Why Trump is not my First Choice


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
While I like Trump for the most part, I would rather have either Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Huckabee, Ted Cruz or Bobby Jindal (dropped Fiorina for supporting Birthright citizenship, ask me again tomorrow and the list might be changed again, lol)

1. Trump has problems IMO on the Kelo decision and imminent domain laws.

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Donald Trump's Achilles Heel: Eminent Domain Seizure

Trump on Kelo: I happen to agree with it 100 percent

Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

To my knowledge Trump still supports this outrageous Kelo decision and till he changes that, I cant really support him as my first choice. The reason I would still consider him is that he does address other important issues very well and Kelo isn't going to be changed by any of these other candidates anyway, except for Rand Paul.

2. Trump is too arrogant. This guy is not going to be able to tell Congress what to do. If he can LEAD them, then that is different, but he cant fire Congress and that puts a kink in all his braggadocio. But already Congress is passing or considering likely passage of some laws in response to Trump, so maybe he can.

3. Trump readily admits that he engaged in Crony Capitalism and that is why he knows the system is broken and why he wants to change the system. While that sounds good, it also means he has likely broken multiple laws in the process and the establishment is good at nothing better than finding technical violations of the law and hanging people out to dry with them. I have a feeling a Trump presidency will be scandal after scandal nonstop 24/7 for one term. I think there is a good chance that Trump will get impeached.

4. Trump is a yankee.

5. Trump is not that familiar with maneuvering politically in government. This will hinder his presidency. Even Reagan served as governor of California. I think Trump is going to be bogged down in bureaucratic entanglements he cant even comprehend today.

Those things being said, it is more important for the political process to maintain its integrity and give Trump a fair run for the money. If the GOP establishment cannot shift to a suitable challenger, like Paul, Carson, Cruz, Jindal, or Huckabee then everyone buckle down for four years of political earthquakes and scandal. Because I do think Trump is going to win this otherwise. And even the Devil himself would be better than Jebba the Bush or the Liar Rubio; I would seriously vote for Hillary or Sanders instead.
I love Trump's attitude, I think he'd be a God awful President.

I think Trump could be a good enough President that his fixes to immigration would be worth putting up with all the other shenanigans.

It's just we have better choices and if the GOP establishment would walk away from Jebba and Rubio they could beat Trump, but they have to do it now. I don't think they can beat Trump after Floriduh.
no. more. career. politicians.
I like my plumber but I don`t want him running for office.
if you equate trump's experience in business, finance, creating jobs and working with and among government bureaucracies and politicians with your...plumber...it seems to indicate you don't really have a good grasp on what's going on...or you just don't like trump and need to find a way to demean him...
I think it's the latter...
I love Trump's attitude, I think he'd be a God awful President.

I think Trump could be a good enough President that his fixes to immigration would be worth putting up with all the other shenanigans.

It's just we have better choices and if the GOP establishment would walk away from Jebba and Rubio they could beat Trump, but they have to do it now. I don't think they can beat Trump after Floriduh.

I think clearing out 30 million 3rd world illegals is job 1.
the benefits to the economy would be tremendous and it would greatly lessen the drag on america.
..and no we wouldn't all starve to death because no one would pick our lettuce..hunger is a GREAT motivator and jobs would be filled and wages would HAVE to rise because there would be millions fewer people working slave labor for illegally low wages.
The left needs the voters, so they're willing to support human trafficking, drug and weapons smuggling across our open border.
They see it as a small price to pay to further destabilize white america.
While I like Trump for the most part, I would rather have either Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Huckabee, Ted Cruz or Bobby Jindal (dropped Fiorina for supporting Birthright citizenship, ask me again tomorrow and the list might be changed again, lol)

1. Trump has problems IMO on the Kelo decision and imminent domain laws.

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Donald Trump's Achilles Heel: Eminent Domain Seizure

Trump on Kelo: I happen to agree with it 100 percent

Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

To my knowledge Trump still supports this outrageous Kelo decision and till he changes that, I cant really support him as my first choice. The reason I would still consider him is that he does address other important issues very well and Kelo isn't going to be changed by any of these other candidates anyway, except for Rand Paul.

2. Trump is too arrogant. This guy is not going to be able to tell Congress what to do. If he can LEAD them, then that is different, but he cant fire Congress and that puts a kink in all his braggadocio. But already Congress is passing or considering likely passage of some laws in response to Trump, so maybe he can.

3. Trump readily admits that he engaged in Crony Capitalism and that is why he knows the system is broken and why he wants to change the system. While that sounds good, it also means he has likely broken multiple laws in the process and the establishment is good at nothing better than finding technical violations of the law and hanging people out to dry with them. I have a feeling a Trump presidency will be scandal after scandal nonstop 24/7 for one term. I think there is a good chance that Trump will get impeached.

4. Trump is a yankee.

5. Trump is not that familiar with maneuvering politically in government. This will hinder his presidency. Even Reagan served as governor of California. I think Trump is going to be bogged down in bureaucratic entanglements he cant even comprehend today.

