it, you have not a clue. What you have said here is absolutely worthless. You are not a thinking conservative, just a reactionary babble mouth.

Actually, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Particularly regarding the comments you chose to quote above, I know more about it than you ever will if you live to be 150.

No, you don't. I was involved with the SK school system to an extent when stationed in Korea. What a great school system. I have studied Finland's somewhat, and I am impressed.

It is obvious that you simply react, you don't think, you simply blather, Unkotare.

"to an extent"

"when I was stationed"

Time for you to shut up, fool. If you can't control yourself enough for that, at least bother to read what I actually posted, shitforbrains.
Actually, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Particularly regarding the comments you chose to quote above, I know more about it than you ever will if you live to be 150.
No, you don't. I was involved with the SK school system to an extent when stationed in Korea. What a great school system. I have studied Finland's somewhat, and I am impressed. It is obvious that you simply react, you don't think, you simply blather, Unkotare.
"to an extent" "when I was stationed" Time for you to shut up, fool. If you can't control yourself enough for that, at least bother to read what I actually posted, shitforbrains.

I read what you posted: worthless. Give us something, Unkotare, other than your blathering. "I know exactly what I'm talking about. Particularly regarding the comments you chose to quote above, I know more about it than you ever will if you live to be 150" is simple blathering.
No, you don't. I was involved with the SK school system to an extent when stationed in Korea. What a great school system. I have studied Finland's somewhat, and I am impressed. It is obvious that you simply react, you don't think, you simply blather, Unkotare.
"to an extent" "when I was stationed" Time for you to shut up, fool. If you can't control yourself enough for that, at least bother to read what I actually posted, shitforbrains.

I read what you posted.

Then the problem must be that you were incapable of understanding it. Try again.

Here, I'll even help you out by reminding you of the original comments you took issue with:

"You lefties would NOT want South Korea's educational system. Neither do a lot of South Koreans, as they send their children to the US in droves to be educated."
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Labor is prior to, and... at BrainyQuote Abraham Lincoln Quotes. Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. ...

Yeah, repeating a fallacy won't help you, fakey jake. I want you to demonstrate the value of labor by getting rich by digging and filling holes in the desert.

If indeed, labor generates wealth, then the labor you expend digging and filling holes will bring about a solid return.

If not, then we'll note that you have again been exposed and an ignorant moron.

An educated, cultured individual shares a common base of knowledge with other such individuals, Uncensored. That you did not know this quote surprises no one who is either educated or knows you.

Start digging, fakey jake.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Wait and see. You will see few if any SBC preachers come out against Romney for being a Mormon.
The Obama factor is that strong. They hate a negro in the White House more than a Mormon.
Book it. I live here.

Oh bullshit.

Very few, so few as to be irrelevant, give a damn that Obama is a "negro." People don't like his radical, leftist policies and agenda.

Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.
Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.

I do live in the Peoples Republic of California, which admittedly is more open to racial diversity than many states. Still, I have yet to encounter a single person in real life who objects to Obama based on race. My travel routine includes Kansas City, Mo., Ogden, UT., Manhattan, Phoenix, Newport News and Camden, AK. (Big secret what my company does...)

Barack Obama is a Saul Alinsky school radical, a leftist extremest who has a stated objective of fundamentally altering the economy and governmental structure of the United States. Color is irrelevant.

My daughter married a black man (for about 10 months) and I have a mixed race grand daughter. For what it's worth.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Wait and see. You will see few if any SBC preachers come out against Romney for being a Mormon.
The Obama factor is that strong. They hate a negro in the White House more than a Mormon.
Book it. I live here.

Oh bullshit.

Very few, so few as to be irrelevant, give a damn that Obama is a "negro." People don't like his radical, leftist policies and agenda.

Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.

That bullshit is as unquantifiable as its opposite, therefore meaningless.
Where do you live? Not disagreeing with anything you state.
But there are many here that do not want a black President. Same with his wife as they can not stand her because SHE IS BLACK.

I do live in the Peoples Republic of California, which admittedly is more open to racial diversity than many states. Still, I have yet to encounter a single person in real life who objects to Obama based on race. My travel routine includes Kansas City, Mo., Ogden, UT., Manhattan, Phoenix, Newport News and Camden, AK. (Big secret what my company does...)

Barack Obama is a Saul Alinsky school radical, a leftist extremest who has a stated objective of fundamentally altering the economy and governmental structure of the United States. Color is irrelevant.

My daughter married a black man (for about 10 months) and I have a mixed race grand daughter. For what it's worth.

I have a picture somewhere and am looking for it that has a Confederate battle flag on the left side of a back bumper of a pickup in south Ga. and on the right side it has a Cain for President sticker on it!
But it would not be in the deep south anymore where you will find the die hard racists.
It would be all over NC to Florida up through Ga., the panhandle of Fla is full of radical kook racists and up through the mid west to Indiana, Ohio and into Canada.
Good friend has 2 grandkids that are mixed race. The oldest is 8 and man is she a go getter. Unreal swimmer and not scared of anything. The younger boy is a cute little kid but as shy as they come.
Luckily for me we were raised to not judge and I have had that work so well for me in my career. I respect all folks and always have.
It just works better for me.
Well, I left the site for about four hours and now the thread that was to discuss how Mormonism is a cult has reverted to why Obama is a socialist. No wonder this country is so dysfunctional.

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