Why the USSR won against Nazi Germany

Hitler's strategy was flawed to such an extent that, given his position in early 1941, invading Russia was the "Götterdammerung" of his trajectory of power.
Let's check:

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.
The T-34 was one of the best tanks of the war they were very crude built but got the job done, i have seen one close up have you? they chased the Nazis all the way from Moscow to Berlin, according to your ridiculous nonsense the Soviets didn't take part in the War it was the Americans and the British who won it, the Soviets destroyed 80% of axis forces, it must really piss you off, but it was a joint effort with the Soviets and the Allies end of.
Because it was a "just" war.

Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Bad as the SU was - Nazi Germany was worse.

Most puntis predicted Russia would fall within months.

Germany violated theRippontrop-Molotov peace treaty -so there fore Rusia had the high moral ground.
Why would you imagine the Russian front would collapse????

No one believed that Germany could defeat Russia.....Russia was the one provideing natural resources to Hitler until June 21, 1941.

No, Germany would not have conquered the USSR.

Hitler knew that....and so must have Roosevelt.

Here are the facts:
.. when Operation Barbarossa started on June 22, 1941, the available (German) supplies of fuel, tires, spare parts etc., were only good enough for about two months.....

Stalin, in fact, had been supplying resources to Hitler.

The Wehrmacht continued to advance, albeit very slowly, and by mid-November some units found themselves at only 30 kilometers from the capital. But the troops were now totally exhausted, and running out of supplies. Their commanders knew that it was simply impossible to take Moscow.
Hitler s Failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. The Battle of Moscow and Stalingrad Turning Point of World War II Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
72 Years Ago, December 1941: Turning Point of World War II
'The Victory of the Red Army in front of Moscow was a Major Break'…
by Jacques Pauwels

By attacking in June, Hitler had planned to avoid Russia's three greatest generals....December, January, and February.
He didn't.

So....once one recognizes that Stalin was going to be the winner.....
....why did FDR send him supplies that the Allies could have used?

The schools hide the truth to shield FDR from richly deserved contumely.

Same reason so many universities eschew teaching the French Revolution....students might recognize that it gave birth to every totalitarian revolution in modern times.

"....realistically middle sized Germany could not defeat the much larger Ussr in the long term. Germany would have eventually surrendered to the western allies to prevent total occupation by the USSR ..."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence (comment)

"Between June 22, 1941, and January 31, 1942, the Germans had lost 6,000 airplanes and more than 3,200 tanks and similar vehicles; and no less than 918,000 men had been killed, wounded, or gone missing in action, amounting to 28.7 percent of the average strength of the army, namely, 3,2 million men.[33]

(In the Soviet Union, Germany would lose no less than 10 million of its total 13.5 million men killed, wounded, or taken prisoner during the entire war; and the Red Army would end up claiming credit for 90 per cent of all Germans killed in the Second World War.)
Clive Ponting, 'Armageddon: The Second World War,' p. 130; Stephen E. Ambrose 'Americans at War,' p. 72. ”


Franklin Roosevelt was the vassal to Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

Good book:
American Army's performance in combat at inflicting casualties equaled or exceeded that of the Germans against the Soviets. So much nonsense here, so little reason to bother with these idiots hyping up the Russians; their big tactic was just human wave attacks. They lost massive casualties against old men and children near the end of the war. Even the kids of the Hitler Youth made them look bad. It would take them an average of three charges to make headway against even the crappiest German units, even when they had material as well as troop numbers superiority. They were very good at gang rapes of little girls and getting drunk though; they win those battles quit handily, they were definitely champs at that.
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So what? there were many Ukrainians in Russia thousands were captured at Stalingrad, not to mention all the SS volunteers from Europe, the same clowns who now signed up to Nato, some people never learn.
You are off on a different topic than I am.
No, Germany would not have conquered the USSR.

Hitler knew that.

You are really mad...

By attacking in June, Hitler had planned to avoid Russia's three greatest generals....December, January, and February.
He didn't.

Plan "Barbarossa" planned to smash the USSR in 3 months and reach the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan Line. Can you do math? Probably not, so I'll do the math for you - three months ended in September. Hitler didn't expect to fight until winter. Do you know why his plans fell through? Because your russophobic brain can't accept the possibility that it was the Red Army that thwarted Hitler's blitzkrieg plans, you nazi bitch.
American Army's performance in combat at inflicting casualties equaled or exceeded that of the Germans against the Soviets. So much nonsense here, so little reason to bother with these idiots hyping up the Russians; their big tactic was just human wave attacks. They lost massive casualties against old men and children near the end of the war. Even the kids of the Hitler Youth made them look bad. It would take them an average of three charges to make headway against even the crappiest German units, even when they had material as well as troop numbers superiority. They were very good at gang rapes of little girls and getting drunk though; they win those battles quit handily, they were definitely champs at that.
Victory Is All That Matters. Nice Guys Finish Last.
You are just being silly.
Nope, just accurate. 44,900 T-34s were destroyed by Germany during WWII out of 84,000 total built. That number doesn't count the thousands destroyed in other wars since. Thats very nearly equal to the total M-4 Sherman production run of 48,966. The Germans destroyed nearly one out of every two T-34s built. In Korea, Shermans destroyed 115 T-34s for a loss of 20 Shermans. The Korean War M-4A3E8 Shermans were contemporaries of the T-34/85 the Koreans were using. No, the T-34 wasn't a good, or even a decent tank. That number doesn't count the T-34s killed by British Centurions, M-26 and M-46 Pattons; just Sherman kills.
They Didn't Need to Be There

The Finns participated in the Nazi siege of Leningrad, where hundreds of thousands of Russians starved to death, including Putin's brother.
Hundreds of thousands of Russians starved to death in Leningrad because Stalin refused to allow them to evacuate. Leningrad was never cut off from supplies. At the height of the siege supplies were being trucked across Lake Ladoga in large quantities. Every empty truck could have carried forty civilians to safety, but Stalin wouldn't allow it, it was bad propaganda. In the winter it was trucks, in the summer it was barges and boats. Hell, Stalin was shipping large amounts of steel aluminum and supplies to make ammo during the siege, the tank factories in Leningrad never stopped producing tanks.
I hate to even suggest it, but I often wonder if that Germany army was not the best army the world has ever known? We'll never really know, however, still....
The German Army had a weak spot, and it was at the top.

---The SOE was created in 1940 by the British to undertake ‘all action by way of subversion and sabotage against the enemy overseas’ now that much of Europe was under German occupation. The SOE began planning Operation Foxley in 1944 despite some opposition from within their ranks. Some people argued it was better to leave Hitler alive as he was making so many blunders.---

American Army's performance in combat at inflicting casualties equaled or exceeded that of the Germans against the Soviets. So much nonsense here, so little reason to bother with these idiots hyping up the Russians; their big tactic was just human wave attacks. They lost massive casualties against old men and children near the end of the war. Even the kids of the Hitler Youth made them look bad. It would take them an average of three charges to make headway against even the crappiest German units, even when they had material as well as troop numbers superiority. They were very good at gang rapes of little girls and getting drunk though; they win those battles quit handily, they were definitely champs at that.
You are a total arsehole bringing up all the usual anti Russian propaganda, by the way have you checked the numbers of rapes in Germany and even france by the western allies?

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