Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...or that any uranium related to the Uranium One deal ever went to Russia...or that Russian didn't have any NUMBER of other sources for yellowcake uranium
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...or that any uranium related to the Uranium One deal ever went to Russia...or that Russian didn't have any NUMBER of other sources for yellowcake uranium
So where did Chelsea has gotten her moral values from?

Excuse me? When did Trump "approach the Russians" about hacking the DNC?
Via Roger Stone; who knew 6 weeks prior to the release of Podesta’s e-mails that he was going to be hacked.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is based on the fact that Hillary's money paid some Russians to make up a salacious story about "hookers peeing on a bed."
Don’t be stupid.

You're referring to the public comment Trump- made, right?

"Hey Russia if you're listening, please return Hillary's emails..."

How the fuck is that "approaching Russia"?

No. I was referring to his top advisor Stone’s tweets about Podesta’s e-mails.
I was also referring to his not trusting his own intel chiefs when they have repeatedly told him that the Russians interfered in 2016 and they are doing it again now.

It hasn't been proven that Podesta's emails were hacked by any "Russians." Maybe the dumb bastard shouldn't have clicked on a link in one of them, activating that trojan.

You;re either lying or delusional.

Podesta was hacked by Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 was GRU...Russian military intelligence

Say what? When someone gives out their password, it's not really hacking...dumbass.

Except that didn’t happen in this case.

Didn't happen in this case? WTF.
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...or that any uranium related to the Uranium One deal ever went to Russia...or that Russian didn't have any NUMBER of other sources for yellowcake uranium
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian who led their KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.
False. Next?


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Russia scandal also may touch Democrats

"During the 2016 campaign, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation had taken more than $100 million in contributions from a firm heavily backed by Moscow seeking control of as much as 20 percent of this country’s uranium reserves, that the deal required a sign-off from the State Department headed at the time by Mrs. Clinton, and that her husband had traveled to Russia, according The New York Times, given a speech and received a half-million-dollar honorarium from the Moscow bank funding the effort."

Lying little Tantrum Thrower......

Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...or that any uranium related to the Uranium One deal ever went to Russia...or that Russian didn't have any NUMBER of other sources for yellowcake uranium
So where did Chelsea has gotten her moral values from?

But one thing that I do know is that Chelsea had a good ol' biblical wedding.
Of course there's not a shed of evidence that Clinton ever got a DIME personally from the Clinton Foundation...


'No, no, no, no ,no , no, no, no, no, no, no. no,
You're lying, you're lying, everyone knows you
are lying....waaaaaaaahhhhhhh, waaaaaaahh!


Hillary took over $100 MILLION from the Russians....
Bill took $500k from the KGB Bank

and you keep throwing tantrums... Bwuhahahahaha
Bullshit, he never said that. You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what? How the hell is that even in the same realm of Trump's treasonous behaviour??

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014 and established serious consequences for Kremlin to consider going forward.

You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what?

He said, after his re-election, he could be more flexible.....what did he mean?

During the debates he said.....

"And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014

After sucking Putin's ass for 5 years?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.
You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what?

He said, after his re-election, he could be more flexible.....what did he mean?

During the debates he said.....

"And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014

After sucking Putin's ass for 5 years?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.
So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

Obama? Oh, hell he was a GREAT President....as long as you were a Mexican Drug Cartel, Terrorist, enemy of the United States, violent illegal, Human Trafficker, MS13 member, illegal rapist / cop killer, of criminal Democrat - many of whom he kept from going to prison.

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into 2 illegal wars to help terrorists try to take over their own countries, to include Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans. From the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to Al Qaeda in Libya, to the Taliban 5 in Afghanistan, to ISIS in Syria / Iraq.......and to help convince Iran to join and sign his illegal TREATY agreement, Barry even protected terrorist Hezbollah's drug operations.

He violated the Constitution several times - his own personal Treaty with Iran, admittedly bypassing Congress to sign his own Illegal Immigrant 'edict' (DACA) through with his own Presidential declaration. He later paid for the return of our hostages because Barry was too afraid if he asked for them as part of the deal they would walk away. (He always negotiated from a position of WEAKNESS, like with his embarrassing 'Red Line' disaster).

After ISIS perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII Obama chose to drop leaflets down warning ISIS the attack was coming rather than join the retaliatory strike on ISIS.

He was too busy helping Russia and terrorists and illegals to pay attention to NK getting advanced missile technology giving them the ability to strike us. Perhaps if he had his Intel agencies spending a little less time spying on Americans and Trump.....

