Why should I ignore black crime?

How many of you blacks would stand up for a white person?

I stand up for my white friends, colleagues and innocent civilians regardless of race because it's a civil thing to do. However, I won't stand up for fucktards (of any race) like you. You assholes don't deserve support.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

I guess you'd first need to understand what grinding poverty really does to people.

You'd need to understand what lacking hope for the future does to young men, and then you'd need to understand that this problem is so vast that it will take generations to mitigate the pernicious effects this lack of hope has had on the Blacks of this nation.

Excuses. Excuses. Poverty is no excuse for crime.

Blacks have high crime rates because the same qualities that had survival value in the African jungle earn them felony convictions in civilized countries.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?

I guess you'd first need to understand what grinding poverty really does to people.

You'd need to understand what lacking hope for the future does to young men, and then you'd need to understand that this problem is so vast that it will take generations to mitigate the pernicious effects this lack of hope has had on the Blacks of this nation.

Excuses. Excuses. Poverty is no excuse for crime.

Blacks have high crime rates because the same qualities that had survival value in the African jungle earn them felony convictions in civilized countries.

No it isn't an excuse but that doesn't negate the fact poverty begets crime in every culture and nation.
Once again, you prove yourself to a retard.
1) Not all Africans live or have lived in the jungle.
2) How exactly does surviving the jungle prelude to being a criminal?
3) What about non-criminal blacks (the MAJORITY)?

Fuck you.
Fuck you.

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

It's typical for someone to say that when you talk shit about them.
All you're doing is talking shit. Shit talkers tend to act like victims. Oh poor you.

It's also typical for fucktards like you to completely ignore counterpoints to an argument, then change the subject thinking that person is as retarded as them and they'll simply just forget about it.

Don't like "fuck you"? How about "go fuck yourself"? Is that better for you?
Fuck you.

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Well, let's talk about the deficiencies of the Caucasian race. Very warlike, murderous, lacking in compassion, and entitled. What a racist. There are pros and cons to every segment of humanity....but you think it's about one race. Moron.
Fuck you.

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Well, let's talk about the deficiencies of the Caucasian race. Very warlike, murderous, lacking in compassion, and entitled. What a racist. There are pros and cons to every segment of humanity....but you think it's about one race. Moron.

Think of all the money we have paid in taxes in futile efforts to help you people perform and behave as well as we do. Who do you think pays your welfare checks?

We would be better off without you. You would be lost without us. Just look at the mess Haiti is. That is what over two centuries of black rule does to a country. Look at what happened to Zimbabwe/Rhodesia.

You have nerve talking about Caucasians engaging in war. What about the mass rapes and even cannibalism that is going on in Africa?
Fuck you.

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

It's typical for someone to say that when you talk shit about them.
All you're doing is talking shit. Shit talkers tend to act like victims. Oh poor you.

It's also typical for fucktards like you to completely ignore counterpoints to an argument, then change the subject thinking that person is as retarded as them and they'll simply just forget about it.

Don't like "fuck you"? How about "go fuck yourself"? Is that better for you?

Instead of talking ghetto, why don't you explain why you think the Negro race is not intrinsically inferior to the white race?
Black man, dressed in a KKK costume walks Philly streets...
Yes, that's a former Sexy Single dressed in a KKK costume
Thursday, February 7, 2013, Says African Americans have murdered more blacks than KKK did
Yes, that’s Nicholas “Sixx” King, a black man, dressed in a KKK costume. You may have seen him around town before. Maybe even Thursday on the Drudge Report. A 2010 Daily News Sexy Single, he's infamous for photo bombing the 2003 Grammy Awards.


Sexy single Sixx King at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City New Jersey.

A self-styled relationship expert, he has written a relationship book that he published himself and also blogged a bit on the topic for Essence magazine. His latest project is a documentary about gun violence called “Mothers of No Tomorrow.” King's point is that comparatively speaking, African Americans have murdered more blacks than the Ku Klux Klan did.

I have a column in the works about King scheduled to run in the Daily News next week in which I’ll find out what’s next for this local provocateur. Meanwhile, his get-up was intended to shine a spotlight on black on black violence. What do you think of the point he’s making? Is it a valid one? Or do you think his shock tactics obfuscated his point?

Yes, that's a former Sexy Single dressed in a KKK costume
That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Well, let's talk about the deficiencies of the Caucasian race. Very warlike, murderous, lacking in compassion, and entitled. What a racist. There are pros and cons to every segment of humanity....but you think it's about one race. Moron.

Think of all the money we have paid in taxes in futile efforts to help you people perform and behave as well as we do. Who do you think pays your welfare checks?

We would be better off without you. You would be lost without us. Just look at the mess Haiti is. That is what over two centuries of black rule does to a country. Look at what happened to Zimbabwe/Rhodesia.

You have nerve talking about Caucasians engaging in war. What about the mass rapes and even cannibalism that is going on in Africa?

