Why would a God even need a hell?

Son, the Council of Nicea established the Christian Bible - it absolutely is a Christian book. The Christians created it - you simply misunderstand and misinterpret it.
I agree that the Council of Nicaea established the Christian Bible. However, 1) since there are over 30,000 Christian denominations, it appears even the canonized Bible is subject to interpretation and 2) There are a lot of books excluded by the Council of Nicaea which give a fuller picture of the times.

There is no such thing as the Christian bible, 75% of the book was written before Christianity and the council of Nicaea even existed. But the intense pride of Christianity cannot see this true history. Produce to me any Christian copy rights that give them ownership of the bible ; I challenge you Christians to prove you have legal rights on the bible.

Prove your legal rights.

United States copyright laws extend throughout the author's life plus 70 years. After that the literary work becomes part of the public domain. Furthermore copyright law does not protect anonymous authors. All books of the Bible were written by anonymous authors. The Bible is totally in the public domain. Nobody has a copyright on the Bible.
Son, the Council of Nicea established the Christian Bible - it absolutely is a Christian book. The Christians created it - you simply misunderstand and misinterpret it.
I agree that the Council of Nicaea established the Christian Bible. However, 1) since there are over 30,000 Christian denominations, it appears even the canonized Bible is subject to interpretation and 2) There are a lot of books excluded by the Council of Nicaea which give a fuller picture of the times.

There is no such thing as the Christian bible, 75% of the book was written before Christianity and the council of Nicaea even existed. But the intense pride of Christianity cannot see this true history. Produce to me any Christian copy rights that give them ownership of the bible ; I challenge you Christians to prove you have legal rights on the bible.

Prove your legal rights.

United States copyright laws extend throughout the author's life plus 70 years. After that the literary work becomes part of the public domain. Furthermore copyright law does not protect anonymous authors. All books of the Bible were written by anonymous authors. The Bible is totally in the public domain. Nobody has a copyright on the Bible.

Correct . Christians have just stolen the bible in their minds; after all , the bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
I have asked myself why a God would need a hell, ( and by hell I mean the Christian version of it). I mean here this great being of life and love , is said to have created a place of eternal misery? And something is just not right with that, because it makes no sense at all. But a lot of things in religion make no sense, but religion rains on humanity, getting all of our consciousness wet in one manner or another.

My view of God, and I don't know God, have never seen him or heard his voice; is a view that I know is already distorted by many things; but I view him as merciful, loving, kind, forgiving, longsuffering, all the things that this Christian hell is not. So I don't think this hell is God's creation, I think the Christians created it. I think this eternal hell punishing is what Christians would do with unbelievers, not God. I think its moreso what the Christians want.

Why would God make an eternal monument out of evil? For what? Why would such a being of great power of change, co-exist with misery forever? Why? I can't see it. I think something is seriously wrong with this myopic view of hell! The powers that exist which can seduce the consciousness of humanity into believing nonsense, is simply stunning.

I have read the Bible from cover to cover twice. Hell didn't seem to be a major focus. Some of the references to hell were very ambiguous. I think the modern Christian view of hell is heavily influenced by a book called, "Dante's Inferno" rather than the Bible. I'm not totally convinced that hell is a Judeo-Christian concept. I have my doubts.

If the promise to the living for compliance with the law is life, then that life is not physical in nature. Everyone, the good and the bad, already has life.. If the consequence for noncompliance is death, then it follows that the death is not physical in nature as well since everyone dies, even the righteous to whom life is promised. If the death consequent to setting aside the divine commands is not physical in nature then the realm of the dead, hell, is not a place where people go after they die a physical death.

Read the long list of maledictions promised by Moses for setting aside the way he taught to follow the law. Deuteronomy 28:15-68

Sure sounds like hell to me.

Like Moses, Jesus didn't think that hell was a place where naughty people go after they die a physical death either.

When Jesus spoke of hell he was speaking to people who were affluent, well respected, were popular and supported by large congregations, (we are many), surrounded by all the comforts available at the time, living relatively smooth and easy lives. He wasn't saying that they were going to hell, he said that they were already in it.

"They have their reward already", " Let the dead bury the dead" etc.

