Why ''Under God'' phrase added on the Pledge of Allegiance in U.S?

What term could be more vague than 'god'?
Exactly !!

However it does indeed have a history to it's use.

The ancient Greek word is THEOS.

This comes from the ancient Sanskrit DEOS.

Ironically Latin follows DEOS rather than THEOS.

In Hebrew they use names instead of words.

ELOHIM is a name and a word. As a name it means The Almighty.

As a word it is plural and means The Council.

This comes from very ancient Semitic which simply means Power or Powerful -- EL.

The English word GOD comes from the Germanic GOTT which comes from GOTEN -- the Gothic People. It means The Person or Him (capitalized).

The Gothic God was DONAR.

Thor - Wikipedia
In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

"Under God:" The Pledge, Present and Future | University of Chicago Law School

Is It Time to Remove ‘Under God’ From the Pledge of Allegiance?

It's time to stop making our kids recite a prayer to the government, a prayer with the origins of a national-socialist, which is the party translated in German as NAZI. We're arguing about the wrong thing here if it's keep God or remove God. If that's your argument then remove creator from the DOI.
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United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America

Jebus? Ignorant ass wipe!
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America

Jebus? Ignorant ass wipe!
No need for name calling, Admiral. I'm not a follower of organized religion but I've got no problem saying "Under God" because to me it has no intrinsic meaning. I'm not sure why the Secular Coalition is so sensitive about it. They hold a lot more stock in a name than I do, I guess.
Does that make sense to anyone?
If you don't believe, why is that word causing you such issue?
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
under god was added in the 1950's by right wing Christians in order to brainwash Americans into worshiping Jebus pretty much every atheist political group is against it

Remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance | Secular Coalition for America

Jebus? Ignorant ass wipe!
No need for name calling, Admiral. I'm not a follower of organized religion but I've got no problem saying "Under God" because to me it has no intrinsic meaning. I'm not sure why the Secular Coalition is so sensitive about it. They hold a lot more stock in a name than I do, I guess.
Does that make sense to anyone?
If you don't believe, why is that word causing you such issue?

I don't care about his opinion about the Pledge, but that poster is an ignorant ass wipe for calling my Lord and savior "Jebus".
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

We were a new nation cobbled together by men and women who had a steadfast belief that God created them, sustained them, and to whom they owed everything. The Bible (Gods words, and inspired words) were precious to them as the one stalwart in their fragile and tumultuous lives. The Bill of rights is a direct reflection of their inspiration from the Bible in this regard. Naturally, you know where I'm going in regard to the Pledge of Allegiance....
Under God was added to the pledge to distinguish us from the Godless and soulless Soviets. At the time, Russia was communist and atheist.

Today, a substantial portion of America is Godless and soulless. They want to make the entire country so. These people, democrats would also make us communist.

Since Under God was inserted into the Pledge, there has been a remarkable reversal of national policies.
Under God was added to the pledge to distinguish us from the Godless and soulless Soviets. At the time, Russia was communist and atheist.

Today, a substantial portion of America is Godless and soulless. They want to make the entire country so. These people, democrats would also make us communist.

Since Under God was inserted into the Pledge, there has been a remarkable reversal of national policies.

And the pledge of allegiance was created by a national socialist...who believed we should closely follow the progressive principles of the time like eugenics, social engineering, and government control of those who don't know better... and it was designed to be a prayer to the government, which is what the NAZIs and Communist both loved making their citizens do.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
I get the sneaky suspicion you're not American.
Anyhow as to your OP, I say refer to your username.
I don't live in U.S currently but in the future I want to live there.
Yes I'm an atheist, USA seems it has religious society but I think atheists and other non-believers may live in that country without any problem. Also I don't think I'll prefer to live in Bible Belt southeastern states.
You appear to be a "free-thinker", which is needed in this world ...
as in "think for yourself, question authority". Step 1.
Be objective and look at evidence. Step 2.
As in science, be agnostic. Step 3.
We should all respect the Golden Rule and practice liberty for all, unless a person unjustly victimizes others. Step 4.
No need for any vague or ignorant claim or fantasy about a "god" or "under God". Step 5.

The USA Pledge is a cultural-emotional artifact that intellect needs to fix.
In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

"Under God:" The Pledge, Present and Future | University of Chicago Law School

Is It Time to Remove ‘Under God’ From the Pledge of Allegiance?

It's time to stop making our kids recite a prayer to the government, a prayer with the origins of a national-socialist, which is the party translated in German as NAZI. We're arguing about the wrong thing here if it's keep God or remove God. If that's your argument then remove creator from the DOI.

Under God was added to the pledge to distinguish us from the Godless and soulless Soviets. At the time, Russia was communist and atheist.

Today, a substantial portion of America is Godless and soulless. They want to make the entire country so. These people, democrats would also make us communist.