Oh, bitch, hold 'em up.Who do you think you're talking to? The monies you paid? You people? Perform and behave as well as you do? You've lost your monkey mind. How dare you? Welfare checks?
I'm on a pension, that I paid for, and into.....I worked hard for mine for over 20 years. You? See, you have that "white racist mentality" that thinks that blacks and browns are parasites, when you have never worked an honest day in your life, while they have. Welfare? Bitch, please. More whites are on welfare than anyone else, and you have George W. Bush to thank for it. How does it feel to have to stand in a "soup line", or to be unemployed for years? It ain't so cute, is it? Well, that's how it feels to be a minority, and the word is out that you're soon to be the "newest minority", so preparation is in order.
Yes, that's right, I'm an arrogant bitch, and so much so, I can read you the riot act, you lowlife scum.
Live in your fantasy racist world, where blacks and browns are the root cause of all your problems, instead of looking in the nearest mirror.
Cannibalism? Bitch, please. They made a movie about white folks being in a plane crash in the snow covered mountains and having to resort to cannibalism. That ain't nothing new....survival will make you do whatever. stupid bitch.
Haiti is a mess because white people made it a mess , for having the audacity to overthrow the French and becoming an independent nation of blacks. So Thomas Jefferson ordered a blockade of the country to punish them, with the assistance of European countries who were outraged that blacks had beaten the French and Polish conscripts....and literally starved the people in to submission and poverty. How Christian, right? White people have done some of the most evil acts, in recorded history, and are still doing them. Some are remorseful and repentant. Fuck the rest.
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That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

It's typical for someone to say that when you talk shit about them.
All you're doing is talking shit. Shit talkers tend to act like victims. Oh poor you.

It's also typical for fucktards like you to completely ignore counterpoints to an argument, then change the subject thinking that person is as retarded as them and they'll simply just forget about it.

Don't like "fuck you"? How about "go fuck yourself"? Is that better for you?

Instead of talking ghetto, why don't you explain why you think the Negro race is not intrinsically inferior to the white race?

It is not. Yours is the definition of racism. Pure and simple. Your day of reckoning will come, when you have to answer to a higher power than yourself.
Why should i ignore black crime that is trashing our cities? Do you realize that blacks are 5-7 times more likely to murder per population? That's 52% of all murder within the United states.

You can say blacks are the main reason that our cities are so bad. What can we do to help blacks not be so violent? I don't hate blacks but it seems to me that this is a problem that we must work on.

Do you agree?
there is nothing to we can do !! in NY the cops frisk and search policy for suspected gang members is being labeled as racist by blacks !! this is only one example of why they cannot be helped.

What would you and your fellow woods call it if some Black cops were ignoring other Blacks walking down the street and routinely stopped and frisked you guys when you were just walking down the street and minding your business?

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

It's typical for someone to say that when you talk shit about them.
All you're doing is talking shit. Shit talkers tend to act like victims. Oh poor you.

It's also typical for fucktards like you to completely ignore counterpoints to an argument, then change the subject thinking that person is as retarded as them and they'll simply just forget about it.

Don't like "fuck you"? How about "go fuck yourself"? Is that better for you?

Instead of talking ghetto, why don't you explain why you think the Negro race is not intrinsically inferior to the white race?

What about my post was ghetto, dipshit?

As I stated earlier red herrings won't work on me, loser. Why should I answer your shit when you ignore mine?

And here's a better question. Explain how are YOU are intrinsically superior to the to every black person? Oh wait, you won't acknowledge that or other of my points because you're a fraud and coward on the INTERNET. Real life must be difficult for you. Your suicide will make the world a better place. It's okay, go do it.
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Whoa. A little too far. Friendless there is a worthless fucking idiot, but go easy on the suicide talk. Don't jump too far down to his level.
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Fuck you.

That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Resorting to stereotyping an entire race is the typical response of the most immature and ignorant bottom feeders in civilized society.

As far as I'm concerned there is only the human race, but there are certain characteristics of each ethnic group. If I say...."I'd like to axe you a question", do you have a hard time figuring out which ethnic group would say that?
That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Resorting to stereotyping an entire race is the typical response of the most immature and ignorant bottom feeders in civilized society.

As far as I'm concerned there is only the human race, but there are certain characteristics of each ethnic group. If I say...."I'd like to axe you a question", do you have a hard time figuring out which ethnic group would say that?

No I dont,it would be crackers from the mountains,and low grade whites from the south,there are lots of examples of whites with no education who would speak that way or worst.
Resorting to stereotyping an entire race is the typical response of the most immature and ignorant bottom feeders in civilized society.

As far as I'm concerned there is only the human race, but there are certain characteristics of each ethnic group. If I say...."I'd like to axe you a question", do you have a hard time figuring out which ethnic group would say that?

No I dont,it would be crackers from the mountains,and low grade whites from the south,there are lots of examples of whites with no education who would speak that way or worst.

Uh huh, yep. It's okay. You don't have to feel guilty about the truth.
That is the typical black response when someone draws attention to the deficiencies of the Negro race.

Resorting to stereotyping an entire race is the typical response of the most immature and ignorant bottom feeders in civilized society.

As far as I'm concerned there is only the human race, but there are certain characteristics of each ethnic group. If I say...."I'd like to axe you a question", do you have a hard time figuring out which ethnic group would say that?

I have seen some blacks pronounce the word "ask" in that manner, as well as many who do not.
Resorting to stereotyping an entire race is the typical response of the most immature and ignorant bottom feeders in civilized society.

As far as I'm concerned there is only the human race, but there are certain characteristics of each ethnic group. If I say...."I'd like to axe you a question", do you have a hard time figuring out which ethnic group would say that?

I have seen some blacks pronounce the word "ask" in that manner, as well as many who do not.

Of course. And when I go to Minnesota, a lot, not all, but many who say "Yaw, you betcha". Why do some whites feel guilty when they notice a culture or ethnic characteristic among Black Americans? We need to get over this racephobia the left uses to control people.

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