Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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The Trumpsters are having great fun assuming Trump's "tweets" are true.

None of them, including Trump, appear to understand the ramifications here.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
Once again the Rump opens his big mouth without a shred of evidence. Like the investigation he was going to hold to prove millions of illegals voted. Can anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
You mean the president of the Unites States?
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You'll believe pretty much anything, won't you?
I never thought you liberals would do something like this to hold onto power over us Americans.....

I told you, liberals are filthy lowlife scum. As soon as they had the power what did they do...yeah they crammed Obamacare down our throats over the clear objections of the people. If these filth ever get complete control of government watch out.
When did the people object, Homer?
The news is just breaking, Adolf.....

If true, he belongs in prison. Should be stripped of any government benefits, including Secret Service protection. Revoke his passport, so he doesn't end up in Russia.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
Once again the Rump opens his big mouth without a shred of evidence. Like the investigation he was going to hold to prove millions of illegals voted. Can anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
You mean the president of the Unites States?
The p(Resident). He isn't our president
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

You'll believe pretty much anything, won't you?
I never thought you liberals would do something like this to hold onto power over us Americans.....

I told you, liberals are filthy lowlife scum. As soon as they had the power what did they do...yeah they crammed Obamacare down our throats over the clear objections of the people. If these filth ever get complete control of government watch out.
When did the people object, Homer?
The news is just breaking, Adolf.....
What news fruit loop, Obamacare has been around for years
A tweet and breitbart means Obama is home free.

Bannon and buddies can be tried for sedition now.
You'll believe pretty much anything, won't you?
I never thought you liberals would do something like this to hold onto power over us Americans.....

I told you, liberals are filthy lowlife scum. As soon as they had the power what did they do...yeah they crammed Obamacare down our throats over the clear objections of the people. If these filth ever get complete control of government watch out.
When did the people object, Homer?
The news is just breaking, Adolf.....
What news fruit loop, Obamacare has been around for years
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
Once again the Rump opens his big mouth without a shred of evidence. Like the investigation he was going to hold to prove millions of illegals voted. Can anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
You mean the president of the Unites States?
The p(Resident). He isn't our president
Yes,,we know....Putin is.....
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
First, Trump wouldn't know truth if it bit him in the ass.

Second, Trump *appears* to be referencing the FBI's investigation into this campaign's ties to Russia. That's a far cry from Nixon-level criminality. Worse, it's Trump trying to divert attention away from his Russia connection — and you fell for it. Dupe.

And I say "appears" because we haven't seen any evidence or credible sources. Right now, it's Breitbart (who lies) and Trump (who lies even more).

Stunning actually. But first, pretty revealing how this works. Trump gets up to take his morning shit, tweets without thinking, and BAM--the internet trolls and media seize the tweet and propel it to the top of the news cycle, without thinking.

Trump tweeted without thinking, the trolls and right wing shills inundate the air waves without thinking. Because here is what this means if we take it on face value, take Trump for his word.

Trump Towers was wiretapped under the authority of a FISA warrant. That means that a federal judge believed that the actions of the Trump administration in regards to communications with Russia met a legal standard that resulted in the issuance of a warrant. Quite simply Trump, in his early morning unthinking tweet, has just openly admitted that he was under investigation by the FBI while running for president. If he were an "illegal alien", well by his own standards, he would be deported immediately.
You'll believe pretty much anything, won't you?
I never thought you liberals would do something like this to hold onto power over us Americans.....

I told you, liberals are filthy lowlife scum. As soon as they had the power what did they do...yeah they crammed Obamacare down our throats over the clear objections of the people. If these filth ever get complete control of government watch out.
When did the people object, Homer?

Are you an imbecile?
Are you speaking of the 20 million people insured by the ACA?

Look clown boy not only were Democrats wiped off the map by voters in 2010 due to Obamacare, Obama acknowledged the ass whooping.

Then in 2014 when the people found out Obama lied his ass off about keeping your doctor and plan, and were about to kick the shit out of Democrats again because of Obamacare, Dem's in congress screamed at Obama to do something, so Obama went on national tv and apologized and tried to take the blame for Obamacare. It didn't work voters bitch slapped Dem's anyway and they lost the Senate.
Think about this. Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump despite her and Obama Wiretapping his home, the Media in collusion with the DNC, stolen debate questions, a rigged primary, and Hillary being fed answers when asked questions on debates by an ear piece.

The wiretap was illegal and unprecedented. Read The FISA rules. Someone should go to jail for that. This is Worse than Watergate!
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Yep...he thought he was being clever.....he was denied a wire tap on Trump because he didn't have evidence of a crime...so obama went to the FISA court, because they require a lower standard of evidence to approve a wire tap.....and so obama was able to place a wire tap on the opposition political party candidate during an election....and now the story of this crime is coming out....

President Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During Election
A president can't order a wiretap.
I defend the truth. A DJT tweet is meaningless. Sessions' testimony and trumper meetings with Russians during the campaign are facts.
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