Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Find an exit poll that shows that large numbers of Americans switched from voting Democrat to voting Republican this election, solely or mainly on the issue of political correctness,

then you might have some evidence to support your imagination.
This, coming from the most miserable poster on the board.

As he continues to illustrate my point.

Yes, the point when I know the racists have lost... when they make the thread about me.

I would be really impressed if you spent as much time challenging the open racists like Correll, Odium, etc. as you do challenging me because I don't buy into your "PC Bad" bullshit.

Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?
Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.
That's funny since the purpose of the thread is to wipe your anus on all those who disagreed with you for a presidential choice.

He has an obsession with political correctness that has made him stupid.
How would YOU know what stupid is?
Yes, the point when I know the racists have lost... when they make the thread about me.

I would be really impressed if you spent as much time challenging the open racists like Correll, Odium, etc. as you do challenging me because I don't buy into your "PC Bad" bullshit.

Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He calls you names in an attempt to bait you into actually engaging in substance.
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.
That's funny since the purpose of the thread is to wipe your anus on all those who disagreed with you for a presidential choice.

He has an obsession with political correctness that has made him stupid.
How would YOU know what stupid is?

Because I'm so much smarter than you are. Want to find out? Challenge me to debate something.
Yes, the point when I know the racists have lost... when they make the thread about me.

I would be really impressed if you spent as much time challenging the open racists like Correll, Odium, etc. as you do challenging me because I don't buy into your "PC Bad" bullshit.

Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol
Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".
True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.
Yes, the point when I know the racists have lost... when they make the thread about me.

I would be really impressed if you spent as much time challenging the open racists like Correll, Odium, etc. as you do challenging me because I don't buy into your "PC Bad" bullshit.

Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.
That's funny since the purpose of the thread is to wipe your anus on all those who disagreed with you for a presidential choice.
It is?

Holy CRAP, that's TERRIBLE!
Hillary Clinton lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012.
... and if the Democrats keep snarling at them and telling them how their views are "racist, xenophobic, sexist..etc..,etc...," they'll lose millions more of those votes. You'll end up helping the Republicans turn that mythical "blue firewall" in the Midwest into an actual "red firewall".

You morons just got beat by DONALD TRUMP, it wasn't magic that caused it to happen, it was your own smug, arrogance that did it and apparently some of you geniuses think that doubling down on what didn't work is a way to prevent it from happening again.

That's not why she lost the union vote. You're an idiot.
Uh-Huh, so genius why did she as you put it "lost about a million and a half union votes compared to Obama from 2012"? Perhaps it was that magic fairy dust that Kellyanne Conway was sprinkling over them while they slept.

Hillary Clinton won by almost 2 million votes.
OIC, she won the election by losing it. :lmao:

Does President-Elect Trump know about this?

It'll be interesting to see if the Democrat Party leadership is as muddle headed as you appear to be, for if they are, I expect a Republican landslide in 2018 and a Trump Re-election in 2020.

"The definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?
In general, high levels of attention given to undeserving issues have contributed to a sad deterioration of the collective consciousness of America.

One huge blow came when people allowed the Iraq invasion to go down as it did. After that, social outrage at use of a word only impresses by the absurd extent of its oblivious hypocrisy.
Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He calls you names in an attempt to bait you into actually engaging in substance.
No, I know better. Won't happen, I no longer even try.
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

1. Are you aware that union workers in this country are disproportionately African American?

2. The blue collar workers you say are being called racist for years could have voted for Romney if that was their problem. Did they?
Mac disagrees with me all the time.

True. You two are ideologically opposed. But...he is very sensitive to your feelings so he will never try to harm you by calling you a name. If he called you a bigot, you might react by turning into a bigot. That would be his fault. We can't have that.

I'm sure if I actually said something bigoted, that he would call me on it.

His lack of constant use of the False Accusation of Racism does make him more pleasant to talk to than the rest of you libs.

BUt unfortunately it makes him far less representative of his ideological side.

Not sure what about that bothers you.

Are you offended by even the sight of real debate?
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.
That's funny since the purpose of the thread is to wipe your anus on all those who disagreed with you for a presidential choice.

He has an obsession with political correctness that has made him stupid.
Yupp. He is completely obsessed with it, and he doesnt understand what it even means.

Hes mad cuz he is probably a racist and someone called him on his bullshit and so he feels persecuted and scared to say his racist stuff now, so instead he does these threads.
You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

1. Are you aware that union workers in this country are disproportionately African American?

2. The blue collar workers you say are being called racist for years could have voted for Romney if that was their problem. Did they?

1. No. And that's relevant because?

2. Romney was not anti-PC like a sledgehammer to get their attention and their listen.
My little stalker friend doesn't understand that two adults who disagree can have an honest, thoughtful conversation without personal insults, name-calling, distortion and lies.

You never distort nor insult. You call me a stalker because you don't intend to intimidate me into silence. Right?

He plays exactly the same game PoliticalChic does. He makes proclamations he can't defend in a debate, and then when he gets called on them, he goes right to the namecalling and ad hominem nonsense.
Which will be proven when he attaches a funny face to this post. lol

At what point in this thread did anyone challenge his OP with other than, "But they are RACIST!".

I did. Go back and read my posts and don't come back telling me to link to those posts. You didn't read them or ignored them.

Fair enough.

But how many of the Rust Belt's traditionally dem union blue collar workers/voters were willing to listen to a Billionaire Republican despite him being labeled as a horrible "racist" because they had noticed over the years that THEY THEMSELVES were constantly and falsely accused of being "racist" by the same corrupt media/pop culture?

2012 Exit Polls, OHIO,

Is anyone in household a union member?

22% say YES - Obama wins their vote 60% to 37%

Ohio Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

2016 Exit Polls, OHIO,

union household?

23% say YES - TRUMP wins their vote 54% to 41%

2016 election results: Ohio Exit polls

A 36 point swing in the union vote in Ohio. To Trump. That's how he won. (the swings were similar in the rest of the so-called rust belt)

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