Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
No showers no diapers, no clothes no tooth brushes or paste no food sleeping on blankets not beds Good going all you pro life BS artists
According to whom?

The childrens’ lawyers, the government’s lawyer’s in court the other day, FEMA workers, ICE workers and the border patrol.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?
lol...love the fetus - hate the child.

don'tcha love them thar christian pro lifers & their 'every baby is precious & deserves to live' - when it really means is except after the cord is cut & just forget it if you are brown as well.
Mentally ill patients in Somaliland, north east Africa, chained up and beaten, a Human Rights Watch study reveals

Report found 'alarmingly high levels' of mental health down to violence of civil war, poverty and addiction to drugs

Patients forced into 'hospitals' where they are shackled by their ankles, force fed medication and beaten by guards

They are among the thousands of mental health sufferers locked up in cruel institutions and prisons across Africa

Same cruelty occurs in nations of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria

Abdi was chained up by his ankles in a dark room
almost every hour of the day for 14 months.

He was force fed powerful medication and when he resisted,
he was brutally beaten by guards
at the mental health ward in Somaliland, north east Africa.

Abdi, 35, was one of thousands of patients
forced into the country's cruel psychiatric institutes
where they endure torture, starvation and mind numbing loneliness,
a shocking investigation has revealed.

But these acts of cruelty are not limited to Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia.
Mentally ill people in several Africa nations -
including Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
Kenya and oil rich Nigeria - are chained to hospital beds,
put into prisons alongside dangerous criminals
or chained up by their own families.


Lonely: Ahmed Adan Ahmed (pictured), 13, was tied to a stick in a Somalian refugee camp by his mother who, like many people in Africa,
did not know how to deal with his mental health problems


Cast away: Thousands of mentally ill people across Africa,
including this women who was shackled to an engine part
in Juba Central Prison, South Sudan, are locked up in hospital wards
or in jails alongside criminals


Condemned: A shocking new investigation has revealed how patients
are chained and beaten in wards in Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia, but patients (pictured in a South Sudanese prison) all over the continent are suffering the same abuse


At risk: A mentally disabled boy (pictured), eight, sleeps on the floor of a prison cell where 'high risk' male inmates are housed in a 'rehabilitation' centre outside of Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Discarded: The Home of Hope centre (pictured) in Jinja, Uganda, tries to care for abandoned children with mental health problems








save your faux indignation for someone willing to believe you give a damn about ANY of them.
I don’t give a flying fuck what you believe
concerning who I give a damn about

What do YOU have to say?

have them make a claim for asylum, get adjudicated & if deemed valid, let them in.

see? I am consistent.
You're consistently a douchebag.

ooooOOOOOooooo.... now that hurt. no really! it did. whatever shall i do to overcome such a stinging retort?

he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.
Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.

i never said they or you WANT them to die.... but it's crystal clear they & you don't care if they do.

6 dead kids since december.... they & you certainly don't care what physical & emotional trauma these kids are experiencing on a daily basis.
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Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
No showers no diapers, no clothes no tooth brushes or paste no food sleeping on blankets not beds Good going all you pro life BS artists
According to whom?

actual eye witness' who were FINALLY let in. you know what? the 'planning' for these volunteer advocates getting in these facilities took weeks. so CBP KNEW when they were coming & they still were utterly appalled at what they were able to see & the interviews they gave. funny how the press isn't allowed inside any of them. what are they trying to hide & cover up?

i can only imagine who & what they weren't allowed to inspect.
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Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.

Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the discussion or are you going to shit there bullshit and insults like some monkey
Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.

There can be no other conclusion. Republicans are only concerned with the fetus, once a child is born, especially a brown child, they're on their own. Trump just shrugs and says when he gets what he wants, the children will be cared for.
That's actually what Nazi Pelosi says, you sleazy lying piece of shit. She's the one trying to put conditions on increasing the resources allocated for handling children apprehended at border.

the condition is that the cash go di-rectly to those immigrants & NOT to donny's wall. you know.... like when the US sends medical & food supplies to some nation in the throes of war & it ends up in the hands of the enemy for their own use & pleasure?

ya - like that.
Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
No showers no diapers, no clothes no tooth brushes or paste no food sleeping on blankets not beds Good going all you pro life BS artists
According to whom?

