Putin got a relayed whispered message from Obama through Medvedev, and 2 years later Putin got uranium, Crimea, TS data from Hillary's server allowed to remain running, and the opportunity to try hacking the US power grid, more attempts to hack senior Govt official communications, and to run a successful counter-intel op that got liberal snowflakes to organize and march for him while paying willing Liberal groups to spread racist division and violence....FOR 2 YEARS.

With Trump, they could not even get his son to stay in a meeting more than 15 minutes with his top lawyer and could not get Trump or anyone on his team to accept fake Russian-authored Oppo Research, unlike Hillary. Not only did the Russians get her to TAKE it, they got her to PAY for the lies!

Just remember kids.



Why it will change you from a Democrat to a Republican, faster than you can say, Jesus Loves Trump.

Don't read these below Libtards... They are RUSSIAN.

If you read them, you will be voting Trump in 2020.



Sucking Putin's ass....Obama???

Be sure to tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election. DURR.

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

Not a single Democrat has answered my question yet:

Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

Simple question. Is that so fucking hard to answer?

I answered your question in detail. You refuse to accept the answer.

You answered nothing. Instead you chose to ramble some unintelligible garbage about how "the rest of the world" thinks Obama was a wonderful President, claimed that the Republican Party was "destroying the economy", and inferred that Trump-supporters were "too gullible" to make their own political choices.

Answer the question or GFY!
Obama and Hillary are examples of what happens when you don't investigate the backgrounds of potential candidates, when you tell others their past doesn't matter when you ended up finding the 'skeletons', and you manage to sneak one through...

There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board.

Yea...sure. They're all over the internet...Facebook, twitter, instagram...but not here. I mean it's not like they are trying to influence the political discussion or anything.
There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board.

Yea...sure. They're all over the internet...Facebook, twitter, instagram...but not here. I mean it's not like they are trying to influence the political discussion or anything.

What matter does that make? Are you too gullible and easily-manipulated to know who you want to vote for? I know damned well that I'm not. If a bunch of previously-Democratic voters were actually swayed by something posted on Facebook or Twitter, that speaks volumes about their lack of intelligence and/or lack of information.

Would anyone have been able to convince you to vote for Trump?
Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

A. Trump is not a conservative

B. He's certainly not strong...especially when dealing with Putin. He acts like a friggin lapdog.

C. Those "left leaning socialist Dem candidates" see Putin as a dangerous adversary...Trump does not

D. Trump has nothing to do with our energy independence. It's happening but not because of anything He has done.

E. Space Force? Yea...that's ..."interesting"

F. He did NOTHING when Russian mercs attacked our troops. They defended themselves and HE never said a word about it

You could be MORE wrong...but it would take a real effort
There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board.

Yea...sure. They're all over the internet...Facebook, twitter, instagram...but not here. I mean it's not like they are trying to influence the political discussion or anything.

What matter does that make? Are you too gullible and easily-manipulated to know who you want to vote for? I know damned well that I'm not. I bunch of previously-Democratic voters were actually swayed by something posted on Facebook or Twitter, that speak volumes about their lack of intelligence and/or lack of information.

Would anyone have been able to convince you to vote for Trump?
"I" saw this happening almost in real time and it shocked the hell out of me in the fall of 2016.

People like you ignored it...and MANY based their votes or failure to vote based on that Russian agitprop whether you choose to admit it or not.

We're talking about only 80,000 votes spread across three states...MICRO TARGETED...
Obama is gone, we are still dealing with the after-effects of his tainted, criminal administration and his attempt to 'fundamentally change' the US, but at least almost all of his legacy has been wiped off the books...

What Obama wanted to fundamentally change...was the discourse and partisanship (which you are part of)

But let's pretend he meant something else...
What Obama wanted to fundamentally change...was the discourse and partisanship (which you are part of)

That's why, while admittingly stating he had no clue what was going on, stopped on the way to a meeting and upon hearing about how his RACIST college professor buddy had just been arrested, publicly stated that the College community police were racists and completely in the wrong.

After Barry learned that he had stuck his big ol' racist foot in his mouth, jumping to conclusions, he never would admit he was wrong, never did really apologize to the police, but instead invited the policeman to the WH for a beer with him and his racist college professor buddy.

Being the bigger man, the policeman went. I personally would have responded by stating, 'The moment the President of the united States apologizes to me and our police force for racist-ly jumping to conclusions and accusing us of wrong-doing I will attend his 'beer summit. Not before.'

