Why Perry Can't Win

I didn't say what most Americans call themselves.

I said what they are.

Most Americans live their lives as conservatives, and I can prove it.

Case in point- It's Friday, and you just got your paycheck do you

a) Use it to pay off your obligations and perhaps invest a bit of it.


b) Walk down the street and hand money to every drunken stew bum and pipe head you encounter so they can continue to live the life of riley without soiling their hands with work?

The answer, of course, is "A". You live your life like a conservative even if some ingrained sense of institutional guilt makes you vote for liberals....

:eek: That's one of the stupidest things I've ever read, on this board or off, and that's saying quite a bit.

Funny, the only stupid stuff I see here is what you write... why don you go back to SDMB and spew it where your stupidity won't be so obvious.

What I said is true. You are not going out every Friday giving your money to the homeless and welfare collectors. YOu are using it to take care of your mortgage, groceries and household- which is what responsible, conservative people do.

(I of course, work on the assumption you actually have gainful employment, but given you seem to be here 24/7, that's probably assuming a bit much.)
JoeB is merely running off at the mouth. He is here merely for grins and chuckles.
You are posting only the polls that support Perry but not the ones that find Romney doing very well.

That is called dishonesty, Joe. I will refer folks to post #204 in this thread for your willingness to falsify.
You are posting only the polls that support Perry but not the ones that find Romney doing very well.

That is called dishonesty, Joe. I will refer folks to post #204 in this thread for your willingness to falsify.

There are no polls that show him ahead AFTER Perry announced.

He was the frontrunner when the only opposition he had was crazy people. Put a serious, accomplished conservative in the race, and he's done. All the Mormon and Wall Street money in the universe isn't going to polish this turd.
You are posting only the polls that support Perry but not the ones that find Romney doing very well.

That is called dishonesty, Joe. I will refer folks to post #204 in this thread for your willingness to falsify.

There are no polls that show him ahead AFTER Perry announced.

He was the frontrunner when the only opposition he had was crazy people. Put a serious, accomplished conservative in the race, and he's done. All the Mormon and Wall Street money in the universe isn't going to polish this turd.

The polls are posted after Perry announced, #1. Joe fabricates conclusions by excluding material he does not like or that which hurts his material, #2.

Go read #204 above, then check realclearpolitics polls, all of them, including the aggregate.
You are posting only the polls that support Perry but not the ones that find Romney doing very well.

That is called dishonesty, Joe. I will refer folks to post #204 in this thread for your willingness to falsify.

There are no polls that show him ahead AFTER Perry announced.

He was the frontrunner when the only opposition he had was crazy people. Put a serious, accomplished conservative in the race, and he's done. All the Mormon and Wall Street money in the universe isn't going to polish this turd.

The polls are posted after Perry announced, #1. Joe fabricates conclusions by excluding material he does not like or that which hurts his material, #2.

Go read #204 above, then check realclearpolitics polls, all of them, including the aggregate.

the aggragates are from the beginning of the month, before Perry announced...

Romney is shrinking until no one will see him again, Mormon Troll boy, as I have brilliantly pointed out why he will never be the nominee..

Too bad, so sad. Guy spends 6 years running for president, and gets bested by a guy who just made his mind a few weeks ago.
Joe, are you able to read clearly. The aggegrations conclude after his announcement. Joes continues to fail to announce all of the material. Read #204 then check realclearpolitics.
Joe, are you able to read clearly. The aggegrations conclude after his announcement. Joes continues to fail to announce all of the material. Read #204 then check realclearpolitics.

They CONCLUDE after his announce, not begin... Once Perry was clearly in the race and off and running, he cleaned Romney's clock.

Come on, guy, your whole argument for Romney, why we should ignore his evil, stupid religion, his greed, his slimy business practices, his lack of core values or accomplishment, is because a poll said he was "electable".

Except now the polls are showing Perry is just as electable AND favored by More republicans.

And the only thing you have to cling to like Leo DiCaprio in the wreckage is 'Well, he's still ahead in Liberal New Hampshire".
He was the frontrunner when the only opposition he had was crazy people. Put a serious, accomplished conservative in the race, and he's done. All the Mormon and Wall Street money in the universe isn't going to polish this turd.

Crazy people. Hehehe... this is gonna be good.
You are posting only the polls that support Perry but not the ones that find Romney doing very well.

That is called dishonesty, Joe. I will refer folks to post #204 in this thread for your willingness to falsify.

Right now, Perry is leading in the polls. I don't know of any polls taken in the last few weeks that have Romney in the lead.

Its not surprising. It is common for a perceived savior to shoot up the polls when he first announces - think Fred Thompson - especially this year with the field so weak - think Donald Trump. The question is whether Perry has staying power. Personally, I think he does and is going to give it a serious run. But "being a conservative" isn't going to be enough. He's going to have to sound more Presidential.

From Peggy Noonan's WSJ column this week.


[Perry's] primary flaw appears to be a chesty, quick-draw machismo that might be right for an angry base but wrong for an antsy country. Americans want a president who feels their anger without himself walking around enraged. ...

Mr. Perry's now-famous gaffes, for which he's been roundly criticized, are said to suggest an infelicity of language. But they look more like poor judgement. On Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke: "If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treasonous in my opinion." On the subject of secession: "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that." On President Obama's patriotism—in response to a question from this newspaper's Danny Yadron, who asked Mr. Perry if he was suggesting that Mr. Obama didn't love this country: 'I dunno, you need to ask him.'" On Mr. Obama's lack of military service: "The president had the opportunity to serve his country I'm sure, at some time, and he made the decision that that wasn't what he wanted to do."