The childrens’ lawyers, the government’s lawyer’s in court the other day, FEMA workers, ICE workers and the border patrol.

he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.
Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
Bri is this why you voted for Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org
You people are so full of lies and evil.

Christians have been helping the people at the boarder the entire time. I myself have support with money, charities that help those at the boarder.

Tell me, you walking trash... what have you done?

By the way, it's your left-wing democraps that have prevented anything from being done to help those people.

Trump offered a solution, and you rejected it. It's up to Congress... YOUR congress... the allocate the funds from Planned Parent Hood, and move that money from killing babies, to helping children. You and your scum sucking trash in government, have chosen not to.

So don't complain about how other people don't care, when you are the least caring people on this planet. You people are not even human.
Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
Bri is this why you voted for Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

This is the country Brian wants. This is EXACTLY the country that racist, bigoted fools like Bripat want.
What kind of parent, takes a kid on a dangerous trek across a desert with dangerous criminals?

when their 'home' is even more dangerous.

lol...love the fetus - hate the child.

don'tcha love them thar christian pro lifers & their 'every baby is precious & deserves to live' - when it really means is except after the cord is cut & just forget it if you are brown as well.
Mentally ill patients in Somaliland, north east Africa, chained up and beaten, a Human Rights Watch study reveals

Report found 'alarmingly high levels' of mental health down to violence of civil war, poverty and addiction to drugs

Patients forced into 'hospitals' where they are shackled by their ankles, force fed medication and beaten by guards

They are among the thousands of mental health sufferers locked up in cruel institutions and prisons across Africa

Same cruelty occurs in nations of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria

Abdi was chained up by his ankles in a dark room
almost every hour of the day for 14 months.

He was force fed powerful medication and when he resisted,
he was brutally beaten by guards
at the mental health ward in Somaliland, north east Africa.

Abdi, 35, was one of thousands of patients
forced into the country's cruel psychiatric institutes
where they endure torture, starvation and mind numbing loneliness,
a shocking investigation has revealed.

But these acts of cruelty are not limited to Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia.
Mentally ill people in several Africa nations -
including Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
Kenya and oil rich Nigeria - are chained to hospital beds,
put into prisons alongside dangerous criminals
or chained up by their own families.


Lonely: Ahmed Adan Ahmed (pictured), 13, was tied to a stick in a Somalian refugee camp by his mother who, like many people in Africa,
did not know how to deal with his mental health problems


Cast away: Thousands of mentally ill people across Africa,
including this women who was shackled to an engine part
in Juba Central Prison, South Sudan, are locked up in hospital wards
or in jails alongside criminals


Condemned: A shocking new investigation has revealed how patients
are chained and beaten in wards in Somaliland,
an autonomous region of Somalia, but patients (pictured in a South Sudanese prison) all over the continent are suffering the same abuse


At risk: A mentally disabled boy (pictured), eight, sleeps on the floor of a prison cell where 'high risk' male inmates are housed in a 'rehabilitation' centre outside of Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Discarded: The Home of Hope centre (pictured) in Jinja, Uganda, tries to care for abandoned children with mental health problems








save your faux indignation for someone willing to believe you give a damn about ANY of them.

His point about how the "refugees" look was valid.

your comeback?

Of course they aren't. Because you don't about them. To you, understanding is a one way street.

It is on US to understand them, not the other way around.

That is why your entire argument is sophist nonsense, provided for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
What are you talking about? You keep moving the goalpost. You asked a question about why people would take their children on a dangerous trek. You can’t turn it around in the same conversation and condemn me for not understanding your struggles... this conversation has nothing to do with you. If you want to make it about you then pose another question and we can discuss it.

I made a point about a parent taking their children on a dangerous trek.

YOU challenged my ability to judge people with different life experiences. I did not accuse you of moving the goal posts, because it was a relevant to the topic to challenge my ability to make a judgement.

And so we discussed that back and forth a little.

Now we have reached the end of that, and I have pointed out that your desire for understanding is not equal on both parties.

For if your concept of needing to do the work to understand each other is to be valid at all, the understanding must go both ways.

