Why we want stimulus now and worry about deficits later

For the 1,000th time...You cannot possibly prove that.

I did 1000 times. The recession was caused by the insufficient demand, therefore increasing demand from the government must pull the economy from the slump. Not a rocket science, and only conservatives living in denial would dispute that.
The recession was cause by the economic deflation of an overinflated demand bubble.

Since the demand was fake to begin with, through idiotic Fed and gubmint meddling, it was only natural that there was going to be severe blowback.

But rather than admit that you economic arsonists care not a fucking wit about the externalities of your know-nothing tinkering with the lives of millions of people, you try to come back and sell yourselves as the best ones to put out the fire.

Yeah like assholes charging up a shit storm then defaulting on their debt, in mass quantities none the less.

Of course only after Bill Clinton did his best to ensure credit was a "right" and not a privilege under the ruse of "racism" and "bias."
Not even... It's the core presupposition in your each and every utterance about economic matters.

Yup, telling liberals what their believes are is the part of the denial. You can't accept the world around you and the people around you for what they are.
I accept that authoritarian tyrants are what they are.

How can you, if you are putting words in their mouth?
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I did 1000 times. The recession was caused by the insufficient demand, therefore increasing demand from the government must pull the economy from the slump. Not a rocket science, and only conservatives living in denial would dispute that.
The recession was cause by the economic deflation

"Economic deflation", seriously? WTF does it even mean?
It means that the artificially inflated housing bubble deflated.

But you don't give a fuck...You're too busy trying to peddle failure as evidence that even more failure is called for.
Bullshit. The workforce is growing in absolute terms and in recent months it was growing faster than the population.

Oh really??

In what universe do you live? Obamaland?

U.S. shrinking workforce a worrisome sign | Reuters

That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


Oh what a crock of shit.....

The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire - they were fucking shit canned, couldn't find a job after 2 years and have now been eaten by the singularity.

Not only that but unemployment is epically high amongst the X and Y generations...

Do you realize in order to receive social security benefits an individual would have to have be born in 1947 (actually 1946 given its only February)

Baby Baby boomers are only NOW (the earliest ones) starting to qualify for their SS benefits...

Don't tell me there are 20,000,000 Americans that were born in 1946..
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Oh really??

In what universe do you live? Obamaland?

U.S. shrinking workforce a worrisome sign | Reuters

That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire

Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.
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Oh really??

In what universe do you live? Obamaland?

U.S. shrinking workforce a worrisome sign | Reuters

That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


Oh what a crock of shit.....

The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire - they were fucking shit canned, couldn't find a job after 2 years and have now been eaten by the singularity.

Not only that but unemployment is epically high amongst the X and Y generations...

Do you realize in order to receive social security benefits an individual would have to have be born in 1947 (actually 1946 given its only February)

Baby Baby boomers are only NOW (the earliest ones) starting to qualify for their SS benefits...

Don't tell me there are 20,000,000 Americans that were born in 1946..

Here are some of those "GROWING" workers being referred to here:

34.2% of people between the age of 16 and 19 are actually still IN the workforce earning a living. Many have simply given up looking with only a small few choosing to persue an added educational degree instead?

71.7% of those between 20 and 24 are currently employed

For Black teens (16-19), unemployment was 42.1% (an increase from 39.6% in November).
For Black female teens, unemployment stood at 34.6% (a decrease from 36.8% in November).
For Black male teens, unemployment was 48.3% (an increase from 42.7% in November)

Jobless rate has fallen because of dropouts - Washington Times
That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire

Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.

You do realize that your "baby boomer" argument holds ZERO water considering that only the VERY FIRST OF THE FIRST Baby Boomers only now qualify for Social Security..

Therefore one cannot claim the drop in the workforce over the last 3 or so years was due to the the "retirement of baby boomers."

Do you remember the 99er movement???

Our workforce is sinking dramatically...

Our unemployment rate could be 1% statistically and at the same time 50% of the population that is qualified to have a job could be jobless.

I suppose that's what happens when you tax people out of their private sector jobs and then shower those in the public sector with excess wages and benefits or throw money at the unions...

As usual the progressives are a bunch of thieves...
The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire

Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.

