Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
The purpose is to SUPPRESS the vote and nothing more. Closing the polling stations at 5 pm so that workers can't make it to the polls? Totally unnecessary to legislate all of a sudden. He should be making it easier to vote. We all know what he is trying to do regardless of the excuses you make for his actions.
Polls on election day stay open the same hours they always have. The Closing at 5pm is for early voting days like Saturday and Sunday.

I am shocked lefties would misrepresent something for their own political gain.
Trump misrepresented the results of the election for political gain. Were you shocked? The Georgia legislature is misrepresenting for political gain. Why change if not for political gain, in this case, to suppress the vote? They certainly are not doing this for the love of the black voter, yes?
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
The purpose is to SUPPRESS the vote and nothing more. Closing the polling stations at 5 pm so that workers can't make it to the polls? Totally unnecessary to legislate all of a sudden. He should be making it easier to vote. We all know what he is trying to do regardless of the excuses you make for his actions.
But it expands voting....early voting for example...and allows the State to come in before the fact now, and add polling stations and machines

I have not seen that the law changes the time the polls close to 5pm. What I have seen is that the polling stations can start tabulating absentee ballots earlier..two weeks eariler, and that all, including votes on election day, start being counted non-stop after the polls close and be done by 5pm the following day.

In actual fact, it does NOT mandate polls closing by 5 pm. What it does is require sparsely-populated areas, where the people who work on elections would normally only be part-time, to have polls open at least 8 hours a day, which some places were not doing previously.
Good...so it actually EXPANDS voting.....like I said
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
If you have 159 counties in a state the size of GA, there is a county in virtually every back yard. You have early voting and absentee voting for all in GA. If you wait in a line--YOU are the dumb f***!
That is not for you, oh brilliant one, to say. People choose to stand in line because it is simple. You stand, drink water and eat, and then vote. If people want to be a "dumb fuck", so be it. I stood in line for 3 hours in this last election, because Trump was fucking around with the Postal system to suppress the vote. Everybody has their own reasons.
Good for you! You should go vote on election day if you are in town and aren't disabled! I did too! I didn't have to wait in line...it took me all over 10 mins start to finish...then again i went early, and my town is run by republicans who are capable of running a poll station.

Trump didn't do anything to the postal system in regards to the election...that was just another hoax pushed by the left and their propagandist.....it does look though, that since the Xiden-Harris admin took over they are going to ignore the recommendations that were asked some time ago to put into place to save the Postal service....instead we are going to now get, higher fees, and longer delays...
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
The purpose is to SUPPRESS the vote and nothing more. Closing the polling stations at 5 pm so that workers can't make it to the polls? Totally unnecessary to legislate all of a sudden. He should be making it easier to vote. We all know what he is trying to do regardless of the excuses you make for his actions.
But it expands voting....early voting for example...and allows the State to come in before the fact now, and add polling stations and machines

I have not seen that the law changes the time the polls close to 5pm. What I have seen is that the polling stations can start tabulating absentee ballots earlier..two weeks eariler, and that all, including votes on election day, start being counted non-stop after the polls close and be done by 5pm the following day.

In actual fact, it does NOT mandate polls closing by 5 pm. What it does is require sparsely-populated areas, where the people who work on elections would normally only be part-time, to have polls open at least 8 hours a day, which some places were not doing previously.
Good...so it actually EXPANDS voting.....like I said
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
If you have 159 counties in a state the size of GA, there is a county in virtually every back yard. You have early voting and absentee voting for all in GA. If you wait in a line--YOU are the dumb f***!
That is not for you, oh brilliant one, to say. People choose to stand in line because it is simple. You stand, drink water and eat, and then vote. If people want to be a "dumb fuck", so be it. I stood in line for 3 hours in this last election, because Trump was fucking around with the Postal system to suppress the vote. Everybody has their own reasons.
Good for you! You should go vote on election day if you are in town and aren't disabled! I did too! I didn't have to wait in line...it took me all over 10 mins start to finish...then again i went early, and my town is run by republicans who are capable of running a poll station.

