Will Killers or Gang Bangers follow gun control laws?

Will gun control laws keep criminals from obtaining guns?

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Here's the way I look at your fort Knox security at your job today... Who ultimately caused your security to have to reach the level that it has reached in the situation you describe at your job ??? I know exactly who has caused it, and it wasn't the conservative Christian's or even the non-christians who have enjoyed what the nation had built in God we all do trust in like-minded ways together.

Now there is two ways to look at the security needed at your job these days.

1. Your company deals in a slight bit of soft corruption in order to do it's bidding or business, so just encase someone were to figure their bullcrap out, and come a hunting them, they are hidden behind layers of security in which they have put in place. This constituted a culture change within the workplace, where actually companies had become responsible for the destruction of their own security and freedom by becoming corrupt.

Okay, guys, a couple of things.

First, CHristians sold out to Big Business a long time ago.

Secondly, the reason why they have to have that kind of security is that you never know who the gun nuts are going to be. As long as it's that easy to be a gun nut, they have to worry about that sort of thing.

The thing is, a company should really be able to fire someone without having to worry he might come back with a gun and shoot his coworkers or boss.
. The out of control gun nuts that have become a danger to you and everyone else are being created. The leftist are creating them over time.
I kept wondering why the name of the resource officer (Scott Peterson) sounded so familiar! :ack-1: It just dawned on me why that name was so familiar.

Don't date any guys named Scott Peterson whatever you do! Lol!

First of all, I don't own any cats, fucktard. Secondly, you are just a liberal pants pooper, so fuck off. Nobody cares about what you have to say. Garbage in, garbage out is how i see your posts. So don't even waste either of our time with your nonsense. You can fuck off and die for all I care.

Okay, Crazy Cat Lady.... nice to see you are keeping this civil.

Now that I've swatted that nasty blood sucking little mosquito, I would like to say that our 2nd amendment right is no less important than the right of a Muslim to practice their ideological religion nonsense.

well, I'd be happier if we had freedom from religion, but the thing is, no one is going to slaughter 17 kids with Koranic verses.

That is an ideology that is responsible for creating MANY loons who do many, many bad things and is a MUCH more huge problem worldwide and in the future than your lone wolf crazy gunman.

Not really. We have a problem with the middle east because we keep invading their countries. But you are more likely to be shot by a toddler than an Islamic Extremist in the US.


So, if you are going to want to ban things for "safety", then don't let me hear you libs bitch and cry about their "rights" in the future. Safety obviously trumps rights in your sick little freakish minds.

again, a great day when we ban ALL religion, not just the ones you don't like, but religion can't kill people without weapons.
First of all, I don't own any cats, fucktard. Secondly, you are just a liberal pants pooper, so fuck off. Nobody cares about what you have to say. Garbage in, garbage out is how i see your posts. So don't even waste either of our time with your nonsense. You can fuck off and die for all I care.

Okay, Crazy Cat Lady.... nice to see you are keeping this civil.

Now that I've swatted that nasty blood sucking little mosquito, I would like to say that our 2nd amendment right is no less important than the right of a Muslim to practice their ideological religion nonsense.

well, I'd be happier if we had freedom from religion, but the thing is, no one is going to slaughter 17 kids with Koranic verses.

That is an ideology that is responsible for creating MANY loons who do many, many bad things and is a MUCH more huge problem worldwide and in the future than your lone wolf crazy gunman.

Not really. We have a problem with the middle east because we keep invading their countries. But you are more likely to be shot by a toddler than an Islamic Extremist in the US.


So, if you are going to want to ban things for "safety", then don't let me hear you libs bitch and cry about their "rights" in the future. Safety obviously trumps rights in your sick little freakish minds.

again, a great day when we ban ALL religion, not just the ones you don't like, but religion can't kill people without weapons.

I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.
First of all, I don't own any cats, fucktard. Secondly, you are just a liberal pants pooper, so fuck off. Nobody cares about what you have to say. Garbage in, garbage out is how i see your posts. So don't even waste either of our time with your nonsense. You can fuck off and die for all I care.

Okay, Crazy Cat Lady.... nice to see you are keeping this civil.

Now that I've swatted that nasty blood sucking little mosquito, I would like to say that our 2nd amendment right is no less important than the right of a Muslim to practice their ideological religion nonsense.

well, I'd be happier if we had freedom from religion, but the thing is, no one is going to slaughter 17 kids with Koranic verses.

