Why was Jesus born?

You are still hanging out with a nude dude?
Man, you truly are being like Jesus, he liked to hang out with naked men too.
John in the Jordan River, Lazarus the naked young man seen fleeing from a night sleeping with Jesus in his cabin.

Sources: Jesus was bi sexual- (Mark 10:21&John 11:11, 13:23-25)
The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According
Missing fragment in text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible)

you are bound by what it reveals.
NT validates this account of Jesus:
"...there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold of him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." (Mark 14:51-52). Was this the companion that Luke observed with Jesus inside the garden?

"...he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day..."(Amos 2:16----the Hebrew 'labab' translated 'flee away' here, actually means 'transported with love', and also 'ravished'). Now that certainly fits this episode of the young man fleeing away naked from Jesus outside the garden of Gethsemane.

Who was this young man if not perhaps the rich man whom "Then Jesus beholding him, loved him..."(Mark 10:21). Perhaps it was the rich man Lazarus, of whom "...he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth..."(John 11:11----The Greek 'philos' translated 'friend', also means 'dear' and 'fond of').

The NT also accounts Jesus hometown as Capernaum a place liken to San Francisco.
Capernaum sources his hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....
So knowing this about Jesus, this video would be a more appropriate explaination to your OP question.
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You are still hanging out with a nude dude?
Man, you truly are being like Jesus, he liked to hang out with naked men too.
John in the Jordan River, Lazarus the naked young man seen fleeing from a night sleeping with Jesus in his cabin.

Sources: Jesus was bi sexual- (Mark 10:21&John 11:11, 13:23-25)
The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According
Missing fragment in text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible)

you are bound by what it reveals.
NT validates this account of Jesus:
"...there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold of him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked." (Mark 14:51-52). Was this the companion that Luke observed with Jesus inside the garden?

"...he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked on that day..."(Amos 2:16----the Hebrew 'labab' translated 'flee away' here, actually means 'transported with love', and also 'ravished'). Now that certainly fits this episode of the young man fleeing away naked from Jesus outside the garden of Gethsemane.

Who was this young man if not perhaps the rich man whom "Then Jesus beholding him, loved him..."(Mark 10:21). Perhaps it was the rich man Lazarus, of whom "...he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth..."(John 11:11----The Greek 'philos' translated 'friend', also means 'dear' and 'fond of').

The NT also accounts Jesus hometown as Capernaum a place liken to San Francisco.
Capernaum sources his hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....
So knowing this about Jesus, this video would be a more appropriate explaination to your OP question.

This is me turning the other cheek.
BUSTED, I used the NT sources and you admit the NT is unnaceptable.
tmp_9125-king of ding-1797097218.jpg
BUSTED, I used the NT sources and you admit the NT is unnaceptable.
Sure seemed like an inappropriate sexual innuendo to me, HaShev. Are you sure you weren't the one who got busted?
Awesome. Then what are you doing in a religious thread discussing why Jesus was born into this world?

Because it's an open messageboard.
I see. Just going to sidestep the 900 gorilla in the room. Act like it's not even there.

There is no elephant in the room. You ask a question in the oP. I answered it. It is a sincere answer. You come back with links that show there is a lot of old texts around talking about Jesus. Great. There is also a lot of texts around with Aesops Fables on them. Doesn't mean they're based on fact.
BUSTED, I used the NT sources and you admit the NT is unnaceptable.
Sure seemed like an inappropriate sexual innuendo to me, HaShev. Are you sure you weren't the one who got busted?

Once again you admitted your inappropriate behavior when you had formerly cussed using sexual innuendos. You also admit the NT is inappropriate for those innuendos that the church is 0nly happy to practice as a secret man boy club.
The NT says it, the church statues reveal it.
BUSTED, I used the NT sources and you admit the NT is unnaceptable.
Sure seemed like an inappropriate sexual innuendo to me, HaShev. Are you sure you weren't the one who got busted?

Once again you admitted your inappropriate behavior when you had formerly cussed using sexual innuendos. You also admit the NT is inappropriate for those innuendos that the church is 0nly happy to practice as a secret man boy club.
The NT says it, the church statues reveal it.
View attachment 107410
Turning the other cheek now.
Awesome. Then what are you doing in a religious thread discussing why Jesus was born into this world?

Because it's an open messageboard.
I see. Just going to sidestep the 900 gorilla in the room. Act like it's not even there.

There is no elephant in the room. You ask a question in the oP. I answered it. It is a sincere answer. You come back with links that show there is a lot of old texts around talking about Jesus. Great. There is also a lot of texts around with Aesops Fables on them. Doesn't mean they're based on fact.
It doesn't mean they're not either.
it does mean they are not either of sustainability simply by the vacuum for the the period of their portrayal irregardless whatever they are copies of.
it does mean they are not either of sustainability simply by the vacuum for the the period of their portrayal irregardless whatever they are copies of.
Biblical manuscript - Wikipedia
you may as well not post at all concerning any authentic transcripts during the time of the events as non exist, 4th century christianity is a completely fabricated agenda prancing as a religion. reflective of the OP's question that has no real relevancy to modern society.
it does mean they are not either of sustainability simply by the vacuum for the the period of their portrayal irregardless whatever they are copies of.
Biblical manuscript - Wikipedia
you may as well not post at all concerning any authentic transcripts during the time of the events as non exist, 4th century christianity is a completely fabricated agenda prancing as a religion. reflective of the OP's question that has no real relevancy to modern society.
I darn sure will post that.

"A biblical manuscript is any handwritten copy of a portion of the text of the Bible. The word Bible comes from the Greek biblia (books); manuscript comes from Latin manu (hand) and scriptum (written). The original manuscript (the original parchment the author physically wrote on) is called the "autographa." Biblical manuscripts vary in size from tiny scrolls containing individual verses of the Jewish scriptures (see Tefillin) to huge polyglot codices (multi-lingual books) containing both the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the New Testament, as well as extracanonical works.

The study of biblical manuscripts is important because handwritten copies of books can contain errors. The science of textual criticism attempts to reconstruct the original text of books, especially those published prior to the invention of the printing press."

Biblical manuscript - Wikipedia

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