Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Notfooled clearly owns owebo.

The FBI, not Obama, asked for the wiretap. Trump lied about it. Now we have him giving alt facts. When put under oath, as he will be eventually, he can perjure himself and take the fall.
Notfooled clearly owns owebo.

The FBI, not Obama, asked for the wiretap. Trump lied about it. Now we have him giving alt facts. When put under oath, as he will be eventually, he can perjure himself and take the fall.
Obamas FBI?
Comey brought down Clinton, bub. He is not Obama's FBI. He will bring down Trump, and all those who criminally collude with him will fall also.
Comey brought down Clinton, bub. He is not Obama's FBI. He will bring down Trump, and all those who criminally collude with him will fall also.
Obamas fatal mistake....leaving Comey behind.....
Trump spouts off crap without evidence and his followers believe it, while when Obama and all the intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC and meddled in the election they won't believe it until they see evidence...

Donna Brazile meddled in the Elections. Go shit yourself over that. There is evidence. CNN style.

So you admit you only want evidence when it is counteractive to your desires, got it. Now move along.

Prior to the election, brought up on this board that Hillary's private email server was vulnerable to a hack and many Hillary supporters brushed it off at the time saying there was no evidence of the server being hacked. Hillary lost and the same people who said there was no evidence of a hack prior to the election, now are sure there was a hack.

Russia hacked the DNC not Hillary's server. Could Hillary's server have been hacked? Most certainly, but there is no proof of it like there is the DNC.

So again, when the government says Russia hacked the DNC, gave the information to WikiLeaks, and they made up fake news and spread the propaganda to meddle in the U.S. elections, why do you have to see proof of that from them to believe them, but when Trump says Obama wiretapped him, you don't need to see that proof to believe that? It's a pretty straight forward question.

What proof is there that Russian hacked the DNC, anonymous sources?

What "fake news" was spread about the DNC?
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.
bripat9643, post: 16720379
The AG could, moron, and if you believe Obama Lynch wouldn't do whatever Obama requested, then you are a special kind of fool.

That is a right wing sack of lying crap. The Attorney General can't order a wiretap either. Your right wing media propaganda machine lies so much and you believe every word they say. Just like dumb tweeting dittohead Trump does

The FISA Court is the only agency that could do it.

If they did then the court agreed with the FBI there was probable cause.

Under U.S. law, a federal court would have to have found probable cause that the target of the surveillance is an “agent of a foreign power” in order to approve a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Trump Tower.

Several conservative news outlets and commentators have made allegations in recent days about Trump being wiretapped during the campaign, without offering any evidence.

Obama Refutes Allegation That He Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign | The Huffington Post

Stop being so stupid for Trump.

The FISA court doesn't order wire taps. moron, it only allows or disallows them when requested by government agencies. The Justice Department is one of those agencies.
And th President can not order th Justice department to request a FISA warrant from th Court.

Of course he can, ding-dong. We've already seen the law that says so.

The FBI when they have gathered enough info that shows that who they want surveillance,with probability, are agents of a foreign power....or have committed a crime, the FBI gets our Lawyers in th Justice department, to create a fisa warrant request that will go before the Court Judge...the reason most FISA warrants are approved, is because the Justice department is always extremely careful in their request, to where their I's are dotted and tees are crossed, Constitutionally.

The justice department never requests a Warrant out of the clear blue, or for some obscure fuzzy wuzzy reason, their investigative agencies come to the Lawyers in the Justice department with their evidence and ask the Justice dept lawyers/prosecutors to draw up the FISA Warrant request.for the Judge in the FISA Court. and the Justice dept makes certain the FBI has enough of a case with their investigation to request it.

The President does not request the Justice department to draw up a FISA Warrant for him....that is utterly ridiculous.

Wrong again. Ordinary crimes are not supposed to be the targets of FISA warrants. They are for investigating espionage by foreign powers. Any evidence gained cannot be used for criminal prosecution, so what would be the point?

Of course, your speculation that the Obama administration had only good intentions is the most idiotic proposition posted about these events.
Watch this all blow up and then Trump resigns... and says, "I did this all on purpose in order to expose the corruption of government! Mission accomplished!" He then goes on to write a book about it all and try to make shit tons of money off of being a corrupted crook that set back our country decades.

Watch you turn out to be totally wrong and looking like the usual idiot snowflake.

It's truly delicious to watch how viscerally all you douche bags hate Trump. It warms the heart.
Prior to the election, brought up on this board that Hillary's private email server was vulnerable to a hack and many Hillary supporters brushed it off at the time saying there was no evidence of the server being hacked. Hillary lost and the same people who said there was no evidence of a hack prior to the election, now are sure there was a hack.

Russia hacked the DNC not Hillary's server. Could Hillary's server have been hacked? Most certainly, but there is no proof of it like there is the DNC.