Trump didn't do anything to the postal system in regards to the election...that was just another hoax pushed by the left and their propagandist.....it does look though, that since the Xiden-Harris admin took over they are going to ignore the recommendations that were asked some time ago to put into place to save the Postal service....instead we are going to now get, higher fees, and longer delays...
My town is also run by Republicans and it had nothing to do with what they know.
No, he fucked with the postal system. Removed drop boxes and automatic polling machines, reduced staff and overtime during an election year, hired a person with 0 experience to run the Postal system. Get real
When was the last time someone died of thirst standing in a voting line? Stop trying to make nothing into something while we are on lies about the Georgia voting law don't forget Bidens.
WaPo Fact-Checkers Slam Biden for Georgia Election Law Claims: ‘Four Pinocchios’
So dying is the threshold for offering refreshment
Are leftwingers really so helpless they can’t bring a bottle of water with them?
Is that really the point of it? Voter suppression is the point, yes?
No ones vote is being suppressed.
Sure it is
Really how? Are there different rules for how every race or gender votes?
and also allows the state to step in
That's the Georgia state Legislature...run by biased partisan Republicans. You say that like it's a good thing. It's anything BUT that
my town is run by republicans who are capable of running a poll station.
Who made sure you had enough polling places because it IS a Republican district
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
Oh, then Democrats supported this law?

I kinda doubt that, considering all the hyper-emotional lies they're telling about it.
NY Election Law § 17-140.
Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at polls. Any person who directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person in connection with or in respect of any election during the hours of voting on a day of a general, special or primary election gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than persons who are official representatives of the board of elections or political parties and committees and persons who are engaged as watchers, party representatives or workers assisting the candidate, except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
How about promising $2,000 checks?
Concerned American, Pyrtro, Cecilie1200, and Healthmyths, SC Patriot hasn’t yet provided a link to the texts of the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines. I hope he’s able and is not too embarrassed to do so. The text could validate or refute each of our posts. Respectfully, Supposn
Did you read post #370? We won't hold our breaths waiting for your apology.
Concerned American, Pyrtro, Cecilie1200, and Healthmyths, SC Patriot hasn’t yet provided a link to the texts of the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines. I hope he’s able and is not too embarrassed to do so. The text could validate or refute each of our posts. Respectfully, Supposn
Supposin' you weren't a moron?

I guess we'll never know.
and also allows the state to step in
That's the Georgia state Legislature...run by biased partisan Republicans. You say that like it's a good thing. It's anything BUT that
my town is run by republicans who are capable of running a poll station.
Who made sure you had enough polling places because it IS a Republican district
Sure it's a good thing...the prior law allowed for Dem localities to keep massive long wait lines...where nothing could be done until AFTER the fact.

we only have one polling station....
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
The purpose is to SUPPRESS the vote and nothing more. Closing the polling stations at 5 pm so that workers can't make it to the polls? Totally unnecessary to legislate all of a sudden. He should be making it easier to vote. We all know what he is trying to do regardless of the excuses you make for his actions.
But it expands voting....early voting for example...and allows the State to come in before the fact now, and add polling stations and machines

I have not seen that the law changes the time the polls close to 5pm. What I have seen is that the polling stations can start tabulating absentee ballots earlier..two weeks eariler, and that all, including votes on election day, start being counted non-stop after the polls close and be done by 5pm the following day.

In actual fact, it does NOT mandate polls closing by 5 pm. What it does is require sparsely-populated areas, where the people who work on elections would normally only be part-time, to have polls open at least 8 hours a day, which some places were not doing previously.
Good...so it actually EXPANDS voting.....like I said
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
If you have 159 counties in a state the size of GA, there is a county in virtually every back yard. You have early voting and absentee voting for all in GA. If you wait in a line--YOU are the dumb f***!
That is not for you, oh brilliant one, to say. People choose to stand in line because it is simple. You stand, drink water and eat, and then vote. If people want to be a "dumb fuck", so be it. I stood in line for 3 hours in this last election, because Trump was fucking around with the Postal system to suppress the vote. Everybody has their own reasons.
Good for you! You should go vote on election day if you are in town and aren't disabled! I did too! I didn't have to wait in line...it took me all over 10 mins start to finish...then again i went early, and my town is run by republicans who are capable of running a poll station.

Trump didn't do anything to the postal system in regards to the election...that was just another hoax pushed by the left and their propagandist.....it does look though, that since the Xiden-Harris admin took over they are going to ignore the recommendations that were asked some time ago to put into place to save the Postal service....instead we are going to now get, higher fees, and longer delays...
My town is also run by Republicans and it had nothing to do with what they know.
No, he fucked with the postal system. Removed drop boxes and automatic polling machines, reduced staff and overtime during an election year, hired a person with 0 experience to run the Postal system. Get real
The post office doesn't run poling machines or voting drop boxes...try again.

