Why Republicans think the Democratic Party is the "Plantation" party

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Re: Keys turning his own lesbian daughter out of home and heart after she "came out"...IN THE NAME OF FAMILY VALUES ...any one else see the irony...and idiocy?

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Re: Keys turning his own lesbian daughter out of home and heart after she "came out"...IN THE NAME OF FAMILY VALUES ...any one else see the irony...and idiocy?

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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Re: Keys turning his own lesbian daughter out of home and heart after she "came out"...IN THE NAME OF FAMILY VALUES ...any one else see the irony...and idiocy?

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How is any of that your all's business?
the Gaurdian is a pos rag for printing that garbage and so is rdean for spreading it
the Democrats can't make it without garbage politics
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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

living in the south i have noticed a plantation mentality among white workers , compliant docile calling the supervisor 'bossman' . when i moved down south 25 years ago it was because they had to import technical educated labor to run on the technical side the factories that left the technically educated states. the entire idea was by having technical literate people they would be able to train local technical people , but in the rural areas where these factories were set up it hasn't worked out so well in quality and prodductivity, not only was it hard retaining skilled technical labor from the outside and the plantation mentality made it almost impossible with the local white population because of their plantation mentality, on Sundays they go to church and their pastor tells them who they should vote for and to fear foreigners,very sad
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on Sunday liberal's preachers shout "GOD DAMNS AMERICA!!" from the pulpit; and teach people to fear White and Conservative people; and who to vote for

very sad

idiots and hypocrites
factories moved from the North to the South

many foreign car makers have also built plants in the South; BMW, Toyota, Honda

idiots and hypocrites
jobs are moving from Blue States to Red States

true story

yes it is and so are the wealthy who provides these jobs
oh well, the people in these blue states can keep their high and mighty noses in the air and can depend on their GUBERMENT to take care of them when they run all businesses out and hope they don't end up like Detroit, Chicago (murder capital and corrupted government) stealing from them...
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Fascism came to America; wrapped in a Hammer and Sickle flag; cloaked in name of "change".
Fascism came to America; wrapped in a Hammer and Sickle flag; cloaked in name of "change".

and given a pretty name called, progressive which really stands for regressive, distructive policies on life like abortion and slavery
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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Re: Keys turning his own lesbian daughter out of home and heart after she "came out"...IN THE NAME OF FAMILY VALUES ...any one else see the irony...and idiocy?

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I see idiocy in intruding your beliefs into how other people run their lives.
I see consistency and principle in what Keyes did. I may or may not approve of it. But I wasnt there and I dont know all the facts. Neither do you.
living in the south i have noticed a plantation mentality among white workers , compliant docile calling the supervisor 'bossman' . when i moved down south 25 years ago it was because they had to import technical educated labor to run on the technical side the factories that left the technically educated states. the entire idea was by having technical literate people they would be able to train local technical people , but in the rural areas where these factories were set up it hasn't worked out so well in quality and prodductivity, not only was it hard retaining skilled technical labor from the outside and the plantation mentality made it almost impossible with the local white population because of their plantation mentality, on Sundays they go to church and their pastor tells them who they should vote for and to fear foreigners,very said

You're a liar. You've never lived in the South. You never worked here. You never saw any plantation mentality among white workers. You never heard one ofthem call someone bossman.
living in the south i have noticed a plantation mentality among white workers , compliant docile calling the supervisor 'bossman' . when i moved down south 25 years ago it was because they had to import technical educated labor to run on the technical side the factories that left the technically educated states. the entire idea was by having technical literate people they would be able to train local technical people , but in the rural areas where these factories were set up it hasn't worked out so well in quality and prodductivity, not only was it hard retaining skilled technical labor from the outside and the plantation mentality made it almost impossible with the local white population because of their plantation mentality, on Sundays they go to church and their pastor tells them who they should vote for and to fear foreigners,very said

You're a liar. You've never lived in the South. You never worked here. You never saw any plantation mentality among white workers. You never heard one ofthem call someone bossman.

they probably got that out of some book
just so much bs
Well, we have all the proof we need with rdean to know it's the plantation party

He's been chained to it and been their hateful little mouth piece for it, for how long now?

he joined here shortly after his dear leader Obambam was crowned dictator

Aren't you a single black mother? Who do you blame for that?

I've never blamed anyone for my lot in life and I came from dirt poor...but I didn't want to stay that way so I worked hard to get out of that (sometimes two jobs and seven days a week) and now live comfortably all with no help from the likes of you or ANY political party..but thanks for caring

So you're a single black mother who doesn't blame the Democrats for your situation,

but at the same time you're chiming in with all the rightwing nuts in this thread blaming Democrats for there being so many single black mothers in this country.


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Aren't you a single black mother? Who do you blame for that?

I've never blamed anyone for my lot in life and I came from dirt poor...but I didn't want to stay that way so I worked hard to get out of that (sometimes two jobs and seven days a week) and now live comfortably all with no help from the likes of you or ANY political party..but thanks for caring

So you're a single black mother who doesn't blame the Democrats for your situation,

but at the same time you're chiming in with all the rightwing nuts in this thread blaming Democrats for there being so many single black mothers in this country.



