Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.

Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

This one isn't going away. He wouldn't tweet something like that without having real knowledge.
If it's proven the Democrats bugged his home during the Campaign, heads better roll. Imagine if the roles were reversed? What would the Fake Newsters over at CNN and NBC be saying? This is some very dirty stuff. But for those who are familiar with the 'Chicago Way', it isn't very surprising.
where are you getting this utter crap from, on wire tapping his house?

FISA and the Trump Team

obama trump wiretap - Google Search
And here is some information on that warranted, FISA warrant.... for this ONE SERVER that was communicating with the Russian Bank, ALPHA

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank
It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.

Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

This one isn't going away. He wouldn't tweet something like that without having real knowledge.
Trump said he would release his taxes.
So, you approve of Obamas Putin like actions against political rivals.....what else do you approve of Putins?
Obama is not in office, Trump is like Putin, and you cannot put together a consistent post.
We are discussion Obamas actions child.....this act of political terrorism has the ability to end your party.....
Two simple words: prove it.

The Donald is unhinged. He is accusing without proof. Just because he rampages about something does not make it so.

Only the blindest, stupidest, low brow partisan could support this huckster buffoon.

Accusation NSA without proof. What a statesman!
Two simple words: prove it.

Accusation NSA without proof. What a statesman!

Didn't that same argument get applied to Michael Flynn? And the result was Flynn kicked out as National Security Advisor, and leaks of the NSA transcripts.
It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.

Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

This one isn't going away. He wouldn't tweet something like that without having real knowledge.
Are you kidding??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just read the tweets, he starts off talking about the one computer/server that was communicating secretly with the Russian Alpha Bank and the one FISA warrant gotten for that...

then third of fourth tweet later he turned that in to wiretapping his house and him....

He IS a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, unfortunately there is nothing you or I can do, to change that....
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.

Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

What does that even mean? Did he have an account in a Russian bank? The grounds for the warrant was “possible financial and banking offenses.” Those are the basis for a criminal warrant, not a FISA warrant.

FISA and the Trump Team
There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.

Do tell? Where do you get all this salacious information? Care to share? Either someone produces the warrant, no need for secrecy at this point, or we lock this very sick delusional paranoid NPD pretend president up before someone gets hurt.
FISA and the Trump Team
The FISA warrant for that particular computer was warranted... and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LIE Donald Trump tweeted about wire tapping his home or phone lines in his home.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

This one isn't going away. He wouldn't tweet something like that without having real knowledge.
Are you kidding??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just read the tweets, he starts off talking about the one computer/server that was communicating secretly with the Russian Alpha Bank and the one FISA warrant gotten for that...

then third of fourth tweet later he turned that in to wiretapping his house and him....

He IS a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, unfortunately there is nothing you or I can do, to change that....
It was communicating "SECRETLY?" Wow, that sounds so sinister. Tell me something, when you login to your bank's website, is it "secrete," or does the whole fucking world know about it?
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