Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

That covers about 2% of what they pay in taxes. What do they get for the rest?

What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Yippie, what would I do without government... </sarcasm>
What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Yippie, what would I do without government... </sarcasm>

Depends on what you use that isn't produced in China.
It's obvious that our governments, Federal, State and Municipal are overly complex and it takes years for our Representatives to realize they have no grasp of the mess.
It's at that point that they come up with more problems to tax us to ensure their pensions.
What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Yippie, what would I do without government... </sarcasm>

I hear tell that without government's ubiquitous help and support, we'd all just wallow in our own feces until we starved to death.

They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

That covers about 2% of what they pay in taxes. What do they get for the rest?

What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You also get a lot of forms to fill out and criminal penalties if you don't do it right. You get harassed, regulated, taxed, inspected, detained, and spied on.

Other than that, government is a bargain!
That covers about 2% of what they pay in taxes. What do they get for the rest?

What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Let the Chinese protect them.
What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Let the Chinese protect them.

That's what I told GW.
He didn't listen.
They are a community, and as such come together. On this point I can neither argue nor disagree, they do this as well as the native americans whom inhabited this land before we stole it.

Past the issue of community, I urge you to research whom you are speaking to before you declare your own opinion as truth. I live in Marion County of Ohio but reside in a village called La Rue, approximately ten miles from a village called Hepburn. I live in amish country.

It is true, they take care of themselves first and they do it very well, but there are a multitude of circumstances you haven't considered. First and foremost, they are religiously exempt from all taxes. They keep an absolute 100% of their income, and they use their income in order to provide for their community.

The only thing Amish sell on the road is extraneous food resources. They are able to sell this food cheaply due to their exemption from taxes. Without this exemption they would have no hope in competing, and as it stands they have little hope in competing with the major corporations. It isn't as though they sell these good graciously as though they had no need to do so, they have an absolute need to push their good unto others. They must heat their homes which lie off our infrastructures, and they must pay for the beginnings of the next season. The Amish are my neighbors, and I assure you I know more of their culture than you would ever hope to know short of being bred into their community. Without the assistance of government, even they would not compare to my local farmers who fall victim of MONSANTO.

Why should they pay taxes when they receive none of the benefits associated with said taxes?

They use virtually nothing that the government provides.

When did I say they should pay taxes?

You didn’t (though it seems RW believes that they should). I was just pointing out that they don’t really receive anything from the government so it really does not make sense that they would pay into government.
They are a community, and as such come together. On this point I can neither argue nor disagree, they do this as well as the native americans whom inhabited this land before we stole it.

Past the issue of community, I urge you to research whom you are speaking to before you declare your own opinion as truth. I live in Marion County of Ohio but reside in a village called La Rue, approximately ten miles from a village called Hepburn. I live in amish country.

It is true, they take care of themselves first and they do it very well, but there are a multitude of circumstances you haven't considered. First and foremost, they are religiously exempt from all taxes. They keep an absolute 100% of their income, and they use their income in order to provide for their community.

The only thing Amish sell on the road is extraneous food resources. They are able to sell this food cheaply due to their exemption from taxes. Without this exemption they would have no hope in competing, and as it stands they have little hope in competing with the major corporations. It isn't as though they sell these good graciously as though they had no need to do so, they have an absolute need to push their good unto others. They must heat their homes which lie off our infrastructures, and they must pay for the beginnings of the next season. The Amish are my neighbors, and I assure you I know more of their culture than you would ever hope to know short of being bred into their community. Without the assistance of government, even they would not compare to my local farmers who fall victim of MONSANTO.

Why should they pay taxes when they receive none of the benefits associated with said taxes?

They use virtually nothing that the government provides.


They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

Not really. They essentially produce their own food and pretty much take care of their own within their own community. It really upsets you that they are able to do this with practically no governmental support, doesn’t it?
You get your goods from China being protected by our military as they are being transported here.

Yippie, what would I do without government... </sarcasm>

I hear tell that without government's ubiquitous help and support, we'd all just wallow in our own feces until we starved to death.

That is what happens when you are cared for cradle to grave for so many generations. You, as a people, forget the fact that you can actually take care of yourself. Unfortunately it is a perpetual loop – more dependence breeds the creation of more support pushing more dependence and so on.
Why should they pay taxes when they receive none of the benefits associated with said taxes?

