Why ''Under God'' phrase added on the Pledge of Allegiance in U.S?

United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')

The founders were not afraid to mention god or express their beliefs it seems, not sure why you think the country was entirely based on secular principles. I think Obama told us we were greatly founded on Islam
We were fighting the Commies by then and the Red Scare included the belief that it was a religious war between Christians and atheists.

Ironically, now, Russia is the Trump cult's God.
So you agree with OldLady then ?!
Let it go or explain why you think "under God" had nothing to do with the communist scare?
Well you are asking me to second guess Ike then.

I don't believe Ike was ever afraid of the Russians.

Ike knew we could beat the Russians if we had to. Back then we had more bombers and more nukes than they did.

The Ruskies did not really become powerful and almost equal to the USA until the 1960's. And certainly NOT in the early 1950's.

Ergo Ike was still thinking about having beaten both Tojo and Adolf at the same time -- which was a miracle. And Normandy and Midway were the two biggest miracles.
In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration.
The Pledge of Allegiance

There are as many articles explaining this as you wish to Google up. Don't be afraid to expand your understanding of the climate of that time.
There was no communist threat in 1954.

Not until 1961.
Okey dokey. We all have the right to our strong but erroneous beliefs.
I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

or putin..?
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United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.
I love the way you make shit up.

I've seen mass murderers Che and Castro idolized by your lefties for generations, while Hollywood turns out movie after movie about how terrible McCarthy was.

That is not me making shit up, but historical reality.

Would you like some links to movies smearing McCarthy? Or about Che T-shirt sales? Or is this were you start calling me names to distract from that fact I just owned you?
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.
I love the way you make shit up.

I've seen mass murderers Che and Castro idolized by your lefties for generations, while Hollywood turns out movie after movie about how terrible McCarthy was.

That is not me making shit up, but historical reality.

Would you like some links to movies smearing McCarthy? Or about Che T-shirt sales? Or is this were you start calling me names to distract from that fact I just owned you?
I think Correll is trying to say that you OldLady strike him as a very gullible extrovert OldLady who can easily be influenced by others and who cannot analyze things for yourself.

United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

They don't seem to have problems with muslims taking over our country either, while trying to disarm us at the same time.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.
I love the way you make shit up.

I've seen mass murderers Che and Castro idolized by your lefties for generations, while Hollywood turns out movie after movie about how terrible McCarthy was.

That is not me making shit up, but historical reality.

Would you like some links to movies smearing McCarthy? Or about Che T-shirt sales? Or is this were you start calling me names to distract from that fact I just owned you?
I think Correll is trying to say that you OldLady strike him as a very gullible extrovert OldLady who can easily be influenced by others and who cannot analyze things for yourself.

I am not smearing anti-communists. I stated a fact which is so well documented that it is actually common knowledge to all but Soymilk who has decided to dig his heels in on this particular aspect of history and who cares.
I am taking exception to Correll for assuming that I ever idolized Che or Castro. I don't like communist totalitarians who can't get their ideas across without shooting or imprisoning bazillions of their countrymen. THAT'S the part I'm not agreeing with.
I'll own being gullible to some extent, but I analyze things just fine. NOBODY is going to come to the conclusions you have about McCarthyism, however. Maybe you and Correll are trying to say McCarthy and his commie scare tactics never happened? Like the Holocaust didn't happen? I don't know what's with you two, but even though I wasn't there when it happened, I know it did happen. It was not fake news and it was unfair targeting of Americans, many of whose lives were ruined by the innuendo and scare tactics employed during the McCarthy era. Are you glad an echo of those days is reappearing? Is that why you are insisting there was no concern about communism until the Bay of Pigs? You guys are hilarious.
I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

or putin..?

What stupid point do you think you just made?

it's a question. did the sharpness of that 'point' hurt you..?

are you saying you have a problem with putin, or no..??

1. PUtin is not a communist.

2. Putin is not a mass murderer.

3. I do not love him at all, as you lefties love Che or the Castros.

Thus, your point, whatever it is, is as dull as you are.

Vladimir Putin
is reportedly planning to bring back the KGB ... Its mission was to serve as the “sword and shield” of the dictatorial Communist Party

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he is and has always been fond of communist “ideas”, while also comparing the Soviet code of conduct to the Bible, independent news agency Interfax reported.

“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Trump will 'attack everyone and anyone' but Putin is 'immune'

Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' - CNNPolitics.com

Last edited:
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.
I love the way you make shit up.

I've seen mass murderers Che and Castro idolized by your lefties for generations, while Hollywood turns out movie after movie about how terrible McCarthy was.

That is not me making shit up, but historical reality.

Would you like some links to movies smearing McCarthy? Or about Che T-shirt sales? Or is this were you start calling me names to distract from that fact I just owned you?
I think Correll is trying to say that you OldLady strike him as a very gullible extrovert OldLady who can easily be influenced by others and who cannot analyze things for yourself.

