Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

JoeB131, look back at your posts in this very thread.

Calling everyone else racists and bigots in response to an OP about the PC Police.

You literally can't help yourself. You literally have to jump into a thread about YOU and ILLUSTRATE it.

And there's no way you're even going to realize it.
No matter how many times you smack his nose with a newspaper he'll continue to soil the carpet.
He's as close to 100% vacuum-sealed as anyone I can think of.

Imagine going through life like that.
JoeB131, look back at your posts in this very thread.

Calling everyone else racists and bigots in response to an OP about the PC Police.

You literally can't help yourself. You literally have to jump into a thread about YOU and ILLUSTRATE it.

And there's no way you're even going to realize it.

I call racists and bigots what they are. Sorry, we have a lot of racism in this country and you know it.

I'm really and truly sorry one of our co-workers ratted you out to HR for that dirty joke you told that one time, but the fact is, Trump won because he sold a bunch of snake oil, and the Media did a lousy job of calling him on it.
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.
Well JoeB is a closet racist so he can't help but deflect, helps him deal with his guilt.

... But you already knew when you started this thread that the PC Shock Troops here were going to take the latest electoral ass whipping as a signal to double down on identity politics and thought crime enforcement, didn't ya? So you're just basically stirring up the hornets nest because the reactions are fucking funny, right? :D
Without borders, the US middle class will never see a pay raise again.

With borders the US middle class will see wages start rising again.

That matters.

You keep telling yourself that... but frankly, the big corporations will probably just pay the tariffs and wait for Trump to fall on his face.

the thing is, right now, the GOP is playing along with him because he'll sign off on a bunch of right to work and privatization crap the big corporations want, and then they'll let him fall on his face economically.

They could try that. In which case they will lose market share to internal manufacturers.

Right now the GOP should be wondering how to abase themselves to their base and beg forgiveness.

BUt as stupid as they have been, perhaps you are right.

It might well be that they will turn on him and end the GOP.

We will have to see.
JoeB131, look back at your posts in this very thread.

Calling everyone else racists and bigots in response to an OP about the PC Police.

You literally can't help yourself. You literally have to jump into a thread about YOU and ILLUSTRATE it.

And there's no way you're even going to realize it.

I call racists and bigots what they are. Sorry, we have a lot of racism in this country and you know it.

I'm really and truly sorry one of our co-workers ratted you out to HR for that dirty joke you told that one time, but the fact is, Trump won because he sold a bunch of snake oil, and the Media did a lousy job of calling him on it.
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.
Well JoeB is a closet racist so he can't help but deflect, helps him deal with his guilt.

... But you already knew when you started this thread that the PC Shock Troops here were going to take the latest electoral ass whipping as a signal to double down on identity politics and thought crime enforcement, didn't ya? So you're just basically stirring up the hornets nest because the reactions are fucking funny, right? :D

Actually he is completely open about his racism against rural and/or southern whites.

He is such a racist that he thinks it is ok to be openly racist.

AND he has the unbelievable gall to be completely racist while falsely accusing others of being racist.

He is a complete troll.

As such, he is a perfect representation of the modern American liberal.
If that was true, the EU would not have had to give it billions in subsidies.

You keep harping on quality. Surely you understand quality is only one factor in a buying decision, right?

depends on the item you are buying. (Kind of laughable, given purchasing is what I do for a living.)

Price and Service are also important... but when you are talking about a metal tube flying in the air powered by a flammable liquid, quality is really super important, Cleetus.

So, then if the Airbus is so fine a product, why then did the EU have to subsidize it?

YOu racist asshole.
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.

Okay, guy, the thing is, anyone who says "PC is really bad, yo", is almost always someone who said something out of line and got spanked for it.

this is a fundemental truth.

I'm sorry your co-workers think you are a creep. I'm not particularly surprised, though.
JoeB131, look back at your posts in this very thread.

Calling everyone else racists and bigots in response to an OP about the PC Police.

You literally can't help yourself. You literally have to jump into a thread about YOU and ILLUSTRATE it.

And there's no way you're even going to realize it.

I call racists and bigots what they are. Sorry, we have a lot of racism in this country and you know it.

I'm really and truly sorry one of our co-workers ratted you out to HR for that dirty joke you told that one time, but the fact is, Trump won because he sold a bunch of snake oil, and the Media did a lousy job of calling him on it.
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.
Well JoeB is a closet racist so he can't help but deflect, helps him deal with his guilt.

... But you already knew when you started this thread that the PC Shock Troops here were going to take the latest electoral ass whipping as a signal to double down on identity politics and thought crime enforcement, didn't ya? So you're just basically stirring up the hornets nest because the reactions are fucking funny, right? :D
Well, okay, I wasn't expecting miracles.


But it would be nice to see a little self-reflection on this. So far it has been "we lost because voters are stupid racists". And now it gets ugly.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
You may be right

Trumps "I'm not PC" was viewed as ......it's OK to be racist
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.

Okay, guy, the thing is, anyone who says "PC is really bad, yo", is almost always someone who said something out of line and got spanked for it.

this is a fundemental truth.

I'm sorry your co-workers think you are a creep. I'm not particularly surprised, though.
My "co-workers" are my CPA partner and my attorney partner, Joe. And our staff.

You just keep proving my point. Over and over and over.

No matter how many times you smack his nose with a newspaper he'll continue to soil the carpet.

