Will Donald Trump be President of the U.S. come fall ........

Will Donald Trump still be President a year or three years from now?

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Absolutely, so far here is the evidence regarding Trump Russia collusion:

So... that's a lot.

That's hilarious... almost like a mantra that's part of a brainwashing technique. Maybe a prayer? Yeah I think it's a prayer.

No collusion, No collusion, No collusion, No collusion, No collusion, No collusion, No collusion. LMAO, If you repeat it enough times it becomes reality. It's really 'wasted breath' for all those living at the extreme ends of the political spectrum.

You could try to explain a billion times that 'you need to wait for the Mueller investigation to complete to even consider the idea of collusion', some Trumpist (or Trump himself) or some far left idiot will trump out the same 'no collusion'/'yes collusion' mantra. The whole point of that expensive investigation is really to find evidence of criminal conspiracy which has collusion as a prerequisite.

Trust me... there's no collusion says Kaa.

The Difference Between Collusion and Conspiracy - Defining the Trump Administration's Actions

Black's Law Dictionary defines collusion as "a deceitful agreement or compact between two or more persons, for the one party to bring an action against the other for some evil purpose, as to defraud a third party..." A conspiracy, on the other hand, is defined as "a combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purposes of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act, or some act which is innocent in itself, but becomes unlawful when done by the concerted action of the conspirators." Got it? You can have collusion without having a criminal conspiracy, but you can't have a criminal conspiracy without some sort of collusion.
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I hesitated between choice 2 and 3 ... and finally went for choice 2:

Trump is STILL President come fall of 2019, but he is NO LONGER President come fall of 2021.


Considering all the BS that's going on and his age ... etc ... He might just say 'fuck it' next time around ... and not run.

I could be wrong of course ... as he stated before that he is running again / for re-election come 2020 ... but all considering.

For example: He already got what he wanted, lol ... Drastically cut taxes for people like him (including him of course) from 35% to, what is it - 20% or something like that.

Mission accomplished ... and now it's smooth sailing ahead ... therefore -- not sure if he really needs this hemorrhoid come 2020 ;)
... of 2019?

... of 2021?

Your dates are a little off. We coming up on a midterm election cycle this November. If Democrats take one or both houses, Trump will either be forced to resign or face impeachment.

If Republicans hold both houses you'll get another 2 years of Trump but he will be most definitely challenged in the Republican primary for President, and will not win. So most certainly he will not EVER get a 2nd term.

So here is what too look for thsi coming November. A big BLUE Tsunami. If that happens you can color Trump GONE in 2019.


For links, statistics and pictures of the incoming Blue Wave click this link.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

IOW--this November 2018 midterm election will be the most important election of your lifettime. If you don't vote, and or vote for a 3rd party or vote for a Republican, you're casting a default vote for this Russian Manchurian Ass Clown to remain in office for the next 2 years. Take nothing for granted, vote and vote for Democrats.
Trump says that the Democrats will impeach him if Republicans lose control of the House of Representatives
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

Time will show ..... ;)

If Trump runs in 2020 ... He has a very good chance of winning again.

No Republicans will primary him in 2020. He will not win the RNC nomination.

The only reason he is still in office, is because Repulicans are terrified of theiir right wing base and will not start impeachemnt proceedings on him. Democrats won't have any issues impeaching Trump. If Demcrats take the one or both houses of congress this midterm, Trump is gone. The surviving Republicans in both chambers will then side with Democrats on impeachment.

For the COLLUSION. Here you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Why this administration has a turn over rate that beats Der Weinersnitchel? Click this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


Sweetie....hate to break it to you but only the hyper-partisans are on the Russian collusion stuff anymore. Dang....where did you find that political compass you're using?:aug08_031:

I just gave you link to the collusion, if you can't read and watch video's that's your problem, not mine. You'll need some reading comprehension skills and attention span that is better than a knat to get through it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

I voted ladies and gents

President Donald Trump still President 2019, and President Donald Trump STILL PRESIDENT 2021.:clap2:

Oh Yeah!!!:2up::2up::2up::2up::2up:

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