Since Under God was inserted into the Pledge, there has been a remarkable reversal of national policies.

And the pledge of allegiance was created by a national socialist...who believed we should closely follow the progressive principles of the time like eugenics, social engineering, and government control of those who don't know better... and it was designed to be a prayer to the government, which is what the NAZIs and Communist both loved making their citizens do.

You may be digging a little too deep on this one bud. I think you've got it spun in your head just a bit.
The purpose of the Pledge Of Allegiance is simple...to assist in developing a sense of patriotism and national pride in citizens. There was a time, back when America was American and citizens were likeminded where nationalism was encouraged and citizens respected one another for being proud Americans.
The United States of America might best be described as a "Secularized Christian Nation".

78% identify as Christian, and another 4% identify as Deists of some kind or another.


The country was settled and organized and quickened by Europeans; nations and peoples steeped in 1600-1800 years of Christian-dominated tradition and culture.

The country's laws have their basis in a combination of Roman Law preserved through the ages by The Church and Canon Law (Church Law), pre- and post-Reformation.

The country's original leadership was a mixture of devout Christians and Christian-spawned Post-Enlightenment Deists.

Devout Christians and Post-Enlightenment Deitsts (with a Christian bent) who saw the need to avoid establishing a National Church but to acknowledge a Divine Providence.

That initial leadership, themselves a mixture of beliefs, represented vast numbers of devout Christians, and envisioned a Christian-centric secular state.

They succeeded.

If your ancestors came from Europe, you are part of the Christian tradition and legacy, even if you do not profess such beliefs yourself.

If your ancestors came from Europe, your society and culture and laws and morality have their basis in Christian traditions and teachings, and the remnants of Classical Age culture and society that that same Christian Church preserved for the future throughout the Dark and Middle Ages, until Europe was ready to receive and use them again.

And, of course, Christian values and ideals and standards hold The Beast at bay; preventing the godless, soulless Moral Relativist types amongst us from running amok.

Neither "...under God..." nor "In God We Trust" are going anywhere, anytime soon; and there's always a legal angle, to block attempts to get rid of them.

Especially now that we're about to get a 5-4 Court, which may quickly morph into a 6-3 Court, as soon as one of the ancient LibTards on the bench decides to check out.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

There are numerous mentions of God in our founding documents. Not sure, but "under God" wasn't there until the fifties? Not sure why it was added.
In 1954 :)

Pledge of Allegiance - Wikipedia
The United States of America might best be described as a "Secularized Christian Nation".

78% identify as Christian, and another 4% identify as Deists of some kind or another.


The country was settled and organized and quickened by Europeans; nations and peoples steeped in 1600-1800 years of Christian-dominated tradition and culture.

The country's laws have their basis in a combination of Roman Law preserved through the ages by The Church and Canon Law (Church Law), pre- and post-Reformation.

The country's original leadership was a mixture of devout Christians and Christian-spawned Post-Enlightenment Deists.

Devout Christians and Post-Enlightenment Deitsts (with a Christian bent) who saw the need to avoid establishing a National Church but to acknowledge a Divine Providence.

That initial leadership, themselves a mixture of beliefs, represented vast numbers of devout Christians, and envisioned a Christian-centric secular state.

They succeeded.

If your ancestors came from Europe, you are part of the Christian tradition and legacy, even if you do not profess such beliefs yourself.

If your ancestors came from Europe, your society and culture and laws and morality have their basis in Christian traditions and teachings, and the remnants of Classical Age culture and society that that same Christian Church preserved for the future throughout the Dark and Middle Ages, until Europe was ready to receive and use them again.

And, of course, Christian values and ideals and standards hold The Beast at bay; preventing the godless, soulless Moral Relativist types amongst us from running amok.

Neither "...under God..." nor "In God We Trust" are going anywhere, anytime soon; and there's always a legal angle, to block attempts to get rid of them.

Especially now that we're about to get a 5-4 Court, which may quickly morph into a 6-3 Court, as soon as one of the ancient LibTards on the bench decides to check out.
we have a First Amendment; why not take annual turns with the gods? In Mercury we Trust, should Always be good for Commerce.
...for the "market based metrics"? We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

Conspiracy or coincidence.

If you have a point to make, why bury it in babble?
I already made it.

Why no, "religious patriot test", back then?

1, Nothing in your first post makes that point.

2. Because there was no enemy, with a strong internal 5th column, that rejected traditional American culture, including Christianity.
...for the "market based metrics"? We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

Conspiracy or coincidence.

If you have a point to make, why bury it in babble?
I already made it.

Why no, "religious patriot test", back then?

1, Nothing in your first post makes that point.

2. Because there was no enemy, with a strong internal 5th column, that rejected traditional American culture, including Christianity.
...for the "market based metrics"? We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

Conspiracy or coincidence.

all there was, was a definite, lack of true faith in capitalism.

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