I NEVER said or agreed with anything about single black mothers...you're a freaking nutjob..go play with your buddies like static..two jerks in a pod
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Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats had a 200 year vision in the 1960s and the US is witness to it every day. How else can one explain standing shoulder to shoulder with those in support of Margaret Sanger whose goal of Planned Parenthood was control and reduction of the Black population in the US? That could only happen by way of a plantation mentality.

Where do you get these ideas from?

How can you misinterpret Results as one's Ideas? Seems yourself and many others are enjoying plantation life as well. Don't forget to drink the kilo aid.

The black American population in this country is declining because of birth control?

Fuck. Where DO you get these ideas from?
Aren't you a single black mother? Who do you blame for that?

I've never blamed anyone for my lot in life and I came from dirt poor...but I didn't want to stay that way so I worked hard to get out of that (sometimes two jobs and seven days a week) and now live comfortably all with no help from the likes of you or ANY political party..but thanks for caring

So you're a single black mother who doesn't blame the Democrats for your situation,

but at the same time chiming in with all the rightwing nuts in this thread blaming Democrats for there being so many single black mothers in this country.



silly moron; we're blaming Dems for pandering and patronizing that has led to many single mothers in the Black community

what' sso hard to understand? it's a lot more understandable then you losers pandering that Republicans are keepgin them down; from their own positions of power in the liberal world. limosine libs like jackson and al sharpton, even obama; have acheived success; but imply the rest of Black people are too stupid to do what they did

ur a joke
what the hell is Black American?

are they separate from the rest of us?

you see folks, that's how Democrats views people in this country

they separate us into class, race, etc

homosexuals are now referring to themselves as, gay Americans

then they can play their class warfare on you...this is how Democrats/progressives is tearing down this country

wake up
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How many times have we heard Republicans on the USMB describe the Democratic Party as the "plantation party" where blacks and other minorities are being "led" with "free stuff"?

How many times have they said the blacks voted 90% for President Obama and made some kind of deal out of that?

Why do imagine the Democratic Party works this way?

When you think about it, it's easy to understand. First, look at the blacks that have joined the GOP. Look at Herman Cain. Remember when he was asked about "civil rights" and blacks who rode at the back of the bus. He said he always went to the back of the bus because he wasn't a "trouble-maker".


Remember Alen Keyes?

When the leading Republican and rightwing pundit Alan Keyes was asked what he thought of Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of the US vice-president, he called her "a selfish hedonist". If his own daughter came out as a lesbian, said Mr Keyes, he would say the same thing.
So when Mr Keyes' only daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, declared herself a "liberal queer" at a public rally he lived up to his word. Her parents turned her out of their house, broke off all communication and stopped paying her university tuition fees.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter

Mr. Keyes was the man who ran against Barrack Obama for the Senate. He said he disowned his daughter in the name of "family values".

So you can see blacks who join the GOP can be highly motivated. They share GOP values.

And look at what the GOP is doing these days. Threatening candidates if they don't "toe the line". We only need to look at the mid term races to know that as a "fact".

The majority of the GOP are whites living in the deep south. Many of their ancestors were slave holders and consider themselves "Confederate". Of course they believe blacks have no integrity and only want "free stuff" because they are greedy and lazy. Many simply don't believe blacks can be thoughtful and independent. So they must be "led" by Democratic "leaders".

Because the Republicans party is so monolithic, they insist the it must be the same for the Democratic Party. They don't understand "coalition" because they have no experience with being part of a coalition.

For Democrats to have a majority within the party, you need a majority from the groups that make up the Democratic Party. The different groups may not like each other, but they respect each other enough to work together. In fact, many of the groups that make up the Democratic Party would not be welcome in the GOP.

Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

they are the sociopathic party.

people don't matter.
I've never blamed anyone for my lot in life and I came from dirt poor...but I didn't want to stay that way so I worked hard to get out of that (sometimes two jobs and seven days a week) and now live comfortably all with no help from the likes of you or ANY political party..but thanks for caring

So you're a single black mother who doesn't blame the Democrats for your situation,

but at the same time you're chiming in with all the rightwing nuts in this thread blaming Democrats for there being so many single black mothers in this country.



I NEVER said or agreed with anything about single black mothers...you're a freaking nutjob..go play with your buddies like static..two jerks in a pod

Then who posted this? The white Stephanie? Your other personality?

Quote: Originally Posted by Mac1958
What has been done by blacks and black families over the last two generations in the name of "caring" is nothing short of a tragedy. Telling children from Day One that someone is out to get them and that they need someone else to somehow make like "fair" for them; lowered standards, the soft bigotry of reduced expectations; further isolation due to identity politics.

Two generations now. Horrible.


"that's the Democrat/liberal/progressive motto:
you know you can't make it in life without us, so you better vote us in office
It's psychological brain washing."

You should be ashamed of yourself.


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