That is an ideology that is responsible for creating MANY loons who do many, many bad things and is a MUCH more huge problem worldwide and in the future than your lone wolf crazy gunman.

Not really. We have a problem with the middle east because we keep invading their countries. But you are more likely to be shot by a toddler than an Islamic Extremist in the US.


So, if you are going to want to ban things for "safety", then don't let me hear you libs bitch and cry about their "rights" in the future. Safety obviously trumps rights in your sick little freakish minds.

again, a great day when we ban ALL religion, not just the ones you don't like, but religion can't kill people without weapons.

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.
Anyone can go into any inner city shit hole with a barrel of KFC and a watermelon and trade them for an illegal gun with a loaded clip.
I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.

Hmm... or we could try the incredibly sensible thing of NOT TRAVELING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS.

You know, that would work, too.

If find it amusing that you think you gots to have you some guns to defend yourself, but when we travel to the other side of the planet, invade a country over a lie, and the people there start shooting at us because we didn't have the common sense to collect all the weapons that were left lying around, your immediate response is, "It must be their religion!!!"

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.

No, what's dangerous is our dumb policies of supporting Israel and getting involved in their fights. If a foreign power invaded America, you'd do the EXACT SAME STUFF they are doing.

But statistically, you are more likely to be shot by a crazy teenager with a gun than a crazy Muslim with a gun. But I'm a fair guy. I don't think either should be able to get a gun.

That was easy.
I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.

Hmm... or we could try the incredibly sensible thing of NOT TRAVELING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS.

You know, that would work, too.

If find it amusing that you think you gots to have you some guns to defend yourself, but when we travel to the other side of the planet, invade a country over a lie, and the people there start shooting at us because we didn't have the common sense to collect all the weapons that were left lying around, your immediate response is, "It must be their religion!!!"

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.

No, what's dangerous is our dumb policies of supporting Israel and getting involved in their fights. If a foreign power invaded America, you'd do the EXACT SAME STUFF they are doing.

But statistically, you are more likely to be shot by a crazy teenager with a gun than a crazy Muslim with a gun. But I'm a fair guy. I don't think either should be able to get a gun.

That was easy.
. You are either an anti-American while being an American (how ever that idiocy occurs) or you are a foreigner who has absolutely no right to spew your anti-American propaganda upon these message boards. The FBI should be breathing down your neck big time. It's time they start doing their job in this country. I mean it's all right upon these boards or platforms for them to read, yet they sit there allowing it to go on until AMERICANS get dead. It's disgusting is what it is.
I know, Muslim terrorists use bombs, knives and all kinds of weapons which is why we should focus on the ideology itself, because that is the ACTUAL dangerous thing. The knives, bombs and guns are useless without a PERSON with an AGENDA to operate them.

Hmm... or we could try the incredibly sensible thing of NOT TRAVELING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET TO GET INTO THEIR BUSINESS.

You know, that would work, too.

If find it amusing that you think you gots to have you some guns to defend yourself, but when we travel to the other side of the planet, invade a country over a lie, and the people there start shooting at us because we didn't have the common sense to collect all the weapons that were left lying around, your immediate response is, "It must be their religion!!!"

The Muslim religion kills MANY more people on a worldwide basis than your lone wolf occasional crazy gunman. They are well funded sometimes and have connections in high places too. VERY dangerous for our country. Much more dangerous than a crazy teenager with a gun.

No, what's dangerous is our dumb policies of supporting Israel and getting involved in their fights. If a foreign power invaded America, you'd do the EXACT SAME STUFF they are doing.

But statistically, you are more likely to be shot by a crazy teenager with a gun than a crazy Muslim with a gun. But I'm a fair guy. I don't think either should be able to get a gun.

That was easy.
You are either an anti-American while being an American (how ever that idiocy occurs) or you are a foreigner who has absolutely no right to spew your anti-American propaganda upon these message boards. The FBI should be breathing down your neck big time. It's time they start doing their job in this country. I mean it's all right upon these boards or platforms for them to read, yet they sit there allowing it to go on until AMERICANS get dead. It's disgusting is what it is.

Sorry, dude, I'm and American and a veteran. And I still think our middle east policy is borderline retarded.