The President doesn't hire the Post Master General.

And the Post Office was, and still is going massively broke...the Trump Admin, well before the Election, and before Covid...put into place recommendations made in 2019, as reported to Congress by the IG https://www.uspsoig.gov/document/fall-2019-semiannual-report-congress-0
In post #365, SC Patriot quote’s a portion of what he claims to be the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines. That’s insufficient. If we have not read the actual law, we cannot reasonably claim to know what’s the entire law.

The portion SC Patriot’s post he alleges to be a portion of the Georgia law’s text, would Georgia election officials to permit people from providing water to persons waiting on voting lines, and it also grants officials the power to determine that such support of voters was being illegally offered and in effect to deny water to persons waiting on voting lines.

Only if you have read and understood the Georgia’s law’s entire text, can you reasonably claim to know all the facts in this matter. If SC Patriot is unable or too
embarrassed to provide a link to the actual Georgia law’s text, it's reasonable to suppose he lacks the entire facts in this matter. Respectfully, Supposn
Last edited:
In post #365, SC Patriot quote’s a portion of what he claims to be the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines. That’s insufficient. If we have not read the actual law, we cannot reasonably claim to know what’s the entire law.

The portion SC Patriot’s post he alleges to be a portion of the Georgia law’s text, would Georgia election officials to permit people from providing water to persons waiting on voting lines, and it also grants officials the power to determine that such support of voters was being illegally offered and in effect to deny water to persons waiting on voting lines.

Only if you have read and understood the Georgia’s law’s entire text, can you reasonably claim to know all the facts in this matter. If SC Patriot is unable or too
embarrassed to provide a link to the actual Georgia law’s text, it's reasonable to suppose he’s lacks the entire facts in this matter. Respectfully, Supposn
Did you read POST #370? Nope, you didn't, you can't read.
texts of the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines
See post #370, you fucking moron. I knew you couldn't read.
Concerned American, post #370 refers to alleged portions of Georgia new law’s regarding voting lines and does not provide a link to the laws’ actual text. The law was passed by a Republican majority legislature seeking to reduce the numbers of Georgia law’s cast in Georgia’s political elections.

The post’s quoted alleged portions of Georgia’s laws clearly indicate that Republican election officials would be able to determine water was being illegally offered to people on voting lines and deny water to those on the lines. Their motivated by the fact that Democrats are more likely to be elected when voter turn-out is high.

I have no doubt that you understand all of this but are unable to accept it. Respectfully, Supposn
texts of the new Georgia laws regarding voting lines
See post #370, you fucking moron. I knew you couldn't read.
Concerned American, post #370 refers to alleged portions of Georgia new law’s regarding voting lines and does not provide a link to the laws’ actual text. The law was passed by a Republican majority legislature seeking to reduce the numbers of Georgia law’s cast in Georgia’s political elections.

The post’s quoted alleged portions of Georgia’s laws clearly indicate that Republican election officials would be able to determine water was being illegally offered to people on voting lines and deny water to those on the lines. Their motivated by the fact that Democrats are more likely to be elected when voter turn-out is high.

I have no doubt that you understand all of this but are unable to accept it. Respectfully, Supposn
Fuck you, you're a moron troll. Wasted enough time on your ignorant ass.
Read the law--l did. If you interpreted it in the way you say, you are twisting yourself like a pretzel trying to get that. Water can be made available.
Concerned American, the Georgia law enables election officials to provide, and it enables them to deny water to those standing on a voting line. That’s a fact and posts asserting otherwise are lies. Respectfully, Supposn

Supposn, asserting your opinion as fact does not make it fact. It doesn't matter how many times you do it, or how confidently you state it. With respect dropping into negative numbers at each of your useless wastes of screenspace, Cecilie
Wrong. It [the new Georgia law regarding voting lines] enables election officials to provide water and it enables them to prevent non election personnel to provide water to those in line.
That is the fact and the way you wrote it leaves out the most important part........they have the responsibility to ensure no electioneering takes place within 150 feet of the polling place. To ensure this, they will not allow a person NOT KNOWN by another person to approach them and interact with them while in the perimeter, unless they are on line to vote as well.
Know your facts.
SC Patriot, if you're assuming to quote an excerpt from the law, please provide a link to the law's actual text. Respectfully, Supposn

Supposn, you're connected to the Internet, and it can be used for more things than just endlessly parroting what you want to be true as truth. Please investigate these options. With exponentially-increasing contempt, Cecilie

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