So again, when the government says Russia hacked the DNC, gave the information to WikiLeaks, and they made up fake news and spread the propaganda to meddle in the U.S. elections, why do you have to see proof of that from them to believe them, but when Trump says Obama wiretapped him, you don't need to see that proof to believe that? It's a pretty straight forward question.
Actually, that's speculation around poshest as private email account....Seth Rich seems to be the more direct connection to the DNC server information...but democrats murdered him....

Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.

You turds keep talking about evidence. When was that ever a consideration for Democrats?
Russia hacked the DNC not Hillary's server. Could Hillary's server have been hacked? Most certainly, but there is no proof of it like there is the DNC.

So again, when the government says Russia hacked the DNC, gave the information to WikiLeaks, and they made up fake news and spread the propaganda to meddle in the U.S. elections, why do you have to see proof of that from them to believe them, but when Trump says Obama wiretapped him, you don't need to see that proof to believe that? It's a pretty straight forward question.
Actually, that's speculation around poshest as private email account....Seth Rich seems to be the more direct connection to the DNC server information...but democrats murdered him....

Again so you belive some crazy theory without evidence but don't believe it when the government under Obama AND under Trump tells you that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta and released it to WikiLeaks?

That just invalidates your entire opinion on the whole matter.
Again, you have some crazy theory without evidence...

I do believe the democrat staffer who gave wikileaks info is deader than dead.....

You HAVE NO EVIDENCE and you believe that... but you don't believe what the government under Obama AND UNDER YOUR butt buddy Trump tell you is true...

You're delusional.

You turds keep talking about evidence. When was that ever a consideration for Democrats?

When they demanded evidence from the Birther Trump.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
Earnest: It May 'Come As Some Surprise' To Trump That Prez Can't Order Wiretap
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ESME CRIBB Published MARCH 5, 2017, 10:54 AM EDT

Former White House press secretary Josh Earnest said on Sunday that it "may come as some surprise" to President Donald Trump that the president of the United States cannot in fact "unilaterally order" the surveillance of a U.S. citizen.

"This may come as some surprise to the current occupant of the Oval Office, but the president of the United States does not have the authority to unilaterally order the wiretapping of an American citizen," Earnest said on ABC's "This Week."

"If the FBI decided to use their wiretapping authority in the context of a counterintelligence or criminal investigation, it would require FBI investigators, officials of the Department of Justice, going to a federal judge and making a case and demonstrating probable cause to use that authority to conduct the investigation," he said. "That is a fact."

-snip- (video)

On Saturday, Trump claimed that President Barack Obama was “wire tapping” his phones at Trump Tower ahead of the 2016 election. He offered no evidence to support those allegations.

Read more: Earnest: It May 'Come As Some Surprise' To Trump That Prez Can't Order Wiretap
Wiretaps of political adversaries (most likely by warrant obtained by perjuring themselves to FISA court)

Rigging the primaries in favor of their favorite candidate

Cheating during debates

Supporting a candidate who is beholden to foreign interests

Laundering money through a "charitable" foundation

Investigating journalists

Using the IRS to attack political enemies

The Democrats are scum bags guilty of malfeasance and poor ethics. They are probably guilty of violating several federal criminal statutes too.

What has Trump done?

1. He beat the Democrat candidate like an ISIS soldier beats his wife;

2. He mused about re-engaging Russia;

3. A couple of his people spoke to the Russian Ambassador (as have everybody in DC);

4. The worst thing was that a couple people may have made a couple of arguably misleading statements, intentional or not, concerning speaking to the Russian Ambassador, which is not a big deal because everyone in Fed gov talks to the Russian Ambassador.

The left and the MSM need to get a Fucking grip. They are undermining themselves with this silly shit. The Dems have no friends on the right either. We are going to watch you drown while we laugh at you.

Good riddance, schmucks!!
Ex-DNI Clapper: 'To My Knowledge' No FISA Order For Trump Tower Surveillance
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ESME CRIBB Published MARCH 5, 2017, 10:07 AM EDT

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Sunday that to his knowledge there was no FISA court order to implement surveillance on Trump Tower, counter to President Donald Trump's claims on Saturday.

In an interview on NBC News' "Meet the Press," Clapper said that he did not know of any FISA court order to authorize surveillance on Trump Tower.

"Obviously I can't speak officially anymore, but I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI there was no wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign," he said. "I can't speak for other Title III authorized entities in the government, or a state or local entity."

"If the FBI, for instance, had a FISA court order of some sort for surveillance, would that be information you would know?" Chuck Todd asked.

"Yes" Clapper said.

Read more: Ex-DNI Clapper: 'To My Knowledge' No FISA Order For Trump Tower Surveillance
If Trump has proof Obama tapped his phones, then show it, otherwise this level of accusation could not only completely destroy Trump's credibility, but could bring down his entire presidency.
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