Obama and his 'Gestapo' illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices...and GOP Presidential candidates....while using the IRS illegally to target Americans who were legally opposing his re-election.

And now in the last 2 years the lid has been blown off of his administrations' illegal Conspiracy against Candidate / President Trump, through the only existing evidence of crime involved in the investigation, backed by DOJ Ohr's testimony, the US IG findings and more......

Obama promised to run the most Transparent administration evuh....and it turned out the most criminally secretive in US history, setting a new record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records act.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, snowflakes like DL, Timmy, and more continue to repeat the some ridiculous lies and denials over and over an dover.

Obama, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Weinstein, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Baker, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr,...they all should be in prison.

Currently and SADLY there is a bill being introduced to Congress calling for the EQUAL ADMINISTERING OF JUSTICE TO EVERYONE IN THE US, no matter who they are, from the President all the way down to a homeless person on the street. It is SAD that we actually have to have a bill signed into law for that to even be called to happen - it should have been happening all along, but politicians, mainly Liberals / Democrats we have seen in the last 10 years, have refused to hold any of their own accountable...which is why this Bill will never see the floor for discussion. Democrats will continue to defend their self-appointed positions of being exempt from the laws to which the rest of are held accountable!

Meanwhile, after I hit 'post' on this, it won't be 30 seconds before the nasty, hate-filled insults and personal attacks and denial will be coming his fast and furiously. My money is on DL being the 1st. Don't disappoint me, DL :p
Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is losing meaning?
Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is quickly losing meaning?

Still crying yourself to sleep?
So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.
So you think the President who openly declared that manufacturing jobs were NEVER coming back to the US, that we should abandon hope of that ever happening, and accept that as the 'new norm' ... is somehow the guy who brought them back to the US AFTER he left office and created all the economic prosperity we are having?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is losing meaning?
'Thy name is' PROJECTION.......

Obama is gone, we are still dealing with the after-effects of his tainted, criminal administration and his attempt to 'fundamentally change' the US, but at least almost all of his legacy has been wiped off the books...
Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is quickly losing meaning?

Still crying yourself to sleep?

Crying? wtf? Did you just pull that out of your ass?

Everything you post is a deflect to Obama, nothing you post is about Trump - it's almost like you are hanging on to the past and just can't move on and sanely discuss any current topic.
Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is losing meaning?
'Thy name is' PROJECTION.......

Obama is gone, we are still dealing with the after-effects of his tainted, criminal administration and his attempt to 'fundamentally change' the US, but at least almost all of his legacy has been wiped off the books...

Do you tell about your Obama PSD to your shrink?
Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

So does the rest of the world.

The JV team seemed to like him.

Hey Todd, are you just acting out because Obama has been out of office for 2 years and your life is quickly losing meaning?

Still crying yourself to sleep?

Crying? wtf? Did you just pull that out of your ass?

Everything you post is a deflect to Obama, nothing you post is about Trump - it's almost like you are hanging on to the past and just can't move on and sanely discuss any current topic.

Crying? wtf?

Still 7 days a week?
Or is the number shrinking?
Who's surprised that this thread brought out the Russian trollbots?

Stop with your stupidity already, ok mang? There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board. There are several posters who are obviously posting from Russia, but they generally tend to avoid our political discussions, and are more directed toward Russian topics.

Do you know how stupid you sound when you parrot the same "Russian trolls" BS that not even many leftists on here are claiming any more?
Stop with your stupidity already, ok mang? There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board.

It's how they manage with being challenged and proven wrong so often. And you never challenge their delusions in such a direct manor - they could become violent if you do so.
You can say he underestimated the extent of the threat...so what?

He said, after his re-election, he could be more flexible.....what did he mean?

During the debates he said.....

"And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."

When push came to shove Obama confronted Putin's agression in 2014

After sucking Putin's ass for 5 years?

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

Not a single Democrat has answered my question yet:

Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

Simple question. Is that so fucking hard to answer?
Last edited:
Sucking Putin's ass....Obama??? You are on drugs.

And yes, Cold war is long over and spending more millatary is CLEARLY not an effective way to counteract Russian covert ops like illegal meddling in our elections - on that Obama was 100% correct.

Again, nothing Obama did is even in the same universe of Trump's behavior when it comes to Putin.

Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

Not a single Democrat has answered my question yet:

Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

Simple question. Is that so fucking hard to answer?

I answered your question in detail. You refuse to accept the answer.

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