I am not smearing anti-communists. I stated a fact which is so well documented that it is actually common knowledge to all but Soymilk who has decided to dig his heels in on this particular aspect of history and who cares.
I am taking exception to Correll for assuming that I ever idolized Che or Castro. I don't like communist totalitarians who can't get their ideas across without shooting or imprisoning bazillions of their countrymen. THAT'S the part I'm not agreeing with.
I'll own being gullible to some extent, but I analyze things just fine. NOBODY is going to come to the conclusions you have about McCarthyism, however. Maybe you and Correll are trying to say McCarthy and his commie scare tactics never happened? Like the Holocaust didn't happen? I don't know what's with you two, but even though I wasn't there when it happened, I know it did happen. It was not fake news and it was unfair targeting of Americans, many of whose lives were ruined by the innuendo and scare tactics employed during the McCarthy era. Are you glad an echo of those days is reappearing? Is that why you are insisting there was no concern about communism until the Bay of Pigs? You guys are hilarious.
If Ike was sweating commies then that would surprise me.

The Korean war was over by then and its whole cause was a blunder by Truman who omitted "Korea" in a statement he made.

And McCarthyism was strictly political.

Like I said, Ike was simply religious and so was most of the USA back in 1954.
I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

or putin..?

What stupid point do you think you just made?

it's a question. did the sharpness of that 'point' hurt you..?

are you saying you have a problem with putin, or no..??

1. PUtin is not a communist.

2. Putin is not a mass murderer.

3. I do not love him at all, as you lefties love Che or the Castros.

Thus, your point, whatever it is, is as dull as you are.
You must not have heard about Chechnya.

Putin IS a murderer.

Even so I still like him as the head of Russia.

He is a competent murderer and therefore he is very predictable.

He hated Obama and Hillary for good reasons -- incompetence.
United States is a country which is completely based on secular principles. So, I just wonder about: why they added that phrase on the Pledge of Allegiance? Actually scientifically; humanity doesn't need any god, spirituel or holy thing in its life to be succesful. Because we know that these beliefs doesn't provide or help anything better.

In the future or currently is there an movement-act to remove that phrase ? Or Americans want to remove that ? (Also I wonder about same thing for the ''in god we trust'')
Per usual, no one knows so they're making stuff up.
It was added during the Commie scare in the 50's to weed out the communists among us. As we all know, communists shrivel and die if exposed to the word "God." Thank Uncle Joe McCarthy.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

They don't seem to have problems with muslims taking over our country either, while trying to disarm us at the same time.
Actually I am lucky in living in the Rocky Mountains.

Every one of the Rocky Mountains states are shall-issue and allow anyone with a clean record to carry concealed and loaded -- which I do 24/7/365. Even when I am riding my mountain bike.

As far as assault carbines go -- you better buy your own soon so it will get grandfathered-in if another Hillary or Bill Clinton becomes the POTUS in the future. And don't forget some hi cap mags too.
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Vladimir Putin
is reportedly planning to bring back the KGB ... Its mission was to serve as the “sword and shield” of the dictatorial Communist Party

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he is and has always been fond of communist “ideas”, while also comparing the Soviet code of conduct to the Bible, independent news agency Interfax reported.

“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Trump will 'attack everyone and anyone' but Putin is 'immune'

Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' - CNNPolitics.com

Wow. When criticized by the Russian Communist party, for criticizing Lenin, he responds with some nice words.

That's real strong evidence he is a communist.

I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

or putin..?

What stupid point do you think you just made?

it's a question. did the sharpness of that 'point' hurt you..?

are you saying you have a problem with putin, or no..??

1. PUtin is not a communist.

2. Putin is not a mass murderer.

3. I do not love him at all, as you lefties love Che or the Castros.

Thus, your point, whatever it is, is as dull as you are.
You must not have heard about Chechnya.

Putin IS a murderer.

Even so I still like him as the head of Russia.

He is a competent murderer and therefore he is very predictable.

He hated Obama and Hillary for good reasons -- incompetence.

Waging war is not normally considered mass murder by traditional Western Standards.
I love the way you lefties love to smear and attack anti-communists, but have no problem with actual communists who have committed mass murders, such as the Castros, or Che.

or putin..?

What stupid point do you think you just made?

it's a question. did the sharpness of that 'point' hurt you..?

are you saying you have a problem with putin, or no..??

1. PUtin is not a communist.

2. Putin is not a mass murderer.

3. I do not love him at all, as you lefties love Che or the Castros.

Thus, your point, whatever it is, is as dull as you are.
You must not have heard about Chechnya.

Putin IS a murderer.

Even so I still like him as the head of Russia.

He is a competent murderer and therefore he is very predictable.

He hated Obama and Hillary for good reasons -- incompetence.

Waging war is not normally considered mass murder by traditional Western Standards.
You need to find out the whole story though about the last massacre by Putin. It was a Party-wide thing but they did it to make Putin look popular.

It worked of course.

But now Putin has to live with it.

His wife could not live with it so she divorced him.

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