We have a problem with the Islamic World because we've chosen to be involved over there. Funny thing... bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA worked with because they thought they were on our side.
You are either an anti-American while being an American (how ever that idiocy occurs) or you are a foreigner who has absolutely no right to spew your anti-American propaganda upon these message boards. The FBI should be breathing down your neck big time. It's time they start doing their job in this country. I mean it's all right upon these boards or platforms for them to read, yet they sit there allowing it to go on until AMERICANS get dead. It's disgusting is what it is.

Sorry, dude, I'm and American and a veteran. And I still think our middle east policy is borderline retarded.

We have a problem with the Islamic World because we've chosen to be involved over there. Funny thing... bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA worked with because they thought they were on our side.
. We will always be involved in the world, so go pound sand liberal. Yes we make mistakes sometimes, but what really bites is when we have the liberal left undermining our foreign policy and troops in the field based upon their utopic ideology that isn't based in factual realities.
Apparently today is Stupid Poll Day. Not a manner of whether they will follow gun control laws or they don't --- NRA Sucker.

But if they're guilty of a felony and can't go to Armslist or any of a dozen other sites or a gun show in around 22 states and buy from an unlicensed seller .. it will make it tougher on them to find their preferred implement of destruction.

That is already a law. Do you think that banning a weapon is going to stop school shootings or what? Answer the question or GTFO.
Do you think that banning murder will stop people from murdering?
Do you think if it were legal to murder that more might do it?
Oh most certainly. I would have probably committed it a few times myself.
We will always be involved in the world, so go pound sand liberal. Yes we make mistakes sometimes, but what really bites is when we have the liberal left undermining our foreign policy and troops in the field based upon their utopic ideology that isn't based in factual realities.

Uh, guy, the Iraq war wasn't a "mistake", it was a fucking disaster we are still paying for.

The problem is, we didn't learn anything from it. We didn't learn anything from Vietnam. We didn't learn anything from the Philippine War.
Please vote in the poll. Do you think that killers or gang members will follow ANY gun control laws? Do you think that gun control laws would make it more difficult for a criminal to obtain a weapon?
Will murderers follow murder laws? I guess we dont need murder laws.

Will speeders follow speed limits? I guess speed limits are useless, then.

Stupid thread.
Guys...let's get back on topic, we've wandered pretty far afield here. It's gun laws and whether or not it will matter to criminals....ok?
Please vote in the poll. Do you think that killers or gang members will follow ANY gun control laws? Do you think that gun control laws would make it more difficult for a criminal to obtain a weapon?

Criminals don't care about the law, they only care about not getting caught for breaking it.

The question I'd like to ask is, can Congress create law that infringe our right?

The answer is - NO.

If they don't like guns, fine... two thirds of both houses of Congress, propose the amendment, have it ratified by three fourths of the States and amend the Constitution. Stop treating Constitution like shit by going around it.

No Amendment? Than fuck off.
Please vote in the poll. Do you think that killers or gang members will follow ANY gun control laws? Do you think that gun control laws would make it more difficult for a criminal to obtain a weapon?
No and yes.
If I’m thinking about getting into the gang banging business the first thing I’m going to do is steal or buy a gun on the black market. If all I can get my hands on is a revolver I guess that’s what I’m going to get. But if I can get a 100 round gun I would.

I’d like to take 20 round clips off the open market. We’ve gone too far. Even the cops are out gunned
Apparently today is Stupid Poll Day. Not a manner of whether they will follow gun control laws or they don't --- NRA Sucker.

But if they're guilty of a felony and can't go to Armslist or any of a dozen other sites or a gun show in around 22 states and buy from an unlicensed seller .. it will make it tougher on them to find their preferred implement of destruction.

That is already a law. Do you think that banning a weapon is going to stop school shootings or what? Answer the question or GTFO.

I already answered that stupid question in Murky's poll. And NO - that is NOT already a law. In around half the states, a convicted felon can go online or to a show and buy a gun from an unlicensed dealer with no BG check.

Time to stroke another check to cover Wayne's 4 million dollar bonus - GO! :)

NOT legally they can't. It is against the law for a felon to own a weapon already. Yet, they still do! Go figure!
Sure because the market is flooded with guns. There’s zero regulations. It’s almost as if the system is designed so that flooding the markets..... of course they are gun manufacurers. Any company wants to sell more not less.

It should be a big deal when you buy sell or lose a gun. Somethings wrong and the nra doesn’t want to fix it

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