Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Yes...he can....he tells the minions to wire tap and they put it in motion...
Meanwhile, Trump asked Russia to hack and interfere in the General election.
What were his exact words, Cap'n Knowledge? Because that is a damn lie and you know it. He never mentioned hacking and he never mentioned or implied anything about an election. He was joking about the Cankles E-mails.
It was communicating "SECRETLY?" Wow, that sounds so sinister. Tell me something, when you login to your bank's website, is it "secrete," or does the whole fucking world know about it?

Is your computer setup to communicate exclusively with your back, and to keep that connection open 24/7? And is your bank in Russia?
Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

This one isn't going away. He wouldn't tweet something like that without having real knowledge.
Are you kidding??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just read the tweets, he starts off talking about the one computer/server that was communicating secretly with the Russian Alpha Bank and the one FISA warrant gotten for that...

then third of fourth tweet later he turned that in to wiretapping his house and him....

He IS a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, unfortunately there is nothing you or I can do, to change that....
It was communicating "SECRETLY?" Wow, that sounds so sinister. Tell me something, when you login to your bank's website, is it "secrete," or does the whole fucking world know about it?
It was not for bank transactions, they were communicating for other reasons, unknown, from what the article said.
Even the RWNJ traitors know this is not true and is designed to make you forget about Russia.

My question is, why does this cheeto lie about things that can be so easily checked?

And very creepy is that we now have an official state voice to push government propaganda. Welcome to 1984.
Why? We need something new to laugh at every day and he provides.
He IS a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, unfortunately there is nothing you or I can do, to change that....
It was communicating "SECRETLY?" Wow, that sounds so sinister. Tell me something, when you login to your bank's website, is it "secrete," or does the whole fucking world know about it?

Is your computer setup to communicate exclusively with your back, and to keep that connection open 24/7? And is your bank in Russia?

Who says that is what was going on?

As president Trump is privy to anything the US government is doing. The FBI told Trump about the British dossier while they were investigating it. So a phone call to the NSA would result in a full report on what the NSA, FISA and FBI did.

Instead Trump tweets fake news, because if it was true, it would be classified.

Trump is the president. He can declassify anything he wants to declassify.
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
There is not a single iota of factual information in this article. When you got something, get back to me. One would think a wiretap wouldn't be that hard to investigate, particularly not now that Republicans are running the show. So where are the facts backing this up? Where are even the rumors of this coming from?
Even the RWNJ traitors know this is not true and is designed to make you forget about Russia.

My question is, why does this cheeto lie about things that can be so easily checked?

And very creepy is that we now have an official state voice to push government propaganda. Welcome to 1984.
Dudley, when the smoke clears and the dust settles, people like you had better keep a low profile. Big Brother will be watching you.
Trump went into tweeter Meltdown out of Anger ....Fuck him
Trump Furious About Sessions Recusing Himself

March 4, 2017

The Washington Post reports that President Trump left the White House “in a fury” on Friday, “fuming about Jeff Sessions’s recusal and telling aides that the Attorney General shouldn’t have recused himself” on a story he thought was “bull.”

Jonathan Swan: “To understand Trump’s psychology you need to grasp that the worst sin in Trumpland is to back down. The staff who’ve been with Trump the longest have internalized that fact. Their first instincts in any controversy are to deny and attack. Aides who don’t get Trump enrage him by being too willing to back down. In Trump’s mind, an inch of retreat — even if the facts seemingly demand an apology — is unforgivable.”
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Presidents don't have to ORDER a wiretap. Just a suggestion to the right person would get the job done.
And from the NY Times

During the 2016 campaign, Donald J. Trump’s second campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had regular communications with his longtime associate — a former Russian military translator in Kiev who has been investigated in Ukraine on suspicion of being a Russian intelligence agent.

At the Republican National Convention in July, J. D. Gordon, a former Pentagon official on Mr. Trump’s national security team, met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, at a time when Mr. Gordon was helping keep hawkish language on Russia’s conflict with Ukraine out of the party’s platform.

And Jason Greenblatt, a former Trump Organization lawyer and now a special representative for international negotiations at the White House, met last summer with Rabbi Berel Lazar, the chief rabbi of Russia and an ally of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin.


Witch Hunt nonsense.
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