But YOU pretend it / he was something different.
So you think the President who openly declared that manufacturing jobs were NEVER coming back to the US

You lyin c**t.

SOME of those jobs are not coming back.

That's a bitter pill to swallow but it's reality...after decades of "conservative" offshoring...that's what we're left with.

And when Clinton said that coal miners need to retrain because THOSE jobs are not coming back...SHE WAS RIGHT.

so when Dems tell folks the truth. (like parents)...not so bright right wingers hate them?

Idiot, that's called negotiating.

Telling Vlad that you want him to be your best friend and what a strong leader he is and how Putin's word should be taken over findings of American intellignce - now THAT is some serious ass licking with a "hey I think we should pull out of NATO" intercourse.

You are such a fucking tool it's discusting.

Poor girl.
You're so confused, you think Obama was a good President.

So does the rest of the world. In fact, the only PEOPLE in the world who don't think he was a good President, are the members of the party who destroyed the US economy in the first place - the Republican Party and their gullible supporters.

Not a single Democrat has answered my question yet:

Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

Simple question. Is that so fucking hard to answer?

I answered your question in detail. You refuse to accept the answer.

You answered nothing. Instead you chose to ramble some unintelligible garbage about how "the rest of the world" thinks Obama was a wonderful President, claimed that the Republican Party was "destroying the economy", and inferred that Trump-supporters were "too gullible" to make their own political choices.

Answer the question or GFY!

Post #42 you lying piece of shit:

Let me repeat if for you. You read it, because you rated it "Funny" but you pretend I never posted it.

Putin blames the US for interfering his election in 2000, and he blames the American government in general, and the Clntons in particular, for that loss. Because of this hatred this whole line that Hillary was the one cooperating with the Russians is total bullshit. Putin wouldn't cross the road to piss on Hillary Clinton if she were on fire, much less help her win her hearts desire - the US Presidency. Putin said in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to win the election.

Putin is a disruptor. His economy is in trouble, and he's trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire, to distract Russians from an economy which is floundering under multiple international sanction. The collapse of oil price has hit Russia especially hard, since that's about the only export they have.l He wants NATO gone because he blames NATO for the fall of communism.

But most of all, Putin wants the Magnitsky Act gone, because he's stolen billions he'll never be able to enjoy as long as the world is sanction him and his oligarchs. And before these sanctions, Russia and the USA concluded a multi-billion dollar oil deal with Exxon which was quashed by the sanctions.

That's why Putin is interfering in Brexit, and the US Elections, the recent German elections, and the Italian elections. And Trump is busy fracturing NATO, pulling out of the UN programs, and all of the US arms treaties, strategic alliances, and trade deals, while XI and Putin are moving into the regions Trump is leaving.

However much Putin's election interference cost him, he's more than gotten his money's worth.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Obama Flashback: Jobs NOT Coming Back Under Trump


The contrast in economic performance between the two presidents is undeniable. Obama’s multitrillion-dollar spend-and-borrow policies produced 2 percent growth. In his final year, Obama handed off to Trump an economy that was limping at 1.6 percent.

After only 18 months in office, Trump has elevated growth to 3 percent on an annual rate and the latest projections are that the growth rate for the second and third quarter (which ends Sept. 30) will be over 4 percent. One might say all it took to get the economy really crackling was getting Obama out of office.

No one on the left, least of all Obama, thought this was remotely possible.

Two years ago, Obama famously ridiculed Trump’s campaign promise of faster growth and a comeback in manufacturing jobs by saying this could only happen if Trump was waving “a magic wand.”



Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

A. Trump is not a conservative

B. He's certainly not strong...especially when dealing with Putin. He acts like a friggin lapdog.

C. Those "left leaning socialist Dem candidates" see Putin as a dangerous adversary...Trump does not

D. Trump has nothing to do with our energy independence. It's happening but not because of anything He has done.

E. Space Force? Yea...that's ..."interesting"

F. He did NOTHING when Russian mercs attacked our troops. They defended themselves and HE never said a word about it

You could be MORE wrong...but it would take a real effort

Those "left leaning socialist Dem candidates" see Putin as a dangerous adversary...

Any of them broadcast that feeling before the 2012 election?
Or did they only decide he was dangerous in the last few years?
There are no "Russian trolls", "bots" or propagandists on this board.

Yea...sure. They're all over the internet...Facebook, twitter, instagram...but not here. I mean it's not like they are trying to influence the political discussion or anything.