You do realize that your "baby boomer" argument holds ZERO water considering that only the VERY FIRST OF THE FIRST Baby Boomers only now qualify for Social Security..

No I don't. If you are going to retire in 6 month, or even a year anyway, why would you be looking for a job? And what would you tell to a perspective employer -- please hire me, but keep in mind that I will be gone soon after I finish the orientation?
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That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


Oh what a crock of shit.....

The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire - they were fucking shit canned, couldn't find a job after 2 years and have now been eaten by the singularity.

Not only that but unemployment is epically high amongst the X and Y generations...

Do you realize in order to receive social security benefits an individual would have to have be born in 1947 (actually 1946 given its only February)

Baby Baby boomers are only NOW (the earliest ones) starting to qualify for their SS benefits...

Don't tell me there are 20,000,000 Americans that were born in 1946..

Here are some of those "GROWING" workers being referred to here:

34.2% of people between the age of 16 and 19 are actually still IN the workforce earning a living. Many have simply given up looking with only a small few choosing to persue an added educational degree instead?

71.7% of those between 20 and 24 are currently employed

For Black teens (16-19), unemployment was 42.1% (an increase from 39.6% in November).
For Black female teens, unemployment stood at 34.6% (a decrease from 36.8% in November).
For Black male teens, unemployment was 48.3% (an increase from 42.7% in November)

Jobless rate has fallen because of dropouts - Washington Times

I would love to see the numbers on white males.

The funny part about that is that businesses get a tax break for hiring anyone but white males between the ages of 16-25.. Oh they get a tax break for hiring felons as well.

It's called the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)...

That's why I laugh when I see "equal opportunity employment."

Why the fuck would a business hire a white male when they can get a tax break for hiring a minority or a woman (who are not even minorities?)..
Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.

You do realize that your "baby boomer" argument holds ZERO water considering that only the VERY FIRST OF THE FIRST Baby Boomers only now qualify for Social Security..

No I don't. If you are going to retire in 6 month, or even a year anyway, why would you be looking for a job? And what would you tell to a perspective employer -- please hire me, but keep in mind that I will be gone soon after I finish the orientation?

That report is affected by the demographics -- baby-boomers retire. If you look at the prime-age adults, their work participation is growing:


The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire

Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.

You implied the drop in our workforce was because THEY ALREADY DID...

Basically you just made a bunch of shit up and now are attempting to save face..

How does it feel to be an Obamabot??

How does it feel to reject reality because it makes you feel better about yourself and your support of the tyrant liar Obamafuck??
You do realize that your "baby boomer" argument holds ZERO water considering that only the VERY FIRST OF THE FIRST Baby Boomers only now qualify for Social Security..

No I don't. If you are going to retire in 6 month, or even a year anyway, why would you be looking for a job? And what would you tell to a perspective employer -- please hire me, but keep in mind that I will be gone soon after I finish the orientation?


What part of "you are not looking for a new job if you will retire in 6 months" you don't understand?
No I don't. If you are going to retire in 6 month, or even a year anyway, why would you be looking for a job? And what would you tell to a perspective employer -- please hire me, but keep in mind that I will be gone soon after I finish the orientation?


What part of "you are not looking for a new job if you will retire in 6 months" you don't understand?

What part of fallacy do you not understand??

What part of "139,000,000 in 2000 to 110,000,000 in 2012?"
The last stimulus was $1 trillion and it failed.

It did not fail, it stopped the economy from sliding deeper into recession.

It wasn't big enough. Neither is what the president plans now. We're in a make or break situation and we need to over-rule the GObP who only want to help their own foreign interests.

If we let them, the Republicans will happily push us into a full depression. That would trigger world wide chaos.

We need to "over-rule" the GOP? Did you really make that statement? I hate to give you a wake-up call to reality, Luddly...but Obama's progressive agenda was "over-ruled" by the electorate in 2010 when the voters sent a clear message to the President by electing a record number of Republicans to the House. In Barry's own words...the Democrats got "shellacked". The voters didn't like ObamaCare...they didn't like what was being done with the EPA...they didn't like what was proposed with Cap & Trade...they didn't like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi spending a trillion dollars that we had to borrow from China for shovel ready jobs that didn't exist and questionable investments in so called "green" companies like Solyndra.

