Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???

Because it's fair trickle up poor

They don't work hard, they just sit around thinking, burger flippers are on their feet all the day, they are the real workers

It has nothing to do with that at all.

ANYONE with no or very little training can do those jobs that is why they are low pay.

And fast food is not hard work. I've done it I know.

Try slinging shingles on a hot roof all day and then tell me the guy stuffing burgers in a bag should get the same pay as the guy who roofs your house ( a job that actually takes some skill)
Roofing is easy too, it's no harder than cooking in a hot kitchen on a summer dday...

Yeah it is.

I've done both and roofing was by far the harder job and it takes more skill than dropping fries into grease all day
Nah, it's a trade full of alcoholics, drug abusers and social drop outs....the labor is heavy, but not much skill...
From Matt Walsh Blog on the Blaze....
I've excerpted a few paragraphs but there is so much more that the entire blog should be read!

Dear fast food workers,

It’s come to my attention that many of you, supposedly in 230 cities across the country, are walking out of your jobs today and protesting for $15 an hour. You earnestly believe — indeed, you’ve been led to this conclusion by pandering politicians and liberal pundits who possess neither the slightest grasp of the basic rules of economics nor even the faintest hint of integrity — that your entry level gig pushing buttons on a cash register at Taco Bell ought to earn you double the current federal minimum wage.

I’m aware, of course, that not all of you feel this way. Many of you might consider your position as Whopper Assembler to be rather a temporary situation, not a career path, and you plan on moving on and up not by holding a poster board with “Give me more money!” scrawled across it, but by working hard and being reliable. To be clear, I am not addressing the folks in this latter camp. They are doing what needs to be done, and I respect that.

Instead, I want to talk to those of you who actually consider yourselves entitled to close to a $29 thousand a year full time salary for doing a job that requires no skill, no expertise, and no education;
those who think a fry cook ought to earn an entry level income similar to a dental assistant;
those who insist the guy putting the lettuce on my Big Mac ought to make more than the Emergency Medical Technician who saves lives for a living; those who believe you should automatically be able to “live comfortably,” as if “comfort” is a human right.

To those in this category, I have a few things I need to say, for your own sake:

First, let me start with a story. It’s anecdotal, obviously, but then this whole #FightFor15 “movement” is based entirely on anecdotes.

I submit mine: I’m 28 years old now. I started working when I was about 15. I did hourly, customer service-type stuff at grocery stores, snowball stands, and pizza places, never making much more than the bare minimum at any of them.

When I was 20 I moved out of the house and got my first job in radio. Starting out as a rock DJ in Delaware, I made $17,000 a year, or about $8 an hour. I lived off of that, earning a few small raises through the years — having to eat fewer meals, buy fewer things, and, God forbid, even forgo cable and internet access in my apartment — right up to when I got married at 25.

Fast Food Workers You Don t Deserve 15 an Hour to Flip Burgers and That s OK TheBlaze.com
I think a good cook is much more skilled than your average burger flipper,
If someone is comparing the wages of a hamburger flipper and a skilled worker, it's obvious the skilled worker isn't getting paid enough. Paying skilled workers a fair wage has been a problem in America for over three decades. This is reflected in the demises of the American Middle Class. The Middle Classes in other countries have either passed by or on the verge of passing the US Middle Class's income levels because they are seeing real wage growth, unlike what's happening in the US.
Its hard for the poor and middle class to get ahead with the boot of government on their necks. Its simple, back off the ridiculous taxes and regulations making it difficult for the US to compete globally. We need a good old fashioned women's movement, MOL mothers against liberalism. Mark my words moms its these damn liberals who are enslaving your kids to a life of limited opportunity and enslavement to government programs.

Bullshit repeated is still bullshit.

Your answer is why we have the new reality of perpetual slow growth and high real unemployment

That's ridiculous. You sys the dumbest things sometimes.

Only to a Marxist such as yourself
Its hard for the poor and middle class to get ahead with the boot of government on their necks. Its simple, back off the ridiculous taxes and regulations making it difficult for the US to compete globally. We need a good old fashioned women's movement, MOL mothers against liberalism. Mark my words moms its these damn liberals who are enslaving your kids to a life of limited opportunity and enslavement to government programs.

Bullshit repeated is still bullshit.

Your answer is why we have the new reality of perpetual slow growth and high real unemployment
The biggest problem that the USA is going through is the same problem that has plagued all nations...Trade deficits, huge military expenditures and a lack of new lands or nations to conquer for revenue...

You have the Democrat talking points down pat
Its hard for the poor and middle class to get ahead with the boot of government on their necks. Its simple, back off the ridiculous taxes and regulations making it difficult for the US to compete globally. We need a good old fashioned women's movement, MOL mothers against liberalism. Mark my words moms its these damn liberals who are enslaving your kids to a life of limited opportunity and enslavement to government programs.

Bullshit repeated is still bullshit.

Your answer is why we have the new reality of perpetual slow growth and high real unemployment
The biggest problem that the USA is going through is the same problem that has plagued all nations...Trade deficits, huge military expenditures and a lack of new lands or nations to conquer for revenue...

