Bullshit, he never said that. You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what? How the hell is that even in the same realm of Trump's treasonous behaviour??

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014 and established serious consequences for Kremlin to consider going forward.

You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what?

He said, after his re-election, he could be more flexible.....what did he mean?

During the debates he said.....

"And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014

After sucking Putin's ass for 5 years?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

Yes yes Obama sucks, that's what it's all about for you. Now go ahead and fold up back in the drawer like a good little partisan tool you are.
We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.

When the Trump campaign approached the Russians about hacking the DNC and Hillary’s campaign manager….they gained a bargaining chip that they are holding over the blob's head. Which is why he continues to undermine his own intelligence staff. It creates division and turmoil in the US which is what they wanted to do in with their efforts to undermine the confidence in the election.

Excuse me? When did Trump "approach the Russians" about hacking the DNC?
Via Roger Stone; who knew 6 weeks prior to the release of Podesta’s e-mails that he was going to be hacked.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is based on the fact that Hillary's money paid some Russians to make up a salacious story about "hookers peeing on a bed."
Don’t be stupid.

You're referring to the public comment Trump- made, right?

"Hey Russia if you're listening, please return Hillary's emails..."

How the fuck is that "approaching Russia"?

No. I was referring to his top advisor Stone’s tweets about Podesta’s e-mails.
I was also referring to his not trusting his own intel chiefs when they have repeatedly told him that the Russians interfered in 2016 and they are doing it again now.

It hasn't been proven that Podesta's emails were hacked by any "Russians." Maybe the dumb bastard shouldn't have clicked on a link in one of them, activating that trojan.

Oh really?

DNC hacker 'Guccifer 2.0' was reportedly confirmed as a Russian agent after forgetting to conceal his identity online
We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.
President Obama himself stated there are always several nations / entities trying to affect our election (to include the Democrats and the former President himself).

Trump just happened to make a sarcastic joke about Russia in a debate with Hillary, and, like a bulldog with a bone, the Libtards jumped on 'Russia' and never let it go.
You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what?

He said, after his re-election, he could be more flexible.....what did he mean?

During the debates he said.....

"And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014

After sucking Putin's ass for 5 years?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

Yes yes Obama sucks, that's what it's all about for you. Now go ahead and fold up back in the drawer like a good little partisan tool you are.

You still crying yourself to sleep?
We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Maybe Putin wants American uranium.

Oh, wait...............
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.

False. Next?

Hillary collaborated with a Trump-Hating foreign spy and with the Russians, PAYING THEM BOTH for their helping in winning in 2016. in return for cash they gave her a fake, Russian-authored dossier that she and Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI used illegally.

False. Next

Post links. They'll either NOT say what you claim or be claims (not unlike your own) from right wing blogs with no proof
Maybe Putin wants American uranium.

If he did...he never got any. Nor COULD he have according to that deal. No export licenses were included in that sale.

And it's not like Putin didn't have TONS of other sources for yellowcake uranium...Niger ring a bell?
We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.
We call it misdirection...

We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.
We call it misdirection...

View attachment 245280
That's exactly what you are doing
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Who's surprised that this thread brought out the Russian trollbots?
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...or that any uranium related to the Uranium One deal ever went to Russia...or that Russian didn't have any NUMBER of other sources for yellowcake uranium
When the Trump campaign approached the Russians about hacking the DNC and Hillary’s campaign manager….they gained a bargaining chip that they are holding over the blob's head. Which is why he continues to undermine his own intelligence staff. It creates division and turmoil in the US which is what they wanted to do in with their efforts to undermine the confidence in the election.

Excuse me? When did Trump "approach the Russians" about hacking the DNC?
Via Roger Stone; who knew 6 weeks prior to the release of Podesta’s e-mails that he was going to be hacked.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is based on the fact that Hillary's money paid some Russians to make up a salacious story about "hookers peeing on a bed."
Don’t be stupid.

You're referring to the public comment Trump- made, right?

"Hey Russia if you're listening, please return Hillary's emails..."

How the fuck is that "approaching Russia"?

No. I was referring to his top advisor Stone’s tweets about Podesta’s e-mails.
I was also referring to his not trusting his own intel chiefs when they have repeatedly told him that the Russians interfered in 2016 and they are doing it again now.

It hasn't been proven that Podesta's emails were hacked by any "Russians." Maybe the dumb bastard shouldn't have clicked on a link in one of them, activating that trojan.

You;re either lying or delusional.

Podesta was hacked by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 was GRU...Russian military intelligence

If he was, consider it "opposition research." Hillary went to the Russians for the same reason.

Either way, it's all good for me. The worst thing that could have happened to this country was for Hillary to be elected President.

Great, a Trump supporter who enjoys felonies; you’ve found your blob.
We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near.

But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated phrase. Can someone please provide a valid reason why Russia would rather have a President Trump in office, as opposed to any of the socialist-leaning Democrats who will be running?

This makes absolutely no sense.

When the Trump campaign approached the Russians about hacking the DNC and Hillary’s campaign manager….they gained a bargaining chip that they are holding over the blob's head. Which is why he continues to undermine his own intelligence staff. It creates division and turmoil in the US which is what they wanted to do in with their efforts to undermine the confidence in the election.

Excuse me? When did Trump "approach the Russians" about hacking the DNC?
Via Roger Stone; who knew 6 weeks prior to the release of Podesta’s e-mails that he was going to be hacked.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is based on the fact that Hillary's money paid some Russians to make up a salacious story about "hookers peeing on a bed."
Don’t be stupid.

You're referring to the public comment Trump- made, right?

"Hey Russia if you're listening, please return Hillary's emails..."

How the fuck is that "approaching Russia"?

No. I was referring to his top advisor Stone’s tweets about Podesta’s e-mails.
I was also referring to his not trusting his own intel chiefs when they have repeatedly told him that the Russians interfered in 2016 and they are doing it again now.

It hasn't been proven that Podesta's emails were hacked by any "Russians." Maybe the dumb bastard shouldn't have clicked on a link in one of them, activating that trojan.

You;re either lying or delusional.

Podesta was hacked by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 was GRU...Russian military intelligence

Say what? When someone gives out their password, it's not really hacking...dumbass.
So all the Guccifer 2.0 Russian military hacks involved stealing simple passwords?

You running with that lie?
When the Trump campaign approached the Russians about hacking the DNC and Hillary’s campaign manager….they gained a bargaining chip that they are holding over the blob's head. Which is why he continues to undermine his own intelligence staff. It creates division and turmoil in the US which is what they wanted to do in with their efforts to undermine the confidence in the election.

Excuse me? When did Trump "approach the Russians" about hacking the DNC?
Via Roger Stone; who knew 6 weeks prior to the release of Podesta’s e-mails that he was going to be hacked.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is based on the fact that Hillary's money paid some Russians to make up a salacious story about "hookers peeing on a bed."
Don’t be stupid.

You're referring to the public comment Trump- made, right?

"Hey Russia if you're listening, please return Hillary's emails..."

How the fuck is that "approaching Russia"?

No. I was referring to his top advisor Stone’s tweets about Podesta’s e-mails.
I was also referring to his not trusting his own intel chiefs when they have repeatedly told him that the Russians interfered in 2016 and they are doing it again now.

It hasn't been proven that Podesta's emails were hacked by any "Russians." Maybe the dumb bastard shouldn't have clicked on a link in one of them, activating that trojan.

You;re either lying or delusional.

Podesta was hacked by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 was GRU...Russian military intelligence

Say what? When someone gives out their password, it's not really hacking...dumbass.

Except that didn’t happen in this case.

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