The secession reference was off the cuff, not spoken in a speech that had been fully thought through. Still, to refer blithely to secession, even in that context, as anything but tragic—which both it and the potential reasons behind it would be—suggests a lack of reflection, a lack of gravitas, a carelessness. As for Mr. Bernanke, he is an earnest public servant who is either right or wrong in his assumptions and decisions, but certainly not treacherous or treasonous. ...

A lesson from the Reagan experience:

In 1980 the American electorate was so disturbed by economic disorder that it took a big leap. The leap was Ronald Reagan, the most conservative president since Calvin Coolidge was elected in 1924. Ronald Reagan was not the moderate in the GOP field, he was not the "establishment candidate." It took a real leap to get to him.

The public was able to make the leap for two big reasons. He represented a conservatism that could be clearly asserted, defended and advanced, and which marked a break from the reigning thinking which had gotten us into trouble. And he was a person of moderate temperament and equability. He was good natured, even-keeled, competent and accomplished. Just because he wanted to do some "radical" things didn't mean he would allow a spirit of radicalism to overtake his personality or essential nature.

And this was important in 1980 because Mr. Carter, at the end of the campaign, tried to paint Mr. Reagan as an angry cowboy with crazy ideas. You don't want that guy with his finger on the button.

It was a serious charge. People would listen, and consider whether there seemed to be truth in it. Then Mr. Reagan would walk out on the TV screen and give a speech or an interview and people would see this benign and serious person and think, "He isn't radical. That's not what radical looks like."

They only lept toward him after they looked.

In 2012, the Republican candidate will be called either mean or dumb, or both. Certainly, his politics will be called mean. And if the candidate is Rick Perry, people will look at him and think: Hmmm, is there something to the charge?

He should keep that in mind as he pops off. If there is a deeper, more reflective person there he'd best show it, sooner rather than later. This is the point where out of the corner of their eye, people are starting to get impressions.

Peggy Noonan: Perry's Popping-Off Problem - WSJ.com
Thank you, Toro for a thoughtful post.

I agree, that there is a risk that Perry could end up being another Fred Thompson. (And I hate to admit it now, I was initially fooled by Thompson. Now I cant stand seeing him in a Law and Order Rerun.)

I do think Perry is a guy who can learn from mistakes. He was initially trailing Kay Baily Hutchison, for instance, until he got the measure of her and beat her pretty handily.

I think he's the only GOP candidate who can reasonably stand up to Obama. Romney can't. What's his argument? My Government Takeover of Health Care is less radical than his? My Prophet is less nutty than Obama's spiritual advisor?
Why Perry Can't Win
.....'Cause he's a Texas-style....


Thank you, Toro for a thoughtful post.

I agree, that there is a risk that Perry could end up being another Fred Thompson. (And I hate to admit it now, I was initially fooled by Thompson. Now I cant stand seeing him in a Law and Order Rerun.)

I do think Perry is a guy who can learn from mistakes. He was initially trailing Kay Baily Hutchison, for instance, until he got the measure of her and beat her pretty handily.

I think he's the only GOP candidate who can reasonably stand up to Obama. Romney can't. What's his argument? My Government Takeover of Health Care is less radical than his? My Prophet is less nutty than Obama's spiritual advisor?

I'm just not that interested in the 'sports casting' of it all. I'm wondering what kind of leader a candidate will be. And often their campaigning ability doesn't correlate with good leadership.
Thank you, Toro for a thoughtful post.

I agree, that there is a risk that Perry could end up being another Fred Thompson. (And I hate to admit it now, I was initially fooled by Thompson. Now I cant stand seeing him in a Law and Order Rerun.)

I do think Perry is a guy who can learn from mistakes. He was initially trailing Kay Baily Hutchison, for instance, until he got the measure of her and beat her pretty handily.

I think he's the only GOP candidate who can reasonably stand up to Obama. Romney can't. What's his argument? My Government Takeover of Health Care is less radical than his? My Prophet is less nutty than Obama's spiritual advisor?

I think Romney can win but I also think Perry can win. Perry has made a few gaffes, but he can get over that if he starts sounding more polished. The Republican field is very fluid. I've always said that I thought Obama was vulnerable and was surprised at the lack of Republican heavyweights in the field. Thus, a guy like Perry can win the nomination and the Presidency.
I'm just not that interested in the 'sports casting' of it all. I'm wondering what kind of leader a candidate will be. And often their campaigning ability doesn't correlate with good leadership.

quite right. Look at Obama. Great Campainger, awful president.

That said, Perry has run the second largest state in the Union for12 years, longer than any other person in history and longer than any other state governor. So there is a leadership record to be examined there, and despite the attempts by some to run him down, it looks like a pretty good one.
I'm just not that interested in the 'sports casting' of it all. I'm wondering what kind of leader a candidate will be. And often their campaigning ability doesn't correlate with good leadership.

quite right. Look at Obama. Great Campainger, awful president.

That said, Perry has run the second largest state in the Union for12 years, longer than any other person in history and longer than any other state governor. So there is a leadership record to be examined there, and despite the attempts by some to run him down, it looks like a pretty good one.

I disagree he was a good campaigner. Name one memorable phrase from any speech he ever gave. Name one inspiring moment in his campaign.
He had numerous screw ups with the lapel pin, redesigning the presidential seal and other infelicities that should have been a warning about his terrible judgment.
He won because 1) people were tired of GW Bush and 2 wars, 2) they were afraid of being called racist if they didnt vote for him, 3) they wanted to be part of a historic moment in US history (first black president), 4) McCain sounded pretty much like Obama but without the media support.
Polls consistently showed McCain gaining on Obama's lead until the economy went to shit. That played to McCain's weakest area, where the difference between what he proposed and Obama needed a micrometer to measure.

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