You have the Democrat talking points down pat
I am not sure who wrote the history book....but thanks for playing...
Its hard for the poor and middle class to get ahead with the boot of government on their necks. Its simple, back off the ridiculous taxes and regulations making it difficult for the US to compete globally. We need a good old fashioned women's movement, MOL mothers against liberalism. Mark my words moms its these damn liberals who are enslaving your kids to a life of limited opportunity and enslavement to government programs.

Bullshit repeated is still bullshit.

Your answer is why we have the new reality of perpetual slow growth and high real unemployment
The biggest problem that the USA is going through is the same problem that has plagued all nations...Trade deficits, huge military expenditures and a lack of new lands or nations to conquer for revenue...

You have the Democrat talking points down pat
I am not sure who wrote the history book....but thanks for playing...

Um...we're discussing economics, moonbat, not history.
"Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???"

No one says he should.

But it would get millions off of food stamps and Medicaid for a start, a clear benefit to taxpayers.
CEO's? They don't do shit, they make millions sitting around all day

They real workers who deserve millions are the dumb fucks that need 4 of them to figure out how to change a light bulb

Okay genius.....let's try this...take the line worker and give him the CEOs job...then take the CEO and give him the line workers job...and see who actually can do the other job.........

You lefties suffer from the same malady...if you don't see it it doesn't exist....take abortion, can't see the baby so you can kill it, the death penalty, you never see the victim, only the killer in the cell, sad and lonely so we can't execute him...that would be mean, gun control...me and my family have never needed a gun so no one needs a gun...

Those are all true

And now we have the line worker vs. the CEO....the line worker is a very visible job...you can see him do it....then you dumb fucks see a guy in meetings, sitting at a desk and you say...hey.....he ain't working, he's just sitting there talking.....

so you have no fucking clue as to the level of brain power needed to make decisions on a daily basis that means the existence or extinction of a company.......or the level of risk....one wrong decision and thousands of people lose their jobs...and that is all on you....

The line worker.....not so much.....

I respect everyone who works....you morons hate anyone who makes a lot of money.......you are fools.....and will suffer for it....
"Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???"

No one says he should.

But it would get millions off of food stamps and Medicaid for a start, a clear benefit to taxpayers.

Not the job of a business or government......that is the job of the individual and his family raising them.....
"Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker???"

No one says he should.

But it would get millions off of food stamps and Medicaid for a start, a clear benefit to taxpayers.

A family of 4 can still get food stamps even at $15 an hour. As for Medicaid didn't they just get an Obamacare gift?
A family of 4 can still get food stamps even at $15 an hour. As for Medicaid didn't they just get an Obamacare gift?
A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.

The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.
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A family of 4 can still get food stamps even at $15 an hour. As for Medicaid didn't they just get an Obamacare gift?
A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year.

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.

You can thank the Democrats for the high cost of college AND the lack of jobs. Hint their high taxes, open hostility towards corporations, and increasingly insane regulations are chasing both jobs and investment out of the US. Its simple really, stop electing these lying lowlife scum.
You can thank the Democrats for the high cost of college AND the lack of jobs. Hint their high taxes, open hostility towards corporations, and increasingly insane regulations are chasing both jobs and investment out of the US. Its simple really, stop electing these lying lowlife scum.

The failing economy isn't a partisan issue. There are dumbfucks on both sides of the aisle on this one. The only partisan nature of this discussion is greedy myopic rich people wearing blue and red silk designer suits vs the 99% that they rely on in order to keep wearing those suits.
You can thank the Democrats for the high cost of college AND the lack of jobs. Hint their high taxes, open hostility towards corporations, and increasingly insane regulations are chasing both jobs and investment out of the US. Its simple really, stop electing these lying lowlife scum.

The failing economy isn't a partisan issue. There are dumbfucks on both sides of the aisle on this one. The only partisan nature of this discussion is greedy myopic rich people wearing blue and red silk designer suits vs the 99% that they rely on in order to keep wearing those suits.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
A family of 4 can still get food stamps even at $15 an hour. As for Medicaid didn't they just get an Obamacare gift?
A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year.

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.

You can thank the Democrats for the high cost of college AND the lack of jobs. Hint their high taxes, open hostility towards corporations, and increasingly insane regulations are chasing both jobs and investment out of the US. Its simple really, stop electing these lying lowlife scum.

So the difference between an American worker making $25 an hour and his Chinese counterpart making (if he's lucky) $2.00 an hour is all taxes and regulations?

That sounds like a right wing, cheap labor conservatard bullshit excuse.
Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.

My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.
To understand how delusional, consider that a $15 an hour full time salary would put you in the same ball park as biologists, auto mechanics, biochemists, teachers, geologists, roofers, and bank tellers.

You’d be making more than some police officers.

You’d easily out earn many firefighters.

Ironically, you’d be fast food workers with starting salaries higher than many professional chefs, which is a bit like paying a tattoo artist less than the person who paints cat whiskers on your face at the carnival.

You’d be halfway to the income of accountants, engineers, and physical therapists.

Does that sound fair? It might sound fun, but does it sound fair? These are highly skilled jobs which require years of training and education. These are jobs which, in some cases, our society profoundly relies upon. Jobs with enormous responsibilities. Jobs that are considerably more complex and complicated than refilling the soda fountain at Roy Rogers.

Fast Food Workers You Don t Deserve 15 an Hour to Flip Burgers and That s OK TheBlaze.com
If you are a chef worth a shit, they draw in close to 6 figure incomes...


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