Will Killers or Gang Bangers follow gun control laws?

Will gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns?

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I don't want you to think you can get away with restricting my rights because you are afraid or because you want to feel like you've done something when you've actually done nothing but to hinder law abiding people.
How much of a hinderance is it banning assault weapons, high capacity mags and bump stock? You still have thousands of options.
/——-/ Read about how all guns were banned in Australia and the UK. It’s called a first step
Neither the U.K. nor Australia have a 2nd Amendment. Big difference.
/----/ I didn't say they did. I asked you read about the slow expansion of gun bans all in the name of public safety. Gee does everything have to be spelled out for you?
You miss the point.
/——/ I get the point gun grabber.
You mean, taken from their cold dead hands? Like all those pro gun patriots say? All of this is exactly why we need gun bans, and the total repeal of the 2nd amendment. We would be better off as a society.
How much of a hinderance is it banning assault weapons, high capacity mags and bump stock? You still have thousands of options.
/——-/ Read about how all guns were banned in Australia and the UK. It’s called a first step
Neither the U.K. nor Australia have a 2nd Amendment. Big difference.
/----/ I didn't say they did. I asked you read about the slow expansion of gun bans all in the name of public safety. Gee does everything have to be spelled out for you?
You miss the point.
/——/ I get the point gun grabber.
I live in a house with probably a dozen firearms. I have no issue with legally owned guns.

But I don’t worship tools.

And I see no reason why military grade arms should be in civilian hands.
You mean, taken from their cold dead hands? Like all those pro gun patriots say? All of this is exactly why we need gun bans, and the total repeal of the 2nd amendment. We would be better off as a society.
/——-/ Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. According to Wittes, the words appear in a letter widely presumed to be written by Franklin in 1755 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the colonial governor.
You mean, taken from their cold dead hands? Like all those pro gun patriots say? All of this is exactly why we need gun bans, and the total repeal of the 2nd amendment. We would be better off as a society.
/——-/ Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. According to Wittes, the words appear in a letter widely presumed to be written by Franklin in 1755 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the colonial governor.
You lost me. Right now, we have mass slaughter caused by the 2nd amendment and human nature and is that not going away. Essential liberty is an abstraction. Meaningless.
I don't want you to think you can get away with restricting my rights because you are afraid or because you want to feel like you've done something when you've actually done nothing but to hinder law abiding people.
How much of a hinderance is it banning assault weapons, high capacity mags and bump stock? You still have thousands of options.
/——-/ Read about how all guns were banned in Australia and the UK. It’s called a first step
Neither the U.K. nor Australia have a 2nd Amendment. Big difference.
/----/ I didn't say they did. I asked you read about the slow expansion of gun bans all in the name of public safety. Gee does everything have to be spelled out for you?
.Not only gun bans, but kick ball bans in elementary schools, Dodge Ball bans in school, football bans because of concussions, raceway parks bans because of noise, cruising bans because of pollution and littering, zoning bans to stop people from developing their private properties or lands, Christian bans to stop them from displaying Christianity when a majority have no problem with it what so ever, a ban on the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance, a ban on historical monuments or statues, a ban on white groups or gatherings outside of church settings, a ban on coal, a ban on certain speech if not in step with leftist beliefs, a ban on religious views or cultures, a ban on babies while still growing in the womb having developed a body, a heart beat and etc. On and on it goes, so if can think of any I left out then have at it...

A ban on the notion that there is only two genders in which are that of a male and a female.

A ban on the right to assemble, especially if white folks.
You mean, taken from their cold dead hands? Like all those pro gun patriots say? All of this is exactly why we need gun bans, and the total repeal of the 2nd amendment. We would be better off as a society.
/——-/ Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. According to Wittes, the words appear in a letter widely presumed to be written by Franklin in 1755 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the colonial governor.
You lost me. Right now, we have mass slaughter caused by the 2nd amendment and human nature and is that not going away. Essential liberty is an abstraction. Meaningless.
. Don't be dumb Mary.. The slaughter was not caused by the 2nd amendment. The slaughter was caused by a demoralized society, and most know who demoralized it. The only ones standing in the way of fixing these things are the left.
obviously the gun control laws are not strict enough/sensible because like you say--the criminals can easily get guns
.Agree that laws should be strengthened to protect the rights of the innocent to keep and retain their arms. Any loophole or way that a bad guy gets a gun or guns should be looked at and scrutinized heavily.
Will gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns?
  • Well designed and enforced national gun control laws will stop some quantity -- more than are today not at all impeded by the hodgepodge of permissive and restrictive gun control laws -- of actual and would-be criminals from obtaining guns. To wit,
    • The Las Vegas shooter was, until he killed some 50 odd people and injured another 500+, was by all accounts a law abiding adult.
    • The Pulse nightclub shooter was, until he went on his rampage, a law abiding adult.
    • The Parkland shooter was, until he killed 17 people, a law abiding adult.
Accordingly, it's quite plausible that none of them, were it simply not possible to buy firearms, or at least semi-automatic firearms, they wouldn't have violated the law to do so. They may still have shot people, but not as many people, which is the point of gun control legislation proposals.
Is speed limits stop speeders? No. So lets not hae ny
Do drug laws stop illegal drug use? No, so lets eliminate all drug laws

Your post is such a joke.
Nothing wrong with looking at ways to stop the mentally ill or stone cold killers from getting guns, and to preserve the rights of the good citizens to purchase and retain their guns. It can be done, and it would have already been done if the leftist weren't so dang radical and/or agenda oriented.

The leftist alternative reasoning for everything gives great pause on anything that they are involved in. You could say that they are the very reason this nation is in the condition it's in to date, because everyone is throwing caution to the wind in order to retain their rights in which had been granted to them in the Constitution.

Y'all know, uhh that thing for which the nation had been built upon just like the spiritual guidance that is found in the Holy Bible ??

The nation is trying to hold on, but evil intent along with it's forces are trying to disrupt, harass, and destroy this nation bit by bit now. The problem for the bad guy's and the bad gal's, is that they have had it turned back on them now, and just like a bunch of angry snake's, they are squirming and hissing because they can't charm their victims like they once did before poisoning them with a vicious bite.
Now, we already know the leftists (or the vast majority of them) want drug laws REPEALED because they say they just make the problem bigger. Same thing with guns.

Laws against OWNING a particular item (which there is a written CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do so) and laws against murder and speeding and stealing are completely different.

Owning a weapon is NOT harming anyone. It is and should not be breaking ANY laws unless you use that weapon to harm someone. THAT is where we draw the line and where the law comes into play. If you are not hurting anyone, then laws should not work against you because of what they are AFRAID you MIGHT do. Dumb assholes.
The government dictating to me that I cannot own something because of what some LUNATIC did with it is just tyranny, and those who support it are fucking assholes.
.Agree except for the cursing lol but your passion on the issue is commended. The left is (because of their rotten agenda's), carelessly upsetting the security of this nation at any cost.
Please vote in the poll. Do you think that killers or gang members will follow ANY gun control laws? Do you think that gun control laws would make it more difficult for a criminal to obtain a weapon?


Japan. The UK, Germany, Italy, France, Canada. Most of the rest of the EU

They all ban or limit private gun ownership.


They don't have a couple of mass shootings a year. the UK hasn't had a mass shooting since 1996. The last one before that was 1987


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