Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous...

You mean come up with something popular? At least you're not trying to call it something "consistent" any longer. In 1932 persecuting Jews was very popular. Is that the kind of thing you're talking about?

Misapplication of definition and false derivative analogy does not help you at all, bripat.

Consistency and worthiness will lead you to the popular vote. Since you have failed repeatedly, then, yes, you are not ready for democracy, and I guarantee you democratic and republican America wants nothing to do with your silliness.

I simply note that you have used "popular" and "consistent" as synonyms.

You can make false comparsion, bripat, all you want. I have merely pointed out that the American electorate (which you despise) has given you minimal votes (a democracy that you fear and abhor).

Your opinion in terms of American democracy, as yet, means nothing.
Misapplication of definition and false derivative analogy does not help you at all, bripat.

Consistency and worthiness will lead you to the popular vote. Since you have failed repeatedly, then, yes, you are not ready for democracy, and I guarantee you democratic and republican America wants nothing to do with your silliness.

I simply note that you have used "popular" and "consistent" as synonyms.

You can make false comparsion, bripat, all you want. I have merely pointed out that the American electorate (which you despise) has given you minimal votes (a democracy that you fear and abhor).

Your opinion in terms of American democracy, as yet, means nothing.

If you allow the majority to do your thinking for you then so be it but an appeal to majority is not going to reinforce your positions or discredit others. I am not simply going to change everything that I believe in simply because most people have bought into the corrosive government of control.

Most here neither despise the American electorate nor fear the democracy that we have. Instead, we acknowledge that even though the two parties are popular, they are dead wrong and likely to destroy the two thing mentioned. Again, you might disagree but your only disagreement so far in this thread seems to be an appeal to the majority – not a strong position. None of this majority talk means a damn thing. That is not the measuring stick with which anyone should measure their base principals.

Further, when offered concrete things that libertarians believe in, you have soundly rejected them in favor of a false and imagined ‘libertarian’ way of thought. Statements like hating taxes, the electorate and government are not only misplaced but flat out incorrect. It is telling that when you argue against the philosophy, the only thing that you are arguing against have nothing to do with libertarians in the first place. It really speaks to how strong of an argument that you have against them.
IMO those who believe taxes are theft have a duty to bring the offender - the thief - to justice. Each one of you who so believes needs to stop paying taxes. I suggest they singularly or in mass go to a big box store and put that $2,000 big screen on a cart, give the cashier the exact amount of money at which the TV was advertised and leave.

Doing so would make them a real member of the Tea Party, and then do as one of the first Libertarians - Henry David Thoreau - suggests in On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, go to jail on principle.

Postscript: Actually Libertarians have another choice. Leave the United States which you seem so displeased with and go to a nation wherein you can live free and unencumbered. I'm sure there is a nation where no taxes are stolen from the population, there is no gun control, public schools or other trappings of American Society.

Somalia comes to mind.

More complete ignorance on what libertarians actually believe as well as a complete misunderstanding of what Somalia is itself (not a libertarian country by any stretch of the imagination).
Once again, libertarians, you have not yet come up with a consistent philosophy other than you hate taxes and at least one of you harbors less honorable motives than that.


You sit on your pillar of power and demand free thinkers to defend their livelihood, their thoughts, their right to raise a family as they see fit?

Anger will not help you, and neither will deliberate misunderstanding.

If you want voters to elect your candidates, you better come up with something worthy. huh?

In other words, libertarian policies must be popular. Otherwise they aren't "consistent."

This shtick has already been exposed for the logical horseshit it is. Yet you claim to be the one with "principles."
Rule by way of fear and intimidation. And unfortunately, it's gotten worse & worse as the years have passed. But i try to be a half glass-full kind of person. I think more & more Americans are beginning to realize that their imprisonment doesn't have to be an inevitable life sentence. They can stand up and demand their Freedom & Liberty. The gang needs us. They're nothing without us. It's time to reverse course. Americans need to let go of their fear of and reliance on the gang. Like i said, i'm an optimist. I do think things can change. It's all about letting go of the past.
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You have the right to your opinion, as wrong as it is. You are a libertarian wanting the conservatives to switch to your position. That will not happen.

No, I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. I not only have a right to my opinions, my opinions are always correct, or they would not be my opinions. You have a right to your opinions, but you should give those opinions some real thought. Try some of those critical thinking skills you learned in high school.

Some of your opinions in this case are wrong. Opinions are not valueless, ipso facto: that is a great falsehood. You are not critically thinking at all. Conservatives accept taxation as viable in order to run government. Stop the ad homming, it will get you in a corner from which you won't escape.

Where did anyone claim opinions were "valueless?" If it wasn't for making up stuff that other people have said, would you have any arguments at all?

