Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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In an interview on ABC News’ “This Week,” guest host Martha Raddatz asked Sanders [White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders] why the president had made the allegations so confidently.

“I think that this is, again, something that if this happened, Martha ―” Sanders began.

“If, if, if, if,”
Raddatz interjected. “Why is the president saying that it did happen?”
/---- You mean the same "if, if, if" the Dems are using about Sessions and the Russian Ambassador? You mean those "if, if, ifs ?"
If you must recuse
you have no excuse
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....

Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about.

So what was he talking about?
The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.

How can a FISA court issued wiretap authorization be a criminal offense for which Obama would be held liable?
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....
But, but, you nut jobs claim Obama is a Muslim. Muslims don't eat pig meat and ham is made from pig meat. See, you are caught in another lie. If Obama were a Muslim he would not have a ham sammich.
^^^ unhinged liberal
The real question is if the orange twitter addict in chief will survive

I hope he does because the entertainment he provides is truly yuuuge, magnificent and beautiful


The question actually seems to be will the Democrat Party survive and will Obama stay out or prison.

Why would Obama be going to prison?
For illegally wire tapping the opposition candidate.

How can a FISA court issued wiretap authorization be a criminal offense for which Obama would be held liable?
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....
Clapper said if it happened he'd know NO WIRE TAP ACTIVITY
boedicca, post: 16723848
ust to clarify: I think we should call this an eavesdropping scandal. It's not clear there was actual wiretapping.

Trump claimed it was an Obama wire tap. Are you admitting Trump lied yesterday.
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....

Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about.

So what was he talking about?
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama....
And the whole world laughed at the fool trump. He is quickly moving from just mockingly being called a jerk and a fool to being a genuine mentally retarded idiot.
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....

Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about.

So what was he talking about?
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama....
And the whole world laughed at the fool trump. He is quickly moving from just mockingly being called a jerk and a fool to being a genuine mentally retarded idiot.
Seems Trump may finally be able to take down your democrat party....
owebo, post: 16724017,
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama...

Calling for an investigation is meaningless without some basis of fact. Trump has no facts and his spokespeople are today saying "IF" it happened. That is a walk back from Trump's claim yesterday that it did happen.
Obama Bin Lying Can Clear this all up with a public statement on air but strangely he is in hiding just like Hillary Clinton!
Wow, how about that - snowflakes were right when they said this would be bigger than Watergate ... just not in the way THEY thought. :p
Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about. So what was he talking about?
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama....
And the whole world laughed at the fool trump. He is quickly moving from just mockingly being called a jerk and a fool to being a genuine mentally retarded idiot.
Trump needs to resign. I'd rather deal with an honest conservative like Pence, than continue to see the country turned into a laughingstock by a narcissistic blowhard.
FISA would approve a ham sandwich.....this is about Obama wanting them to approve his ham sandwich.....

Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about.

So what was he talking about?
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama....
And the whole world laughed at the fool trump. He is quickly moving from just mockingly being called a jerk and a fool to being a genuine mentally retarded idiot.
Seems Trump may finally be able to take down your democrat party....
It seems that way to you because you are one of the hopelessly brainwashed cult followers. If you thought like a person with sense and reason the world would look differently to you.
Democrats are trying to bring back the past:



Trump is already walking it back. It must not be a FISA Court wiretap Trump claimed he found out about. So what was he talking about?
Walking what back child....Trump just called for an investigation of your Obama....
And the whole world laughed at the fool trump. He is quickly moving from just mockingly being called a jerk and a fool to being a genuine mentally retarded idiot.
Trump needs to resign. I'd rather deal with an honest conservative like Pence, than continue to see the country turned into a laughingstock by a narcissistic blowhard.
Obama's about to burn...
Would Obama wish to spare Trump embarrassment? Better to let 'Twit' stew and provide the necessary proof demanded by these accusations.
owebo, post: 16724045
Seems Trump may finally be able to take down your democrat party....

You better start worrying about your Party.

The ACA repeal nightmare will be enough to turn most Americans against Republicans than anything else. If Trump breaks his promise for better and universal healthcare for all Anericans there will be nothing but hell to pay for Republican members of Congress and Trump himself.

If he keeps his promise and vetoes a Republican repeal bill what will the DJTfoons do then?
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