Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Actually, that's speculation around poshest as private email account....Seth Rich seems to be the more direct connection to the DNC server information...but democrats murdered him....

Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.

You turds keep talking about evidence. When was that ever a consideration for Democrats?

When they demanded evidence from the Birther Trump.
Yeah, we know you want Republicans to prove everything they say five different ways, but when did you ever demand any proof for Democrat conspiracy theories about Republicans?
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.
Earnest: It May 'Come As Some Surprise' To Trump That Prez Can't Order Wiretap
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ESME CRIBB Published MARCH 5, 2017, 10:54 AM EDT

Former White House press secretary Josh Earnest said on Sunday that it "may come as some surprise" to President Donald Trump that the president of the United States cannot in fact "unilaterally order" the surveillance of a U.S. citizen.

"This may come as some surprise to the current occupant of the Oval Office, but the president of the United States does not have the authority to unilaterally order the wiretapping of an American citizen," Earnest said on ABC's "This Week."

"If the FBI decided to use their wiretapping authority in the context of a counterintelligence or criminal investigation, it would require FBI investigators, officials of the Department of Justice, going to a federal judge and making a case and demonstrating probable cause to use that authority to conduct the investigation," he said. "That is a fact."

-snip- (video)

On Saturday, Trump claimed that President Barack Obama was “wire tapping” his phones at Trump Tower ahead of the 2016 election. He offered no evidence to support those allegations.

Read more: Earnest: It May 'Come As Some Surprise' To Trump That Prez Can't Order Wiretap

It's already been shown that he can order a wiretap, you fucking dumbass.
Ex-DNI Clapper: 'To My Knowledge' No FISA Order For Trump Tower Surveillance
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ESME CRIBB Published MARCH 5, 2017, 10:07 AM EDT

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Sunday that to his knowledge there was no FISA court order to implement surveillance on Trump Tower, counter to President Donald Trump's claims on Saturday.

In an interview on NBC News' "Meet the Press," Clapper said that he did not know of any FISA court order to authorize surveillance on Trump Tower.

"Obviously I can't speak officially anymore, but I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI there was no wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign," he said. "I can't speak for other Title III authorized entities in the government, or a state or local entity."

"If the FBI, for instance, had a FISA court order of some sort for surveillance, would that be information you would know?" Chuck Todd asked.

"Yes" Clapper said.

Read more: Ex-DNI Clapper: 'To My Knowledge' No FISA Order For Trump Tower Surveillance

Clapper is an Obama stooge. The evidence that there was has already been presented.
White House Spokeswoman Walks Back Trump Wiretapping Claims | The Huffington Post
03/05/2017 10:22 am ET
White House Spokeswoman:boobies: Walks Back :deal: Trump Wiretapping Claims:dance:
Trump has “information” suggesting there is a “very real potential” of wiretapping, Sarah Sanders said.

By Daniel Marans

White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Sunday that President Donald Trump was only speaking about the “very real potential” that former President Barack Obama had wiretapped his presidential campaign.

Aww so soon just when we were Having fun
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.

How can a FISA court issued wiretap authorization be a criminal offense for which Obama would be held liable?
In an interview on ABC News’ “This Week,” guest host Martha Raddatz asked Sanders [White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders] why the president had made the allegations so confidently.

“I think that this is, again, something that if this happened, Martha ―” Sanders began.

“If, if, if, if,”
Raddatz interjected. “Why is the president saying that it did happen?”
Just to clarify: I think we should call this an eavesdropping scandal. It's not clear there was actual wiretapping. Obabble could have access the information via the standard data collection done by the NSA. The Dems are already promoting talking points regarding "wiretapping". Let's focus on the data, not the method of getting it. The information is what Obama's admin abused.
Yes, the opposition easily survives, while Trump dives.

He is in trouble . . . bigly.

This Russian Influence, you troll.
Just to clarify: I think we should call this an eavesdropping scandal. It's not clear there was actual wiretapping. Obabble could have access the information via the standard data collection done by the NSA. The Dems are already promoting talking points regarding "wiretapping". Let's focus on the data, not the method of getting it. The information is what Obama's admin abused.
We should call it another Trump Bull Shit Declaration “If, if, if, if,” Raddatz interjected. “Why is the president saying that it did happen?”
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.

How can a FISA court issued wiretap authorization be a criminal offense for which Obama would be held liable?
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....
Just to clarify: I think we should call this an eavesdropping scandal. It's not clear there was actual wiretapping. Obabble could have access the information via the standard data collection done by the NSA. The Dems are already promoting talking points regarding "wiretapping". Let's focus on the data, not the method of getting it. The information is what Obama's admin abused.
Democrats called it wiretapping back in January .....
In an interview on ABC News’ “This Week,” guest host Martha Raddatz asked Sanders [White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders] why the president had made the allegations so confidently.

“I think that this is, again, something that if this happened, Martha ―” Sanders began.

“If, if, if, if,”
Raddatz interjected. “Why is the president saying that it did happen?”
/---- You mean the same "if, if, if" the Dems are using about Sessions and the Russian Ambassador? You mean those "if, if, ifs ?"
The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.

How can a FISA court issued wiretap authorization be a criminal offense for which Obama would be held liable?
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....
But, but, you nut jobs claim Obama is a Muslim. Muslims don't eat pig meat and ham is made from pig meat. See, you are caught in another lie. If Obama were a Muslim he would not have a ham sammich.
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