Why the American People Like President Trump


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."
"The man loves America!"
"I like the guy because he tells it like it is."
"He's a little off the wall, but that's just because he's Trump."
on and on and on...!

The video has stuff about real people talking about building the wall ^

About halting terrorists crossing the border illegally, people are liking what he says. "The radicals who infiltrate could be a problem," says one politically incorrect regular guy.

"Donald Trump says what he thinks, and he's going to make America like it was when I was a little boy" (in the 1940s), says an older man.

These are our neighbors, some coarse, some smooth, guys, gals, everybody's here. Well a pretty good cross section of what you might here in the local diner where folks get good food at a good price.

Hope you enjoy the video, the people got it right about President Trump. One guy insisted on calling him
"THE DONALD." It'll make you feel good about being an American. Yeppers! :laugh:
They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."

“Well, [busing is] something that they’ve done for a long period of time. You know, there aren’t that many ways you’re going to get people to schools… It is certainly a primary method of getting people to schools,” Trump said.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
Well tell him we need more clerks working on travel pay benefits for veterans. I have been waiting almost a month for what used to take three days under Oblama...
American people and I might add the rest of the world likes President Trump because.....


There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.
Kiwiman127, I worship the ground Jesus walks on. At first, I just tolerated President Trump because I'm a Republican, and he represented us in a presidential campaign. After reading his party platform, I thought, "Hey, I like this guy." And when he started delivering on his promises from the get go, I liked him even a little bit more. I didn't hold it against him that he said "You're fired!" a few times on a tv show that boiled down to careful business management, regardless how it looked on the outside. And when I started hearing false narratives, they sounded like some of the dumb stuff a dishonest employee said about me, which was untrue. Fortunately, the small town I did business in had both leaders, union workers, and right-to-work laws in the state, all combined to give that area a very good base to understand how the business world works, and I bent over backward to do the right thing for customers and the business, with the edge going to the customer's best interests. When some reporters started badmouthing President Trump, it rang true that he was being vilified for the means to an end, although it was likely political and not nine to five stuff. I developed a huge respect for the man because I knew he would follow counsel, and wisely stay on the good side of the law. That is primary business savvy. You just do the right thing. It works to bring customers back, even if they only need your services once every three years, if you become known as a person who does the right thing, it brings truly good feelings in your business door. I liked how I ran that business, and even if it wasn't a money-maker, my business paid its bills when I had honest employees, and yes, in 23 years I had to let 3 people go for stealing goods, one of them to the excess I began to worry if I'd need to go bankrupt on account of the ransacking cash sales took, and gross missing of some items. The problem went away when the offending employee was let go, cash went back to normal as it had been before the thief came to work and began, according to accounting followups we did, from the employee's first day and through to her last day. After that, the cash flow went back to the absolute same percentage it was before the ransacking of cash started.

I saw Trump doing what he had to do to make his Executive Branch a good place to do business, and he did it with far more aplomb, considering his years of dealing with good and bad business folks. So if he says he is going to make America great again, it will come to be. Your business goals have to be quite well-formed for survival and thriving to take place. I'm so happy for America, but it's not for reasons you stated, dear kiwiman.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
Well tell him we need more clerks working on travel pay benefits for veterans. I have been waiting almost a month for what used to take three days under Oblama...
So tell me what did Obama specifically do?
There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.
Don't be bossy-that's why people hate Democrats.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
He's never been my President, but he doesn't want to be. He wants to be President of his adoring sycophants only.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
He's never been my President, but he doesn't want to be. He wants to be President of his adoring sycophants only.
Your the problem we have today. I didn't like Obama but Obama but I accepted him.
He's a politician now and he sucks at it.
That's a good adversarial vantage point, occupied, and I'll respect it considering your feelings. However, if you saw the video there were at least two men who said they were aware he wasn't a politician but liked him for other reasons--one because he liked Trump for saying what he thought, and another saying he liked Trump because he tells it like it is. (or was that the other video I saw today?) Well, not sure, But I know guys like leaders to say what they think and why they think it, sometimes. These are American voters, and they're not particularly sophists on a chatline, but mom and pops on the street someone sticks a mike up to their mouth and tells them to say something. Or whatever. :dunno:
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The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
Well tell him we need more clerks working on travel pay benefits for veterans. I have been waiting almost a month for what used to take three days under Oblama...
Sorry for your inconvenience, Moonie. I truly am on your side, but the Democrats didn't fund an emergency border situation as requested, so President Trump had to look for a fast fix, and the services complied by finding money to help out with what needed to be done. Hope your check goes out in the mail soon. Prayers up.
There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.

It took Obama 8 years to get unemployment down to what it was a year before Bush left office.

Only Donald John Trump took it lower, way lower. To record levels not seen in decades. And he did it within months of taking office, not almost a decade, like it took Obozo.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
He's never been my President, but he doesn't want to be. He wants to be President of his adoring sycophants only.
Ya gotta admit, Mr. Seawytch, President Trump is in the proverbial Fish Bowl as POTUSes always are.



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