A good question to ask oneself is what could he have possibly meant. How could the people about whom he said, "they have their reward already", have been dead and suffering the torments of hell in the eyes of Jesus when by all outward appearances they seemed to have it all, professing a love for God and dedication to his law, seemingly striving for holiness, and living life free of the sufferings and hardships that the majority of people under their stewardship had to endure...
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Hell is the grave, all other teachings on it are false.

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

No, there is no wailing and gnashing of teeth in the grave.

That is your effort to spread terror'; to scare people;

The Fruit of the Teaching of Hell

Yeah right, people living comfy lives is very very scary.

The teaching of Jesus was that they had missed the mark and gained their wealth and security through corruption, intimidation, oppression, and outright lies, their sanctimonious pride in their assumed holiness an illusion, their self righteous indignation at the accusation that they were actors and lying frauds, a show, hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth in anger at the revelation of Jesus who exposed what was the wrong way to follow the law and what is the only right way to follow the law that leads to the promise of entry into a new eternal life in a higher realm of intelligences, living beings, who dwell in the presence of God.
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Hell is the grave, all other teachings on it are false.

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

No, there is no wailing and gnashing of teeth in the grave.

That is your effort to spread terror'; to scare people;

The Fruit of the Teaching of Hell

Yeah right, people living comfy lives is very very scary.

The teaching of Jesus was that they had missed the mark and gained their wealth and security through corruption, intimidation, oppression, and outright lies, their sanctimonious pride in their assumed holiness an illusion, their self righteous indignation at the accusation that they were actors and lying frauds, a show, hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth in anger at the revelation of Jesus who exposed what was the wrong way to follow the law and what is the only right way to follow the law that leads to the promise of entry into a new eternal life in a higher realm of intelligences, living beings, who dwell in the presence of God.

This is not for you , your conscious is already seared ; this is for people Christianity has not blinded;

23 Minutes In Hell
Hell is the grave, all other teachings on it are false.

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

No, there is no wailing and gnashing of teeth in the grave.

That is your effort to spread terror'; to scare people;

The Fruit of the Teaching of Hell

Yeah right, people living comfy lives is very very scary.

The teaching of Jesus was that they had missed the mark and gained their wealth and security through corruption, intimidation, oppression, and outright lies, their sanctimonious pride in their assumed holiness an illusion, their self righteous indignation at the accusation that they were actors and lying frauds, a show, hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth in anger at the revelation of Jesus who exposed what was the wrong way to follow the law and what is the only right way to follow the law that leads to the promise of entry into a new eternal life in a higher realm of intelligences, living beings, who dwell in the presence of God.

This is not for you , your conscious is already seared ; this is for people Christianity has not blinded;

23 Minutes In Hell

Sheesh. You have responded to what I posted so I assume that you read it.

Knowing that I find it interesting that you seem to think that I believe in some obvious fraud.

When what a person is talking about goes way over your head, you might want to consider the possibility that the person talking to you isn't speaking crazy talk in some mysterious language, the defect in comprehension is most likely within you and you could be a person living in the very hell that you do not believe in.

How nutty is that?

The fact that there is a hell does not prove that God is a meanie, it proves that God is merciful for not poofing us numbskulls out of existence immediately, giving people, the rich and the poor, the good and the bad, believers and unbelievers alike, an opportunity for their entire lives to come to their senses and take part in the ascension of the species.
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Hell is the grave, all other teachings on it are false.

Honest Questions and Answers about Hell

No, there is no wailing and gnashing of teeth in the grave.

That is your effort to spread terror'; to scare people;

The Fruit of the Teaching of Hell

Yeah right, people living comfy lives is very very scary.

The teaching of Jesus was that they had missed the mark and gained their wealth and security through corruption, intimidation, oppression, and outright lies, their sanctimonious pride in their assumed holiness an illusion, their self righteous indignation at the accusation that they were actors and lying frauds, a show, hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth in anger at the revelation of Jesus who exposed what was the wrong way to follow the law and what is the only right way to follow the law that leads to the promise of entry into a new eternal life in a higher realm of intelligences, living beings, who dwell in the presence of God.

This is not for you , your conscious is already seared ; this is for people Christianity has not blinded;

23 Minutes In Hell

Sheesh. You have responded to what I posted so I assume that you read it.

Knowing that I find it interesting that you seem to think that I believe in some obvious fraud.