Those things being said, it is more important for the political process to maintain its integrity and give Trump a fair run for the money. If the GOP establishment cannot shift to a suitable challenger, like Paul, Carson, Cruz, Jindal, or Huckabee then everyone buckle down for four years of political earthquakes and scandal. Because I do think Trump is going to win this otherwise. And even the Devil himself would be better than Jebba the Bush or the Liar Rubio; I would seriously vote for Hillary or Sanders instead.

I agree...

Trump is not my choice at all. I am however enjoying his ATTITUDE and I think most Americans find THAT to be the ONE THING he brings that is missing in the ranks of those who represent Americans in the fight to free the US from socialist tyranny.

"Fuck the Ideological Left, ENTIRELY... COMPLETELY. The Fight is to UNAPOLOGETICALLY STRIP THE US OF ANY SENSE OF Liberal, Progressive, Socialism and in so doing, return it to greatness."

The problem is that Left-think has so inculcated the US Culture that the most recent generation is truly HELPLESS. The majority of which have absolutely ZERO Skills, thus they have no means to support themselves.

The only hope that they have is for the US to STOP all subsidies and FORCE these idiots into reality.

The first law the GOP government should pass, is to increase the legal age to vote to 25.

"But they'll STARVE!"

Nah... but they'll sure as hell get hungry and that's something that few of them have ever experienced.
"3. Trump readily admits that he engaged in Crony Capitalism and that is why he knows the system is broken and why he wants to change the system. While that sounds good, it also means he has likely broken multiple laws in the process and the establishment is good at nothing better than finding technical violations of the law and hanging people out to dry with them. I have a feeling a Trump presidency will be scandal after scandal nonstop 24/7 for one term. I think there is a good chance that Trump will get impeached."
Your claim that the 'establishment is good at finding technical violations of the law........' is BS.
Hillary and Bill have been cheating and lying and swindling people for decades and the 'establishment' hasn't done a fucking thing to them.
Trump is a past-master at 'doing deals' and he's NEVER had a single charge brought to trial. IF he's ever done anything blatantly illegal the 'establishment' would never know it.......try as some have to bring Trump down.
He is exactly what the country is desperate for. Someone who can't ever be bought.....or sold. Trump WILL be the next President and he WILL follow through with his promises. You can take that to the bank.
no. more. career. politicians.
I like my plumber but I don`t want him running for office.
My plumber would have done better as president than Obama!
After Hillary quits for 'health reasons' after the DNC told her to Biden, if elected President, which is what the 'West Coast Liberal Elites' have always wanted will effectively give Obama a third term.
Every sentient follower of US politics knows this.
Trump would decimate Biden in any national debates. The DNC knows it. Biden knows it. The GOP knows it. Trump knows it. And the voters know it.
It's driving DWS crazier than she already is.
"3. Trump readily admits that he engaged in Crony Capitalism and that is why he knows the system is broken and why he wants to change the system. While that sounds good, it also means he has likely broken multiple laws in the process and the establishment is good at nothing better than finding technical violations of the law and hanging people out to dry with them. I have a feeling a Trump presidency will be scandal after scandal nonstop 24/7 for one term. I think there is a good chance that Trump will get impeached."
Your claim that the 'establishment is good at finding technical violations of the law........' is BS.
Hillary and Bill have been cheating and lying and swindling people for decades and the 'establishment' hasn't done a fucking thing to them.
Trump is a past-master at 'doing deals' and he's NEVER had a single charge brought to trial. IF he's ever done anything blatantly illegal the 'establishment' would never know it.......try as some have to bring Trump down.
He is exactly what the country is desperate for. Someone who can't ever be bought.....or sold. Trump WILL be the next President and he WILL follow through with his promises. You can take that to the bank.

Danny, the establishment is good at finding criminal transgression (or just making them up) when they want to take out a member of their own party that has gained power and wont play their game as whores to corporations and their lobbyists.

Yes, they do participate in covering things up for their rivals in the Democratic party who are really just their opposites in this duopoly system that controls our electoral process..
no. more. career. politicians.
I like my plumber but I don`t want him running for office.
if you equate trump's experience in business, finance, creating jobs and working with and among government bureaucracies and politicians with your...plumber...it seems to indicate you don't really have a good grasp on what's going on...or you just don't like trump and need to find a way to demean him...
I think it's the latter...

You really don't pay attention.

I said I support Trump, but he is not my first choice.
Another thread in which USMB nutters confirm at a primary quality they want to see in a POTUS is the inclination to act like an asshole.

If you refuse to act like an asshole.....or express an apologetic tone...ever....25% of the GOP will consider you unelectable.

It's awesome.
no. more. career. politicians.
I like my plumber but I don`t want him running for office.
if you equate trump's experience in business, finance, creating jobs and working with and among government bureaucracies and politicians with your...plumber...it seems to indicate you don't really have a good grasp on what's going on...or you just don't like trump and need to find a way to demean him...
I think it's the latter...

You really don't pay attention.

I said I support Trump, but he is not my first choice.

you talking to me? My reply was to august west regarding his plumber...
Another thread in which USMB nutters confirm at a primary quality they want to see in a POTUS is the inclination to act like an asshole.

If you refuse to act like an asshole.....or express an apologetic tone...ever....25% of the GOP will consider you unelectable.

It's awesome.
"If you refuse to act like an asshole....25% of the GOP will consider you unelectable."

Well then you would certainly be thought electable.

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