What matter does that make? Are you too gullible and easily-manipulated to know who you want to vote for? I know damned well that I'm not. I bunch of previously-Democratic voters were actually swayed by something posted on Facebook or Twitter, that speak volumes about their lack of intelligence and/or lack of information.

Would anyone have been able to convince you to vote for Trump?
"I" saw this happening almost in real time and it shocked the hell out of me in the fall of 2016.

People like you ignored it...and MANY based their votes or failure to vote based on that Russian agitprop whether you choose to admit it or not.

We're talking about only 80,000 votes spread across three states...MICRO TARGETED...

We're talking about only 80,000 votes spread across three states...MICRO TARGETED...

Oh, the Facebook memes were limited to a few people, in a few states?
Is that your claim?
So you think the President who openly declared that manufacturing jobs were NEVER coming back to the US

You lyin c**t.

SOME of those jobs are not coming back.

That's a bitter pill to swallow but it's reality...after decades of "conservative" offshoring...that's what we're left with.

And when Clinton said that coal miners need to retrain because THOSE jobs are not coming back...SHE WAS RIGHT.

so when Dems tell folks the truth. (like parents)...not so bright right wingers hate them?


so when Dems tell folks the truth. (like parents)…

Every family will save $2500 per year.
If you like your plan, you can keep it.
If you like your doctor, you can keep them.

Why would anyone really believe that Russia prefers to have a strong conservative American capitalist like Donald Trump in office, instead of one of the many left-leaning socialist Democratic candidates, whose policies and core beliefs are more in line with globalist, socialist, and communist ideologies?

A strong conservative American capitalist President who is ramping up our military, making us energy independent, trying to protect the borders, arming some of Russia's border countries, wanting to create a military "Space Force", and who oversaw the slaughter of 200 Russian mercenaries on a bridge in Syria?

A. Trump is not a conservative

B. He's certainly not strong...especially when dealing with Putin. He acts like a friggin lapdog.

C. Those "left leaning socialist Dem candidates" see Putin as a dangerous adversary...Trump does not

D. Trump has nothing to do with our energy independence. It's happening but not because of anything He has done.

E. Space Force? Yea...that's ..."interesting"

F. He did NOTHING when Russian mercs attacked our troops. They defended themselves and HE never said a word about it

You could be MORE wrong...but it would take a real effort

A. Donald Trump is the most conservative President this country has ever seen, more so than Reagan. If don't believe that, just wait until he's done packing the Supreme Court and lower courts with ultra-conservative judges. You girls are going to be shrieking and melting down for decades by the time's he's done.

B. Trump is very strong when it comes to our adversaries. But he also wants to undo the amount of damage the last President and normalize our relations. Russia had absolutely no respect for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. They were weak, feckless, and spineless when it came to dealing with our adversaries, and Putin views both of them a ass-clowns. You know nothing about Russians: If they don't respect you, they'll walk all over you. They respect President Trump.

C. Your leftist candidates have absolutely no policy on how they would deal with Russia. Not a single one of them has even brought up the subject. Would one of them actually somehow get elected, Putin would most likely view that person as an incompetent weakling, jut like Obama and Hillary.

D. President Trump has everything to do with our energy independence, and the fact that we are for the first time, a net exporter of gas or oil. He reversed just about every one of Obama's idiotic regulations on the gas and oil industry, opened up new areas for drilling, and gave tax breaks to the industry. In case you forgot, the boom in fracking was done without Obama's support, and on private lands. He tried everything he could do, but couldn't stop it.

E. Yes, Space Force. So how uneasy do you think that makes those Russians? Remember President Reagan's "Strategic Defense Initiative", or "Star Wars" Project? The Russians were shitting all over themselves worrying that Reagan was going to put space-based missiles and lasers over their territory. I would go so far to say, that it was one of the reasons the Soviet Union collapsed. They could no longer keep up with us.

F. And finally, it was President Trump who gave U.S. forces in Syria more leeway to engage with Russian troops. It was his loosened rules of engagement that directly resulted in direct military clashes with Russian militants and mercenaries on the ground, as well as those 200 dead Russian shitheads.

President Trump sought to add $1.4 billion for fiscal year 2018 to the European Deterrence Initiative, which was a military effort to deter Russian aggression. That was a 41 percent increase from the last year of the Obama administration. The president also sent lethal anti-tank missiles and weapons to the Ukraine and Poland, which Obama refused to do.

Man, you are just too easy.

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