When what a person is talking about goes way over your head, you might want to consider the possibility that the person talking to you isn't speaking crazy talk in some mysterious language, the defect in comprehension is most likely within you and you could be a person living in the very hell that you do not believe in.

How nutty is that?

The fact that there is a hell does not prove that God is a meanie, it proves that God is merciful for not poofing us numbskulls out of existence immediately, giving people, the rich and the poor, the good and the bad, believers and unbelievers alike, an opportunity for their entire lives to come to their senses and take part in the ascension of the species.

There is no hell .The concept of eternal hell punishing is insane.
Hell is the place the extreme religious go for messing up the world in God's name.
Hell is the place the extreme religious go for messing up the world in God's name.

There is no such place as hell ; the grave is just dirt for dead bodies.
Or that.

Well that is what I think the bible means by "Hell", simply the grave. The Old Testament mentions hell 31 times, each of those times its the Hebrew word " Sheol", which means the grave. The New Testament mentions hell only 23 times; 12of those times its " Gehanna" ,or the Valley of Hinnon out side of Jerusalem; 10 times it means Hades , or again the grave . Only 1 time, in 2Pet. 2:4 it refers to some kind of "Place", and that only for demons. Religion has totally perverted the biblical meaning of hell. Because religion loves perversion that punishes people.
No, there is no wailing and gnashing of teeth in the grave.

That is your effort to spread terror'; to scare people;

The Fruit of the Teaching of Hell

Yeah right, people living comfy lives is very very scary.

The teaching of Jesus was that they had missed the mark and gained their wealth and security through corruption, intimidation, oppression, and outright lies, their sanctimonious pride in their assumed holiness an illusion, their self righteous indignation at the accusation that they were actors and lying frauds, a show, hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth in anger at the revelation of Jesus who exposed what was the wrong way to follow the law and what is the only right way to follow the law that leads to the promise of entry into a new eternal life in a higher realm of intelligences, living beings, who dwell in the presence of God.

This is not for you , your conscious is already seared ; this is for people Christianity has not blinded;

23 Minutes In Hell

Sheesh. You have responded to what I posted so I assume that you read it.

Knowing that I find it interesting that you seem to think that I believe in some obvious fraud.

When what a person is talking about goes way over your head, you might want to consider the possibility that the person talking to you isn't speaking crazy talk in some mysterious language, the defect in comprehension is most likely within you and you could be a person living in the very hell that you do not believe in.

How nutty is that?

The fact that there is a hell does not prove that God is a meanie, it proves that God is merciful for not poofing us numbskulls out of existence immediately, giving people, the rich and the poor, the good and the bad, believers and unbelievers alike, an opportunity for their entire lives to come to their senses and take part in the ascension of the species.

There is no hell .The concept of eternal hell punishing is insane.

The concept of eternal punishment as taught by the churches is insane, yes, but that doesn't mean that hell as expressed by Jesus has no real meaning or doesn't allude to an actual state of lack and confusion, suffering and pain, fear and anxiety, that leads to insanity caused by adopting false teaching and irrational beliefs that are refuted by actual reality, every day and every night, like a consuming fire.

Try to look at it this way.

The only life that is certain is the life that you have now. If eternal life is possible, now is the only time possible to aspire to it, while living.. No one can do anything from the grave.

If physical death is permanent, then that opportunity for eternal life, attaining permanent existence and life in the kingdom of God, while on earth, ends at death permanently.

Another way to look at it would be this. If a person adopts the addled teaching and practices of unclean creatures who do not think rationally that teaching will defile and contaminate the mind and they will degenerate into a creature that cannot think rationally and they will say and do stupid things that injure and cause suffering to themselves and the people they love. Hell is a place of captivity, a place of darkness, confusion, and torment where people end up trapped in their mind as a direct result from feasting on garbage.

To say that there is no hell is to say that there are no confused people out there. Ridiculous, right?

Only by purifying and cleansing the mind will the suffering caused by every false teaching come to an end.

One can only do this while they are alive by exerting a force of will, a right guaranteed by the Divine, and making deliberate and conscious use of life.

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Hell is the grave ,a dead unconscious body covered by dirt ; period!
If you really think about it ,why would God need Christianity?

For what?
Explain to yourself why a human would have to live in hell then die and go to a worse hell?
God does not need hell , but the Christians do; without it their religion is proven a lie.

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