They use virtually nothing that the government provides.


They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

Not really. They essentially produce their own food and pretty much take care of their own within their own community. It really upsets you that they are able to do this with practically no governmental support, doesn’t it?

And just to set the record straight:

The Amish do pay federal, state, sales and real estate taxes. They are not required to pay into any tax system that is against their beliefs and correspondingly do not receive the benefits of these programs.

The Amish believe in taking care of their own, and most are against insurance policies. They don't believe in Social Security because it is a form of insurance; thus, they are not required to pay into the program.

Individuals within the Amish community are exempt from paying into Medicare as well. Like Social Security, Medicare is interpreted as a form of insurance.

The exception to paying into Medicare and Social Security is when an Amish individual is hired by an outside source, because employers are still required to withhold these taxes. Amish individuals who are hired within their community or are self-employed remain exempt.

Read more: Do the Amish Pay Federal Taxes? | eHow

It is no different than when we lived out on the mountain and had our own water well. We paid for the maintenance on that well out of our own pocket but we were not required to contribute to any shared community water system. But we were subject to the same real estate taxes everybody else paid and the fuels we bought helped pay for the roads, etc.

But yes, it must drive the leftists nuts that the Amish seem to take care of their own without government benevolence. But most probably aren't old enough to remember when almost all Americans did take care of their own families and communities without federal government assistance or benevolence.
They are a community, and as such come together. On this point I can neither argue nor disagree, they do this as well as the native americans whom inhabited this land before we stole it.

Past the issue of community, I urge you to research whom you are speaking to before you declare your own opinion as truth. I live in Marion County of Ohio but reside in a village called La Rue, approximately ten miles from a village called Hepburn. I live in amish country.

It is true, they take care of themselves first and they do it very well, but there are a multitude of circumstances you haven't considered. First and foremost, they are religiously exempt from all taxes. They keep an absolute 100% of their income, and they use their income in order to provide for their community.

The only thing Amish sell on the road is extraneous food resources. They are able to sell this food cheaply due to their exemption from taxes. Without this exemption they would have no hope in competing, and as it stands they have little hope in competing with the major corporations. It isn't as though they sell these good graciously as though they had no need to do so, they have an absolute need to push their good unto others. They must heat their homes which lie off our infrastructures, and they must pay for the beginnings of the next season. The Amish are my neighbors, and I assure you I know more of their culture than you would ever hope to know short of being bred into their community. Without the assistance of government, even they would not compare to my local farmers who fall victim of MONSANTO.

Why should they pay taxes when they receive none of the benefits associated with said taxes?

They use virtually nothing that the government provides.


They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

Actually they provide for their own crops, dairy, furniture as well as shelter. They use horse drawn buggies, which could quite easily be used on dirt paths for all they care. They don't believe in carrying guns or the loss of life which keeps them from serving in the military. They don't seek after the influences of the outside secular world, as many of the world's accepted tolerances (music, clothing, violence, values, etc) are deemed corruptible in their eyes. As well as they don't desire to have those very corruptible "acceptances" brought into and integrated as part their lifestyle. The Amish will even go so far as shunning one of their own who choose that very life for themselves, from ever returning to the Amish community. The exemption status they do receive is based on upon these religious views, as well as their moral seclusion from much of the outside world.

They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

Not really. They essentially produce their own food and pretty much take care of their own within their own community. It really upsets you that they are able to do this with practically no governmental support, doesn&#8217;t it?

And just to set the record straight:

The Amish do pay federal, state, sales and real estate taxes. They are not required to pay into any tax system that is against their beliefs and correspondingly do not receive the benefits of these programs.

The Amish believe in taking care of their own, and most are against insurance policies. They don't believe in Social Security because it is a form of insurance; thus, they are not required to pay into the program.

Individuals within the Amish community are exempt from paying into Medicare as well. Like Social Security, Medicare is interpreted as a form of insurance.

The exception to paying into Medicare and Social Security is when an Amish individual is hired by an outside source, because employers are still required to withhold these taxes. Amish individuals who are hired within their community or are self-employed remain exempt.

Read more: Do the Amish Pay Federal Taxes? | eHow

It is no different than when we lived out on the mountain and had our own water well. We paid for the maintenance on that well out of our own pocket but we were not required to contribute to any shared community water system. But we were subject to the same real estate taxes everybody else paid and the fuels we bought helped pay for the roads, etc.