Conservatives may accept taxation. Libertarians don't. Furthermore, "viable" is not the same as "moral." Mass murder and genocide are "viable."
Postscript: Actually Libertarians have another choice. Leave the United States which you seem so displeased with and go to a nation wherein you can live free and unencumbered. I'm sure there is a nation where no taxes are stolen from the population, there is no gun control, public schools or other trappings of American Society.

Here's a third choice: start a civil war and then herd all the parasites into concentration camps in North Dakota. Then the rest of us can live how we like.
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No, I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. I not only have a right to my opinions, my opinions are always correct, or they would not be my opinions. You have a right to your opinions, but you should give those opinions some real thought. Try some of those critical thinking skills you learned in high school.

Some of your opinions in this case are wrong. Opinions are not valueless, ipso facto: that is a great falsehood. You are not critically thinking at all. Conservatives accept taxation as viable in order to run government. Stop the ad homming, it will get you in a corner from which you won't escape.

"Where did anyone claim opinions were 'valueless?'" You have many times.

"Mass murder and genocide are 'viable.'" False comparison again.

Thank you for admitting libertarianism has no worth to society.
No, I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. I not only have a right to my opinions, my opinions are always correct, or they would not be my opinions. You have a right to your opinions, but you should give those opinions some real thought. Try some of those critical thinking skills you learned in high school.

Some of your opinions in this case are wrong. Opinions are not valueless, ipso facto: that is a great falsehood. You are not critically thinking at all. Conservatives accept taxation as viable in order to run government. Stop the ad homming, it will get you in a corner from which you won't escape.


Conservatives may accept taxation. Libertarians don't.

Are you even remotely capable of telling the truth? No body can be this ignorant.
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Misapplication of definition and false derivative analogy does not help you at all, bripat.

Consistency and worthiness will lead you to the popular vote. Since you have failed repeatedly, then, yes, you are not ready for democracy, and I guarantee you democratic and republican America wants nothing to do with your silliness.

I simply note that you have used "popular" and "consistent" as synonyms.

You can make false comparsion, bripat, all you want. I have merely pointed out that the American electorate (which you despise) has given you minimal votes (a democracy that you fear and abhor).

I didn't make any "comparisons, Fakey. I simply noted your improper use of language. You have used the fact that the Libertarian party hasn't enjoyed electoral success to claim libertarians aren't "consistent." In other words, you believe "popular" is a synonym of "consistent."

Your opinion in terms of American democracy, as yet, means nothing.

ROFL! Certainly nothing you have ever posted supports that contention.
Violent Gangs rule the World. This is the sad reality. Once you stop and really think about it, this becomes clearly evident.
Some of your opinions in this case are wrong. Opinions are not valueless, ipso facto: that is a great falsehood. You are not critically thinking at all. Conservatives accept taxation as viable in order to run government. Stop the ad homming, it will get you in a corner from which you won't escape.


Conservatives may accept taxation. Libertarians don't.

Are you even remotely capable of telling the truth? No body can this ignorant.

Posting a simple fact makes you ignorant? If you support taxation, you aren't a genuine libertarian. You reject the libertarian non-aggression principle.
I simply note that you have used "popular" and "consistent" as synonyms.

You can make false comparsion, bripat, all you want. I have merely pointed out that the American electorate (which you despise) has given you minimal votes (a democracy that you fear and abhor).

I didn't make any "comparisons"

Your opinion in terms of American democracy, as yet, means nothing.

ROFL! Certainly nothing you have ever posted supports that contention.

False lies by you, son, are obvious, and others are calling you out now for them. :lol:
Some of your opinions in this case are wrong. Opinions are not valueless, ipso facto: that is a great falsehood. You are not critically thinking at all. Conservatives accept taxation as viable in order to run government. Stop the ad homming, it will get you in a corner from which you won't escape.

"Where did anyone claim opinions were "valueless?'" You have many times.

Really? Then you should have no trouble quoting where I said that.

"Mass murder and genocide are 'viable.'" False comparison again.

How is it "false?" Do both claims not use the term "viable?"

Thank you for admitting libertarianism has no worth to society.

I "admitted" only that you're an idiot, Fakey.
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I "admitted" only that you're an idiot"

Yes, we know you are projecting and that you make false claims.

Now are you going to admit you said libertarians don't believe in taxation?
Funny how the OP says libertarians are dangerous.

Tyrants always think those who stand for liberty and self determination are dangerous.
I "admitted" only that you're an idiot"

Yes, we know you are projecting and that you make false claims.

I simply stated what every rational intelligent person participating in this thread has already noted.

Now are you going to admit you said libertarians don't believe in taxation?

I just stated it quite plainly.

When are you going to quote where I said opinions were valueless?
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Now you are back tracking? OK, do libertarians believe in value in laws?

And note others have disagreed that libertarians do not believe in taxation.

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