Why would a God even need a hell?

Everybody is sinful. Just because you don't recognize it doesn't mean anything except that you don't recognize wickedness when you see it.

The Christian idea of sin is a long shot from wicked.

My mother claimed girls who wore skirts shorter than knee length were sinful. My Parents are German and drink wine. A good friend's parents claimed they were sinful for drinking alcohol (though never to excess)

"Sin" is a nonsense term.

One is wicked who knowingly harms others.

I know few people who do so.
And you actually think God will use somebody who thinks like you to judge humanity? You must really think God is desperate for help.
GOD judges. I only post HIS words. You dont believe HIM, and you're offended that i do. Take it as you wish.
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In my life, I've met few people who are wicked.
GOD defines good and evil. I don't. Neither do you. I can give you examples from His Word that HE defines as good and evil. I'm guessing you'll grow even more angry if I do though.

Even Jesus, said to someone who approached Him, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God in Heaven "
GOD defines good and evil. I don't. Neither do you. I can give you examples from His Word that HE defines as good and evil. I'm guessing you'll grow even more angry if I do though.

Even Jesus, said to someone who approached Him, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God in Heaven "

You can give me examples of the words of goat herders and entrenched priests.

IF there is a god, none of his words are in your book.

But I have no reason to get angry. These words mean no more than the words of Batman in a comic book. Unless I am invested in the fiction, the words have little meaning to me.
And you actually think God will use somebody who thinks like you to judge humanity? You must really think God is desperate for help.
GOD judges. I only post HIS words. You dont believe HIM, and you're offended that i do. Take it as you wish.

God does not judge any human ,Jesus taught that in John 5:22; you Christians just have judgment on the mind ; you lust for judgment and condemnation. God will in no manner leave humanity to be judged by you Christians; your so self righteous you would shut up the Kingdom of God to most of humanity.

Again Jesus talking to self righteous believers in Matt.23:13"But woe to you Scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites! For you " Shut up the Kingdom of heaven against men." You preach your precious hell and limit God's great salvation only to your pitiful selves.
"Sin" is a nonsense term.
"Sin" has a definition. I'm guessing you cannot define it. Yet you "label" it (nonsense).

"Sin" is the name of an Egyptian god, which the Hebrews adopted to mean defiance of the religious precepts of Mosaic law. "Sin" includes such things as mixing dairy with vegetables. or weaving together different fibers.

Most of the truly absurd "sins" are ignored by Christians, pointing to Paul's statement about eating meat offered to idols as justification. Of course Paul was not consistent with the words attributed to Jesus.

{For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.} Matthew 5:18

As such, the shirt on your back is a "sin."
I can hardly wait to see the disappointment in Christianity when God allows them to see that no one will be in their hell. And reveals to them his awesome grace and salvation.
Everybody is sinful. Just because you don't recognize it doesn't mean anything except that you don't recognize wickedness when you see it.

The Christian idea of sin is a long shot from wicked.

My mother claimed girls who wore skirts shorter than knee length were sinful. My Parents are German and drink wine. A good friend's parents claimed they were sinful for drinking alcohol (though never to excess)

"Sin" is a nonsense term.

One is wicked who knowingly harms others.

I know few people who do so.
That's just semantics, based on your own bias against what is essentially an archaic word that means "sinful" but for some reason is viewed by modern English speakers as somehow worse.


Simple Definition of wicked
  • : morally bad

  • : having or showing slightly bad thoughts in a way that is funny or not serious

  • : very bad or unpleasant
    Definition of WICKED
Simple Definition of sinful
  • : wrong according to religious or moral law

  • : very bad or wicked

  • : extremely enjoyable in a way that makes you feel guilty
    Definition of SINFUL
I can hardly wait to see the disappointment in Christianity when God allows them to see that no one will be in their hell. And reveals to them his awesome grace and salvation.

And who is this god of yours?

Certainly not the demon Allah, so just who do you call "god?"

God is not his name ,that is just used for our benefit; he was once asked who he was; he simply answered "I am that I am!" You can just call him" I Am" ,if you require a name. He is also called "Jehovah", amongst other names . I just call him Father , personally.
You seem to have a lot on the ball but whoever put this graphic together is full of it. Take the Catholics, the Anglicans, the Baptists, the AG's, etc. and tell me which ones do not believe in the ancient creeds of the Church, and by that I mean the Baptismal vow known as the Apostle's creed. They all believe in it except for the non-Trinitarians. The Church is not divided.

And by the way, Athanasius was not a "white guy".
The fact remains there were several Christian beliefs about Jesus of Nazareth for the three centuries after the Crucifixion. Particularly about his level of divinity. The Trinity group won out, mostly by eliminating the competition.
God is not his name ,that is just used for our benefit; he was once asked who he was; he simply answered "I am that I am!" You can just call him" I Am" ,if you require a name. He is also called "Jehovah", amongst other names . I just call him Father , personally.

I'm trying to figure out what religion you follow.

Jehovah's Witness?

Certainly not Mormon.

Not Bahia

Not Eastern.
Everybody is wicked. Get over it.
Not all to the same degree. That's the difference.
No, the difference is that some are saved, and some aren't.

Any wickedness or sin is sufficient to prevent you from accessing heaven, which is a place in God's presence where there is NO sin. People who aren't saved see their goodness as a gradient...but to God, you're either saved...or you aren't. That simple.

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