But yes, it must drive the leftists nuts that the Amish seem to take care of their own without government benevolence. But most probably aren't old enough to remember when almost all Americans did take care of their own families and communities without federal government assistance or benevolence.

I found information from another website about the Amish that both concurs and reflects what you are saying.
They actually promote and hold a stronger work ethic than most Americans.

Self-employed Amish do not pay Social Security tax. Those employed by non- Amish employers do pay Social Security tax. The Amish do pay real estate, state and federal income taxes, county taxes, sales tax, etc.

The Amish do not collect Social Security benefits, nor would they collect unemployment or welfare funds. Self sufficiency is the Amish community's answer to government aid programs.

Amish FAQ
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To generalize the Amish in such fashion would be a mistake on your part. There are various religious sects or groups that follow various acceptances of worldly technology. Some groups in fact don't even believe in driving cars, so how do you expect them to gravitate towards the Internet?

Google Amish Furniture
Google Amish Shed

I can google and provide a link for you (if you like in my next reply) a researched study that says liberals don't have a solid grasp of basic economics because their ideology gets in the way. Would you say that is an accurate generalization of the left? Besides, I have frequented Lancaster PA's Amish myself.

I'll bet you drove there on a government built road, didn't you?
They come together to provide all the needs of those within their own community first, then graciously sell their products on the side of the road to whoever else is in need of their service. They rely on no public transportation and seek no government "hand outs". So tell me what dependency do they really have in government? They are VERY self supporting, even as far as providing their own manure if you want to get into detailed specifics. Not to mention they own the only transportation that doesn't require an emissions test, unless you are just asking to get kicked.

They are a community, and as such come together. On this point I can neither argue nor disagree, they do this as well as the native americans whom inhabited this land before we stole it.

Past the issue of community, I urge you to research whom you are speaking to before you declare your own opinion as truth. I live in Marion County of Ohio but reside in a village called La Rue, approximately ten miles from a village called Hepburn. I live in amish country.

It is true, they take care of themselves first and they do it very well, but there are a multitude of circumstances you haven't considered. First and foremost, they are religiously exempt from all taxes. They keep an absolute 100% of their income, and they use their income in order to provide for their community.

The only thing Amish sell on the road is extraneous food resources. They are able to sell this food cheaply due to their exemption from taxes. Without this exemption they would have no hope in competing, and as it stands they have little hope in competing with the major corporations. It isn't as though they sell these good graciously as though they had no need to do so, they have an absolute need to push their good unto others. They must heat their homes which lie off our infrastructures, and they must pay for the beginnings of the next season. The Amish are my neighbors, and I assure you I know more of their culture than you would ever hope to know short of being bred into their community. Without the assistance of government, even they would not compare to my local farmers who fall victim of MONSANTO.

Why should they pay taxes when they receive none of the benefits associated with said taxes?

They use virtually nothing that the government provides.

What about the roadways they drive their carts on?

They receive the same protections as the rest of us. They use the roads. They benefit from safe food, drugs, water

That covers about 2% of what they pay in taxes. What do they get for the rest?

What more do any of us get from government? I didn't get my Obama phone, I don't get welfare, I don't get food stamps. I sure do pay for all that bullshit, though. The only thing I get from government are shitty roads, water with fluoride in it, and a fucking headache.

The 'Obama phone' was signed into law in 1986 which would make it the Reagan phone. Shitty roads? What city and state do you live?
Government needs to do what needs doing. Some things government does more efficiently and effectively than individuals can. That is why we formed governments.

Why try to arbitrarily restrict the size of government?

Let the voters decide what size government they want

Government was the result of the need for people to organize in order to ensure the protection of themselves and their neighbors. Government isn't necessary for people to organize a community.

Who the hell do you think builds the infrastructure in a community?
Government needs to do what needs doing. Some things government does more efficiently and effectively than individuals can. That is why we formed governments.

Why try to arbitrarily restrict the size of government?

Let the voters decide what size government they want

Government was the result of the need for people to organize in order to ensure the protection of themselves and their neighbors. Government isn't necessary for people to organize a community.

Who the hell do you think builds the infrastructure in a community?

Depends on the community.

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