Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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And from the NY Times

During the 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump’s second campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had regular communications with his longtime associate — a former Russian military translator in Kiev who has been investigated in Ukraine on suspicion of being a Russian intelligence agent.

At the Republican National Convention in July, J. D. Gordon, a former Pentagon official on Mr. Trump’s national security team, met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, at a time when Mr. Gordon was helping keep hawkish language on Russia’s conflict with Ukraine out of the party’s platform.

And Jason Greenblatt, a former Trump Organization lawyer and now a special representative for international negotiations at the White House, met last summer with Rabbi Berel Lazar, the chief rabbi of Russia and an ally of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin.


You really need to stop the Russian bullshit. The cat's out of the bag that Obama and his cronies have set this all up.

Oh and Hillary was involved as well. Politico did an investigative piece that the Ukraine sabotaged Manafort by lying about a non existent investigation.

Jake. If you can accept what Obama and his people have done to honorable men never ever lecture anyone on morals again.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Presidents don't have to ORDER a wiretap. Just a suggestion to the right person would get the job done.
Really? :rofl::rofl:

And what part about having to give probable cause to a judge, in order to get it, have you neglected to put in to the picture?

You didn't read the thread, did you? They went to several courts to get the warrant....and were rejected..until they came up with the fake russian story and went to the FISA court where you don't need evidence of an actual crime being committed, just that you have a need to surveil a foreigner.....they couldn't get a criminal wire tap because no crime was being committed....

I read the piece, and also did further research on it, and the FBI tried to get a warrant that was turned down by the judge because it was too broad in the Judge's perspective.

3 months later, the FBI requested a NEW warrant, that was restricted to the one Server that was secretly communicating with a Russian Bank.... and THAT limited warrant requested by the FBI was granted by the Judge....

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

Obabble went on a fishing expedition to find a friendly judge. And then he weakened the controls on sharing NSA data widely within the government. Shameful abuse of power.

And the REAL RUSSIAN SCANDAL is the one in which Obabble and hiLIARy gave the Russians control of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....

It is not "fascism", it is Communism, dude!

USA was subverted by neo-Commies, and that is the reason why they hate Russia so much! They think that Russians are "traitors" to the cause of Communism, because Russians abandoned this murderous ideology and call themselves a Christian Nation now.

Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

Trump does not know all, or he pretends to be stupid. He is talking about "McCartism" or "Faschism", and is afraid to tell the truth: USA is a neo-Commie country!
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?

What "Putin like action"?
What are you talking about?
It is idiotic to make a Boogie man of Putin.

Was Jonathan Pollard a Russian spy?
A president can't order a wiretap.

Presidents don't have to ORDER a wiretap. Just a suggestion to the right person would get the job done.
Really? :rofl::rofl:

And what part about having to give probable cause to a judge, in order to get it, have you neglected to put in to the picture?

You didn't read the thread, did you? They went to several courts to get the warrant....and were rejected..until they came up with the fake russian story and went to the FISA court where you don't need evidence of an actual crime being committed, just that you have a need to surveil a foreigner.....they couldn't get a criminal wire tap because no crime was being committed....
I read the piece, and also did further research on it, and the FBI tried to get a warrant that was turned down by the judge because it was too broad in the Judge's perspective.

3 months later, the FBI requested a NEW warrant, that was restricted to the one Server that was secretly communicating with a Russian Bank.... and THAT limited warrant requested by the FBI was granted by the Judge....

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank
I stopped at 'a group of...."

OF COURSE you did Owebo!
Politico did an investigative piece that the Ukraine sabotaged Manafort by lying about a non existent investigation.

You're confusing that with FBI director Comey sabotaged Clinton, lying about a non existent investigation two weeks before the november election.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....

It is not "fascism", it is Communism, dude!

USA was subverted by neo-Commies, and that is the reason why they hate Russia so much! They think that Russians are "traitors" to the cause of Communism, because Russians abandoned this murderous ideology and call themselves a Christian Nation now.

Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

Trump does not know all, or he pretends to be stupid. He is talking about "McCartism" or "Faschism", and is afraid to tell the truth: USA is a neo-Commie country!
You say tomato, I say tomato......

The only communist thing I saw Obama do was steal GM from its owners....then he went fascist by giving it to his cronies he controlled......
The only communist thing I saw Obama do was steal GM from its owners....then he went fascist by giving it to his cronies he controlled......

Please explain to me what is "fascism" and what is "communism" in your understanding.
And from the NY Times

During the 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump’s second campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had regular communications with his longtime associate — a former Russian military translator in Kiev who has been investigated in Ukraine on suspicion of being a Russian intelligence agent.

At the Republican National Convention in July, J. D. Gordon, a former Pentagon official on Mr. Trump’s national security team, met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, at a time when Mr. Gordon was helping keep hawkish language on Russia’s conflict with Ukraine out of the party’s platform.

And Jason Greenblatt, a former Trump Organization lawyer and now a special representative for international negotiations at the White House, met last summer with Rabbi Berel Lazar, the chief rabbi of Russia and an ally of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin.


You really need to stop the Russian bullshit. The cat's out of the bag that Obama and his cronies have set this all up.

Oh and Hillary was involved as well. Politico did an investigative piece that the Ukraine sabotaged Manafort by lying about a non existent investigation.

Jake. If you can accept what Obama and his people have done to honorable men never ever lecture anyone on morals again.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
from your article Tiny,

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine. Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.
Obama strongly denies Trump accusation that he wiretapped phones in Trump Tower

A spokesman for former President Obama issued a strong denial to President Trump's accusation that the former commander-in-chief wiretapped Trump Tower phones during the election campaign.

"A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice," Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said in a statement Saturday. "As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false."

Obama strongly denies Trump accusation that he wiretapped phones in Trump Tower

Its hard to get past the Fact that the half wit Tweet Nit
has Nuclear Codes ..
The only communist thing I saw Obama do was steal GM from its owners....then he went fascist by giving it to his cronies he controlled......

Please explain to me what is "fascism" and what is "communism" in your understanding.
There are plenty of threads here on that.....this thread is about Obama wiretapping Trumos home...
I gotta admit..........I cant even take all the winning anymore!! I get up to pictures of The Hag and Chuck E Cheese clowning around with Putin and you say to yourself, "Splendid day.......the Russia fake news thing is dead!"..........and two hours later, Trump lobs a bomb into the middle of the DUM Party.

Who'd ever think one side could have such an ePiC run of such winning?!!!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
When are the bozo progressives going to learn........you pull fake news on Trump, you are going to get your clocked cleaned!! duh......and they keep doing it and doing it!!

Have we ever had so much fun watching people lose?:fu:
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

No, the democratic party is teflon coated by the mainstream news media, who will do every thing they can to protect them!
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