The only soiling I've seen is guys like you cuddling up to an open racist like Trump.
I'm not cuddling up with anyone.

I would be fine either way.

I prepared early for my family.

I'm not the one shitting my pants over an election.

But you are still fucking hilarious.

Like I said, Joe.

If it still hurts, put something on it.
PC had no role. Trump only won because he turned Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states that are normally reliably Democrat.

Because he stance against "Free Trade" spoke to the valid economic concerns of those states.

But some lefties want to call two states that voted twice for Obama, racist.

Yes, Trump won because his professed position on trade is the LIBERAL position. He out-liberaled Clinton on that one issue, which got him enough of the normally LIBERAL labor vote in those states, including Michigan, and Ohio,

and that's how he won.

He actually won by doing what conservatives say Republicans should never do - move to the left.

THe last major dem that pushed back on "Free Trade" was Dick Gephardt and he got crushed in 88 and 04 in the dem primaries.

"Free Trade" has been the national bi-party consensus for decades.

Trump went NATIONALIST. Which a number of conservatives have been saying for quite some time.

No the last 'major Democrat' who is anti-free trade is Bernie Sanders.

Ahh, that true.

And our POlitical CLass rigged your primary against him.

Just like they tried to do in our primary.

You do know that in doing that, they choose to lose fighting for the multinational corporations instead of winning with the dem rank and file?

I was all set up to be completely DONE with the republican leadership if they sabotaged Trump, preferring to lose rather than respect the will of the party voters.

You do know that Sanders would have won, right?

Sanders started with no chance and ended up a close second. His position on trade won Trump the election.
The GOP has never been anti-free trade anti trade deals. Free trade is a cornerstone of mainstream conservatism.
JoeB131, look back at your posts in this very thread.

Calling everyone else racists and bigots in response to an OP about the PC Police.

You literally can't help yourself. You literally have to jump into a thread about YOU and ILLUSTRATE it.

And there's no way you're even going to realize it.

I call racists and bigots what they are. Sorry, we have a lot of racism in this country and you know it.

I'm really and truly sorry one of our co-workers ratted you out to HR for that dirty joke you told that one time, but the fact is, Trump won because he sold a bunch of snake oil, and the Media did a lousy job of calling him on it.
You keep going on with this weird "co-worker" and "HR" and "dirty joke" thing.

Either you're truly clueless about this or you're just a liar.

All your attempted deflection just continues to prove my point.
Well JoeB is a closet racist so he can't help but deflect, helps him deal with his guilt.

... But you already knew when you started this thread that the PC Shock Troops here were going to take the latest electoral ass whipping as a signal to double down on identity politics and thought crime enforcement, didn't ya? So you're just basically stirring up the hornets nest because the reactions are fucking funny, right? :D
Nothing like poking a stick at the hornet's nest.
They could try that. In which case they will lose market share to internal manufacturers.

Right now the GOP should be wondering how to abase themselves to their base and beg forgiveness.

BUt as stupid as they have been, perhaps you are right.

It might well be that they will turn on him and end the GOP.

We will have to see.

Actually, it'll be more like this. After all you dumb, white Inbred Crackers find out that not only didn't the manufacturing jobs come back, but those nice service jobs you could get at the Piggly Wiggly were replaced by machines as well.

And then when the Democrats run someone like Liz Warren preaching the socialist BS that Bernie Sanders preached, you'll all flock to that.

Actually he is completely open about his racism against rural and/or southern whites.

He is such a racist that he thinks it is ok to be openly racist.

Naw, guy, you miss my point. My problem with Rural Southern White aren't that they are white. It's that they are Rural and Southern.

It's that they don't realize the only reason why they live a reasonably decent life is because their rural lifestyle is largely subsidized by the mean old Gummit they hate.

They still fail to realize that 150 years ago, their ancestors did the Second Most Shitty Thing in History. (the honor of the First Most Shitty Thing still goes to the Germans, but they have the decency to feel bad about it today.)
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

What about good people pissed at being falsely accused of racism?

Yeah. That is horrible. It's enough to make a guy turn into a racist.

But it would be nice to see a little self-reflection on this. So far it has been "we lost because voters are stupid racists". And now it gets ugly.
Well you deserve credit for trying but your project was doomed from the start; after all, self-reflection and a willingness to objectively evaluate other points of view is something that most of the left wingers here are intellectually and emotionally incapable of. It's why they love PC so much, it's a powerful tool for shutting down any discussion which doesn't conform to their own internal narrative.

"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it." -- George Orwell, 1984
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

so let me get this straight. We hurt you wittle feelings by pointing our your racism and misogyny...

So you all stamped your little feet and voted for Trump. (More people voted for Hillary, but never mind, let's go with this.)

Uh, no, sorry, man, I can't get worked up because some racists voted for Trump, because they were going to vote for whoever the Republican nominated.

Trump won because we have an archaic system we should have gotten rid of a century ago. The people got this right.

Now, I kind of get why stupid white people voted for Trump. They've been replaced by machines that don't need to be paid and they're upset about it, and Trump promised them he'd bring their jobs back.

good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas.

but we'll pretend he's pro worker.

You really dont get it do you?
Administrations over the last 50 or 60 years made that happen.
If you want to compete you have no choice but to go abroad for cheap labor due to regulations and high taxes.
Wise the fuck up!

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