If not, you need to explain, why it is important for me to understand them, but they can ignore me and my concerns.

Because otherwise, it looks like you are just employing sophist nonsense for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
Of course they aren't. Because you don't about them. To you, understanding is a one way street.

It is on US to understand them, not the other way around.

That is why your entire argument is sophist nonsense, provided for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
What are you talking about? You keep moving the goalpost. You asked a question about why people would take their children on a dangerous trek. You can’t turn it around in the same conversation and condemn me for not understanding your struggles... this conversation has nothing to do with you. If you want to make it about you then pose another question and we can discuss it.

I made a point about a parent taking their children on a dangerous trek.

YOU challenged my ability to judge people with different life experiences. I did not accuse you of moving the goal posts, because it was a relevant to the topic to challenge my ability to make a judgement.

And so we discussed that back and forth a little.

Now we have reached the end of that, and I have pointed out that your desire for understanding is not equal on both parties.

For if your concept of needing to do the work to understand each other is to be valid at all, the understanding must go both ways.

If not, you need to explain, why it is important for me to understand them, but they can ignore me and my concerns.

Because otherwise, it looks like you are just employing sophist nonsense for the sole purpose of dressing up the fact that all you are doing it telling me to shut up and be lectured to.
How do you know they are ignoring your concerns if youve never engaged with them?

You are hear speaking for them, and you are ignoring my perspective and experiences.
im not ignoring you. I’m listening to your perspective and I’m suggesting you stop imagining what you would do and actually engage with the people you are judging if you really want to learn more about their plight

Name one way in which you have given my perspective any thought.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?
Yes those trumpers worry about the embryo but screw the kids in concentration camps starving and dying HYPOCRITES and scum

Yeah, right, Republicans want children to die.

You're such a sleazy disgusting scumbag.
Bri is this why you voted for Trump?
. When you decided you wanted to make America great again, was this the country you had in mind?

We live in a country that puts endangered immigrant children in jail. Six children have died in United States custody in eight months. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country with a national debt of $22 trillion and growing. We’re this deep in debt not because we’ve invested in our roads and bridges, or increased the salaries of teachers, or invested in scientific research, or worked to save the environment, or brought back middle-class jobs, but because we’ve given an enormous tax break to the wealthiest people in the country, plain and simple. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

We live in a country in which white supremacists march with torches, in which the president mocks the disabled, advocates violence and calls the press the enemy of the people. Was it for this that you voted for Donald Trump?

This is the country Brian wants. This is EXACTLY the country that racist, bigoted fools like Bripat want.
These fucking diseased illegal aliens are not our responsibility... Let the fuckers rot in Mexico
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.
Why are you and your party ok with Legally Sanctioned and approved Detention Centers approved by Congress, and Lawful, and required by Law?

These rules and laws were approved by The Obama Administration and The Democrat lead Congress.

And why do you and your party have their fingers up their asses refusing to fix immigration issues that you and your party created?
I don’t feel a bit sorry for these diseased illegal aliens… They deserve the shit treatment... that they are NOT getting. Lol
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.
Pence is a dangerous man but I'm not sure I have a better idea on what to do in this case.

How about we improve the camps and make Big Government Mike come to us for permission on how to use his body's sticks and holes.
How about we stop peeing our pants about people that are no threat to us?

Haha...”no threat to us”.
You haven’t looked at statistics have you...I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts would tell you to consider them a threat?

I HAVE looked at the statistics. They show illegal immigrants commit LESS crime than naturual born Americans.

FACT CHECK: Trump, Illegal Immigration And Crime


Mollie Tibbetts' death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime? - FactCheck.org

That’s all bullshit..but I get it...you don’t know that illegal alien wetbacks = litters of barely legal, criminal minded, welfare department anchor babies.
What else can I teach you?

Only A DEM TARD would cry about $15 Minimum Wage and then import millions of illiterate dumb as a pile of rocks illegals to undercut their own position on a $15 Minimum wage.

Being a DemNazi Left Tard is the Very Definition of Insanity.

Typical LefTard Logic:
“We want a higher minimum wage, we want free healthcare, we want a better education and free college.....OH YEAH, and we want Americans to pay for tens of millions of illegal wetbacks as well.”

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