Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

This is just too funny for words. The Dim "Russian election hack" faux scandal has backfired on them and is now threatening the pathetic legacy of their standard bearer! Hysterical!

Even the RWNJ traitors know this is not true and is designed to make you forget about Russia.

My question is, why does this cheeto lie about things that can be so easily checked?

And very creepy is that we now have an official state voice to push government propaganda. Welcome to 1984.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The Democrats are political pit bulls who will not let go. They eat cute puppy dogs for lunch and train with kittens. There is no stopping them...they are Terminators.

All you do with a pitbull is pick it up by the neck and cut off its air. Then throw it over a fence.

The same thing can't be done with a Dobie or German Shepherd.
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

You keep telling yourself that, as the judge gets hauled off in handcuffs.
Most Americans find Obama wiring tapping Trump's phones during a presidential election offensive. Its devious and underhanded what an asshole.
MOST Americans KNOW DJT is a pathological liar, and would need proof before EVER believing this 'boy who cries wolf'.
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

There was no reasonable suspicion, moron. Obama had to submit his request three times, and they had to pull some especially suspicions shenanigans to get it approved . FISA warrants are supposed to be given to investigate foreign espionage. The warrant the Obama admin used was justified on the basis of possible banking crimes. That's what normal civilian warrants are used for, investigating crimes. So the warrant violated the rules for issuing FISA warrants.

The whole thing is sleazy beyond belief.
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Yes...he can....he tells the minions to wire tap and they put it in motion...
If it's proven the Democrats bugged his home during the Campaign, heads better roll. Imagine if the roles were reversed? What would the Fake Newsters over at CNN and NBC be saying? This is some very dirty stuff. But for those who are familiar with the 'Chicago Way', it isn't very surprising.
The russian thing is now seen as it was.....a cover to spy on the Trump campaign...to get the FISA warrant to engage in surveillance of a rival political party during the election....
Most Americans find Obama wiring tapping Trump's phones during a presidential election offensive. Its devious and underhanded what an asshole.
MOST Americans KNOW DJT is a pathological liar, and would need proof before EVER believing this 'boy who cries wolf'.

So when did you scumbags get proof that Trump helped the Russians hack the election? Who are the ones crying wolf?
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

You keep telling yourself that, as the judge gets hauled off in handcuffs.

Well I am not buying it even happened. I think it all went down like this.

Couple days ago Trump asked the FBI to deny there were contacts between his campaign staff and Russia. The FBI refused. Now he is pissed and tweeting out paranoid nonsense. I believe a complete formal denial by the FBI is forthcoming and no FISA court judge is going to come forward because no FISA court judge approved of a warrant.

The end game? Dumbass Trump keeps tweeting after watching Fox and Friends the men in white coats are going to come in and take his ass off to Bethesda.

No wonder the democrats were pointing the fingers at Trump and the GOP. They were the ones doing the cheating and spying.
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Yes...he can....he tells the minions to wire tap and they put it in motion...
Meanwhile, Trump asked Russia to hack and interfere in the General election.
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!

It is beyond stupid to compare a FISA wiretap with Watergate. In Watergate you had a bunch of political operatives actually BREAK IN to a building and ILLEGALLY install recording equipment for the purpose of gathering information concerning the opposing campaign. In this case, we have LAW ENFORCEMENT obtaining a LEGAL WARRANT after meeting the burden of proof that requires there be REASONABLE SUSPICION that the object of the warrant is an agent of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. That warrant allowed them to LEGALLY PLACE a wiretap in order to obtain information regarding the subject being an investigated relationship with a FOREIGN POWER and possible ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.

You keep telling yourself that, as the judge gets hauled off in handcuffs.

Well I am not buying it even happened. I think it all went down like this.

Couple days ago Trump asked the FBI to deny there were contacts between his campaign staff and Russia. The FBI refused. Now he is pissed and tweeting out paranoid nonsense. I believe a complete formal denial by the FBI is forthcoming and no FISA court judge is going to come forward because no FISA court judge approved of a warrant.

The end game? Dumbass Trump keeps tweeting after watching Fox and Friends the men in white coats are going to come in and take his ass off to Bethesda.
None of you fascist democrats will....
Trump's MO is now quite clear: his accusations are admissions that the charges are true against him: he is a friend of Russia, an enemy of America.
Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.

Yes...he can....he tells the minions to wire tap and they put it in motion...
Meanwhile, Trump asked Russia to hack and interfere in the General election.
And yet not a shred of evidence to support that claim, go figure.
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