Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
funny trump calls for wire tapping investigation by congress BUT NOT the Russian invasion of our electoral process
Your fake Russia news is already being investigated. And that won't end well for you fascist democrats either...:lol:
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
ok owebo you'll never get it
Obama Advisor Rhodes Is Wrong: The President Can Order A Wiretap, And Why Trump May Have The Last Laugh | Zero Hedge

Calm down....relax....try typing again without your blown head gasket over your fascist Obama...,
proof proof proof let's see the morons proof ...like his birther proof
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The invisible made up proof truth is much more plausible than the real evidence provided truth...
Since when do Dims give a rat's ass about proof?
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue


EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia
Sources say that the FBI was granted a FISA warrant in October, in relation to Trump’s server’s ties to Russian banks
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The invisible made up proof truth is much more plausible than the real evidence provided truth...
Even your Obama didn't deny he wire tapped Trumps home...
Plenty of Republicans and lots of independents are fed up with the President with such a pathological, habitual and serial lying history that it an obvious mental health issue with the delusional President. Blaming trump's problems on the democrats and the media is a delusional idea in and of itself.
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
ok owebo you'll never get it
Indeed....wake up....
You're delusional. No one who voted for the corrupt criminal has any credibility with regard to lying.

protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
ok owebo you'll never get it
Indeed....wake up....


The Real President Returns As Obama Comes Back To Eviscerate Trump's Wiretap Lies
President Obama reminded America of what a real president looks like by returning to demolish Trump's lie that the former president ordered a wiretap on…
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The invisible made up proof truth is much more plausible than the real evidence provided truth...
Even your Obama didn't deny he wire tapped Trumps home...
protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
ok owebo you'll never get it
Indeed....wake up....


The Real President Returns As Obama Comes Back To Eviscerate Trump's Wiretap Lies
President Obama reminded America of what a real president looks like by returning to demolish Trump's lie that the former president ordered a wiretap on…
To oversee the destruction of his party.....go Obama!!!!!!
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
The invisible made up proof truth is much more plausible than the real evidence provided truth...
Even your Obama didn't deny he wire tapped Trumps home...
When he denied it? Or was it when he was cucking Melania?
All former President's should cease having any communications with the fake poser currently occupying the White House.
Real President? He is an ex president, unless you are suggesting a coup?
protecting citizens from the likes of trump
Mr Rhodes, addressing his comments to Mr Trump, said : "No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

In response to Mr Trump's suggestion that a lawyer could make a "great case" against Mr Obama, Mr Rhodes said: "No. They couldn't. Only a liar could do that."

Mr Rhodes added: "Is it still 'presidential' to call your dignified predecessor 'Bad (or sick) guy!'?"

Trump hurled the accusation in the tweets sent early on Saturday morning:
Your Obama warned you to be careful...

Obama’s former speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted that he would warn reporters against saying there was no wiretap.
maybe there were taps but not ordered by obama ,,,,trump is a gd liar and it's about time some of you repubs get a gd clue
ok owebo you'll never get it
Indeed....wake up....


The Real President Returns As Obama Comes Back To Eviscerate Trump's Wiretap Lies
President Obama reminded America of what a real president looks like by returning to demolish Trump's lie that the former president ordered a wiretap on…
Obama speaks out, trumps Trump.

FBI convinced the court enough evidence existed to warrant a tap on him.

FBI and intel agencies continue to gather evidence against Trump and minions.

Who will rat him out first?
Obama speaks out, trumps Trump.

FBI convinced the court enough evidence existed to warrant a tap on him.

FBI and intel agencies continue to gather evidence against Trump and minions.

Who will rat him out first?
It's no longer about Obama doing this. It's now about to what extent Obama did this.....
owebo, post: 16722065
You need to pay attention if you wish to participate....

Trump didn't say the FISA Court did it. He said Obama ordered the wire tap done. Obama denied he or anyone in his Administration did it. That is calling out Humpty Trumpty's slanderous lie for exactly what it is.

Trump is flailing about while House Republicans are plotting in secret to force millions of people to lose their healthcare insurance that the ACA provided.

That will expose Trump to divulge his soon to be broken promise to provide beautiful and better healthcare for everybody.

He is in a quandary because his rabid hate base wants him to kill the ACA but he has made a promise he now knows he can't deliver.

This latest attack against Obama is a pre-diversionary tactic to cover his looming health insurance debacle.

And we all know it for what it is except the deplorables.
owebo, post: 16722941
It's no longer about Obama doing this. It's now about to what extent Obama did this.....

You need to listen to Republicans in Congress that know better. Mark Levin is a racist Obama hating liar. That is Trump's source. It is fake news.
You forgot to mention levin hates Trump too.....makes what he is saying very interesting....no?
owebo, post: 16723138
You forgot to mention levin hates Trump too.....makes what he is saying very interesting....no?

No he doesn't. He hates Trump's tariff and trade and policy and his fondness for Putin.

I listen to the hate inflicted Levin often enough to know what he stands for.

I heard the wire tap program when he first blurted it out. I knew Trumpty would bite on it right away.

Trump is a dittohead - nothing more.
Obama speaks out, trumps Trump.

FBI convinced the court enough evidence existed to warrant a tap on him.

FBI and intel agencies continue to gather evidence against Trump and minions.

Who will rat him out first?
It's no longer about Obama doing this. It's now about to what extent Obama did this.....
You have it wrong again.

It is only about what the FBI uncovers along with the intel agencies.

Obama is out free, and Trump is in the snare.
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