Will Donald Trump be President of the U.S. come fall ........

Will Donald Trump still be President a year or three years from now?

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Not at all
You said you are not affected by whom is in the white house and then you said Bush affected you...well Obama's policies affected me and millions of others in a negative way....

I did say that Bush II was the exception but that was due to his invasion of Iraq.

I did very well during the Obama years. Not because of him or anything he did, but because of the hard work of me and my wife.
Not at all
You said you are not affected by whom is in the white house and then you said Bush affected you...well Obama's policies affected me and millions of others in a negative way....
The Dow tripled on Obama's watch. Jobs were bleeding at the rate of 500,000 jobs a month when he took office. When he left, employment had been rising for seven straight years, and the economy had been growing for the same length of time.

So Obama affected many more millions positively.

Conversely, Trump was elected on third base, and you all react as if he hit a triple! :lol:
I did say that Bush II was the exception but that was due to his invasion of Iraq.

I did very well during the Obama years. Not because of him or anything he did, but because of the hard work of me and my wife
But think how much better you could have done without an 8 year long recession....My business deals with residential and commercial new construction...it depends on a growing and investing economy...we never enjoyed that under Obama...before he took office I felt as you do...but that man almost ruined America with his defiance against common sense...
The Dow tripled on Obama's watch. Jobs were bleeding at the rate of 500,000 jobs a month when he took office. When he left, employment had been rising for seven straight years, and the economy had been growing for the same length of time.

So Obama affected many more millions positively.
Wall street wealthy did fine under Obama but they are doing better under Trump's policies....Its the middle class that paid the biggest price for Obama's fecklessness....
I did say that Bush II was the exception but that was due to his invasion of Iraq.

I did very well during the Obama years. Not because of him or anything he did, but because of the hard work of me and my wife
But think how much better you could have done without an 8 year long recession....My business deals with residential and commercial new construction...it depends on a growing and investing economy...we never enjoyed that under Obama...before he took office I felt as you do...but that man almost ruined America with his defiance against common sense...

We did not have an 8 year long recession.

We are 108 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country.

The markets all grew steadily and all economic indicators were heading in a good way for the last 6 years he was in office.
The Dow tripled on Obama's watch. Jobs were bleeding at the rate of 500,000 jobs a month when he took office. When he left, employment had been rising for seven straight years, and the economy had been growing for the same length of time.

So Obama affected many more millions positively.
Wall street wealthy did fine under Obama but they are doing better under Trump's policies....Its the middle class that paid the biggest price for Obama's fecklessness....

The markets did better for the first 11 months under Trump, but they are all stagnant except maybe the NASDAQ right now and have been for more than 200 days.

It is depressing to open my portfolio these days
We did not have an 8 year long recession.
Well you can call it what you want but 8 years with a growth rate under 3% is a recession in my book....I know that you and CNN and wall street disagrees....

A recession is specific thing with a specific definition. You are free to make up any meaning you wish, just do not expect anyone to go along with your personal definition. And by your standards we are still in the recession since we have not had a year over 3% yet
The markets did better for the first 11 months under Trump, but they are all stagnant except maybe the NASDAQ right now and have been for more than 200 days.
Come on Gator...the market is at an all time high and if your portfolio is stagnate you need a new investment plan....If this market continues to grow I will be able to retire in less than 5 years....
A recession is specific thing with a specific definition. You are free to make up any meaning you wish, just do not expect anyone to go along with your personal definition. And by your standards we are still in the recession since we have not had a year over 3% yet
Call it what you want...it wasn't good....
The markets did better for the first 11 months under Trump, but they are all stagnant except maybe the NASDAQ right now and have been for more than 200 days.
Come on Gator...the market is at an all time high and if your portfolio is stagnate you need a new investment plan....If this market continues to grow I will be able to retire in less than 5 years....

The market has not grown in 200 plus days. It seems you are just making things up now
The market has not grown in 200 plus days. It seems you are just making things up now
200 days is a eye blink in the market performance....everyone knows its up over what we had in the last administration....if you are not investing you are an idiot....this is how wealth is made...how your children will live...
The market has not grown in 200 plus days. It seems you are just making things up now
200 days is a eye blink in the market performance....everyone knows its up over what we had in the last administration....if you are not investing you are an idiot....this is how wealth is made...how your children will live...

The market has been stagnant for more than 36% of the Trump presidency with no end in sight thanks to his stupid trade war.

As for how the two compare, the DJI was up 26% Trump's first full year, it was up 33% Obama's first full year.

Oh, I invest heavily, I have multiple accounts out there, a few portfolios and two 401ks. My children will be just fine.
The market has not grown in 200 plus days. It seems you are just making things up now
200 days is a eye blink in the market performance....everyone knows its up over what we had in the last administration....if you are not investing you are an idiot....this is how wealth is made...how your children will live...

The market has been stagnant for more than 36% of the Trump presidency with no end in sight thanks to his stupid trade war.

As for how the two compare, the DJI was up 26% Trump's first full year, it was up 33% Obama's first full year.

Oh, I invest heavily, I have multiple accounts out there, a few portfolios and two 401ks. My children will be just fine.
I think the stock market has learned to ignore Trump now. They have learned his little schoolyard hissy fits on Twitter don't mean fuck-all to anyone who matters.

What does matter is actual policy, like his stupid little trade war.
A recession is specific thing with a specific definition. You are free to make up any meaning you wish, just do not expect anyone to go along with your personal definition. And by your standards we are still in the recession since we have not had a year over 3% yet
As usual...

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
The market has been stagnant for more than 36% of the Trump presidency with no end in sight thanks to his stupid trade war.


I see you are not very good at math. Let me help you out. Trump has been POTUS for 579 days. The market has been stagnant for 212 days (and counting).

212/579 = 36.6%

And there is no end in sight to it. There is nothing on the horizon that would suggest a rebound any time soon. So, we are sitting at 212 days of wasted time when investments are not growing the way they should, all because of a stupid trade war.

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