The Republicans are calling for some fiscal sanity. If we act on that we might still be able to save this country before it becomes Greece with nobody big enough to bail it out.

The chart above shows a deeply depressed economy. The US still produce about 1 trillion less in annual GDP than they are capable of. Not only it results in a lot of human suffering, but it also starves the government of tax revenues, creating huge budget deficits.

Therefore we need more stimulus to help the economy closing the gap (which basically means creating more jobs) -- because it will also reduce the deficits.

This would be laughable if it weren't so serious. This post highlights so clearly the delusion of the left. They haven't any clue the relationship between the private sector and the public sector.

It is not a difficult concept: the public sector can only grow at a rate that the revenue from taxation on the private sector allows. If the private sector grows exponentially, say at the rate of $200 billion a month deficits, somewhere around $14 trillion in national debt--a majority held by your own central bank--it will undoubtedly cause further devastation on the economy.

Also, this childish argument that had the stimulus not been passed the economy would be worse--proving a negative--is naive. Let me use that same logic on you. Had the Bush administration not allowed enhanced interrogation techniques America would be in a much worse situation, possibly even another terrorist attack on American soil.

The fact is all of the promises made and reasons given to pass the stimulus act have been proven to be lies and misrepresentations . Even liberals admit it was a failure, but then absurdly turn around and promise it was because it was too small and wasn't administered correctly.

These people are quite obviously either morons or intentionally pursuing the destruction of this country.

'Course Bush, Bernanke and Paulson giving the banks nearly a trillion dollars and not even specifying how they were to use it was A OK. A Rose By Any Other Name Is Yet As Sweet!

Giving? :lol::lol::cuckoo:
This would be laughable if it weren't so serious. This post highlights so clearly the delusion of the left. They haven't any clue the relationship between the private sector and the public sector.

It is not a difficult concept: the public sector can only grow at a rate that the revenue from taxation on the private sector allows. If the private sector grows exponentially, say at the rate of $200 billion a month deficits, somewhere around $14 trillion in national debt--a majority held by your own central bank--it will undoubtedly cause further devastation on the economy.

Also, this childish argument that had the stimulus not been passed the economy would be worse--proving a negative--is naive. Let me use that same logic on you. Had the Bush administration not allowed enhanced interrogation techniques America would be in a much worse situation, possibly even another terrorist attack on American soil.

The fact is all of the promises made and reasons given to pass the stimulus act have been proven to be lies and misrepresentations . Even liberals admit it was a failure, but then absurdly turn around and promise it was because it was too small and wasn't administered correctly.

These people are quite obviously either morons or intentionally pursuing the destruction of this country.

'Course Bush, Bernanke and Paulson giving the banks nearly a trillion dollars and not even specifying how they were to use it was A OK. A Rose By Any Other Name Is Yet As Sweet!

Giving? :lol::lol::cuckoo:

Yeah that's the idiot LEft. When Bush's administration LOANED banks money they had to repay that was giving it. When Obama's administration makes loans to the likes of Solyndra where the taxpayer will be on the hook for all of it if it fails then that's "investment." See the difference?
'Course Bush, Bernanke and Paulson giving the banks nearly a trillion dollars and not even specifying how they were to use it was A OK. A Rose By Any Other Name Is Yet As Sweet!

Giving? :lol::lol::cuckoo:

Yeah that's the idiot LEft. When Bush's administration LOANED banks money they had to repay that was giving it. When Obama's administration makes loans to the likes of Solyndra where the taxpayer will be on the hook for all of it if it fails then that's "investment." See the difference?

They whine about the banks, who repaid at a profit to the Treasury, but I've never heard a lib complain about the money given to Fannie and Freddie, which will never repay the Treasury.
The first to get shit canned were the baby boomers - they didn't retire

Those born in 1946 are reaching the full retirement age in 2012. They are retiring, so it is understandable that they stopped looking fro work. And in 1946 the population grew by 7.5 millions.

You implied the drop in our workforce was because THEY ALREADY DID...

Basically you just made a bunch of shit up and now are attempting to save face..

How does it feel to be an Obamabot??

How does it feel to reject reality because it makes you feel better about yourself and your support of the tyrant liar Obamafuck??
As you can see, I already gave up.

It's like a Martian trying to talk to a fungo. :lol::lol::lol:

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