Will Obamas wiretapping of Trumps home bring down the democrat party?

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Never before in American history has a President worked so actively & furiously to undermine his successor.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?

Let's start off with a premise: For the sake of argument, let's just say that there are a myriad of forces (like the Democrats, the media, and Republicans who are not sold on Trump) that are trying, both overtly and covertly, to bring down the Trump presidency. Okay so far?

All of those forces, all working together in concert, couldn't do as much damage to Trump's presidency as Trump does all by himself week after week.
America has never seen this level of democrat fascism.....Trump now knows all, and will attack democrats with the truth.....can they survive?
First, Trump wouldn't know truth if it bit him in the ass.

Second, Trump *appears* to be referencing the FBI's investigation into this campaign's ties to Russia. That's a far cry from Nixon-level criminality. Worse, it's Trump trying to divert attention away from his Russia connection — and you fell for it. Dupe.

And I say "appears" because we haven't seen any evidence or credible sources. Right now, it's Breitbart (who lies) and Trump (who lies even more).
Seems you democrats are in big trouble....who would have ever thought you would wiretap the home of a political opponent.....
You do realize that things don't because true just because you type them out, right? Or are you so out of touch with reality that you confuse thoughts with facts?

I get it. You're upset that Trump is behaving like a spoiled brat. Worse, his Russian connections are becoming more and more problematic. Even Republicans have talked about how to remove him from office. Just because you're scared and feel like you've been duped by Dear Leader doesn't mean you have to make stuff up. That's what Trump is for.
Awwww....nevertrumper snowflake.....
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

FISA rarely rejects applications.

Doesn't matter. It's a legal wiretap if they did. It's only a scandal if they didn't.
Doc1, post: 16726801
FISA rarely rejects applications


Nice little Leftwing source.

"FISA Court Has Rejected .03 Percent Of All Government Surveillance Requests

FISA Court Has Rejected .03 Percent Of All Government Surveillance Requests

Except that,

But according to Timothy Edgar, a top privacy lawyer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Council under Bush and Obama, it's not quite as simple as the FISC rubber stamping nearly every application the government puts in front of it.
The reason so many orders are approved, he said, is that the Justice Department office that manages the process vets the applications rigorously... o
But according to Timothy Edgar, a top privacy lawyer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Council under Bush and Obama, it's not quite as simple as the FISC rubber stamping nearly every application the government puts in front of it.

The reason so many orders are approved, he said, is that the Justice Department office that manages the process vets the applications rigorously... o getting the order approved by the Justice Department lawyers is perhaps the biggest hurdle to approval. "The culture of that office is very reluctant to get a denial," he [told the Journal].

That is walking pretty close to the ledge if Comey isn't 100% positive he knows what Trump is saying is not true. And he wants the Justice Department to renounce Trump's BS RIGHT Now.

Son I've posted the text of the Law in at least two threads. I really don't care what kind of shit you post.
No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred

You don't even know if there were any FISA requests. That they even exist is in doubt.

Just in.

Comey is certain that Trump's claim is not true.

03/05/2017 05:30 pm ET
FBI Director James Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump’s Wiretapping Claim
He said the president’s allegation was false.

By Igor Bobic

FBI Director James Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump's Wiretapping Claim | The Huffington Post

When Trump lies he really lies stupidly. He is so easily proven wrong.
Huffington post.....how cute....a snowflake proclaiming a message from the plantation....:lol:
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.
You have no proof of that statement. A tap allows of course for any unforeseen criminal activity or conspiracy to be permitted fruit of the tap. Tough but there it is.

Remember, you said it was not. You have to prove that. You can't.

The first FISA request was rejected...something that has happened only 12 out of over 30,000 times. Then, the Obama Administration reworked it to hide what they were trying to do (spy on Trump) and got it approved. That is the scandal - and it's' on Obabble's watch. What did he know and when did he know it?
Some links, please. But even that is meaningless. You have your suspicions, I gather, but that is all you have. So what. This is on Trump, not on the FBI. Not on Obama. And we will find out, oh, yes.
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.
You have no proof of that statement. A tap allows of course for any unforeseen criminal activity or conspiracy to be permitted fruit of the tap. Tough but there it is.

Remember, you said it was not. You have to prove that. You can't.

The first FISA request was rejected...something that has happened only 12 out of over 30,000 times. Then, the Obama Administration reworked it to hide what they were trying to do (spy on Trump) and got it approved. That is the scandal - and it's' on Obabble's watch. What did he know and when did he know it?

I have no idea for sure, but my understanding was the first one was for a criminal type warrant by the Justice Department and it was rejected. Then, the intelligence people requested one from FISA and it was granted Now, there's so much rumor and speculation and basic disinformation floating around right now, how the heck can we even talk about it?
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.

To which branch of the government does the DOJ and FBI report? Who was President when these things happened?
boedicca, post: 16725543 You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.
You have no proof of that statement. A tap allows of course for any unforeseen criminal activity or conspiracy to be permitted fruit of the tap. Tough but there it is.

Remember, you said it was not. You have to prove that. You can't.

The first FISA request was rejected...something that has happened only 12 out of over 30,000 times. Then, the Obama Administration reworked it to hide what they were trying to do (spy on Trump) and got it approved. That is the scandal - and it's' on Obabble's watch. What did he know and when did he know it?
Some links, please. But even that is meaningless. You have your suspicions, I gather, but that is all you have. So what. This is on Trump, not on the FBI. Not on Obama. And we will find out, oh, yes.

Go back to the first post in the thread and read the source material at the links.
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.

To which branch of the government does the DOJ and FBI report? Who was President when these things happened?
Deflection and means nothing. It's Trump who is the subject of investigation, not Obama.
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.

To which branch of the government does the DOJ and FBI report? Who was President when these things happened?

Don't try that stupid crap with me. You know that the President doesn't manage the day to day operations of those agencies, so there's no reason the President would know.
If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.
You have no proof of that statement. A tap allows of course for any unforeseen criminal activity or conspiracy to be permitted fruit of the tap. Tough but there it is.

Remember, you said it was not. You have to prove that. You can't.

The first FISA request was rejected...something that has happened only 12 out of over 30,000 times. Then, the Obama Administration reworked it to hide what they were trying to do (spy on Trump) and got it approved. That is the scandal - and it's' on Obabble's watch. What did he know and when did he know it?
Some links, please. But even that is meaningless. You have your suspicions, I gather, but that is all you have. So what. This is on Trump, not on the FBI. Not on Obama. And we will find out, oh, yes.

Go back to the first post in the thread and read the source material at the links.
Hunarchy is correct, yes.
boedicca, post: 16725543
The germane question involves data that the Obabble Admin acquired under FISA - and What did Obabble know and When did he know it.

You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.

Nope. The AG can submit the application for the surveillance ONLY with a written request by the President. With that in hand the AG submits the application for authorization and in more than 90% of the time the request is granted. The authorization enables the surveillance for up to a year WITHOUT a warrant.
boedicca, post: 16725543 You don't even know that FISA authorized a wire tap at Trump Tower. You are getting way ahead of the story.

If FISA did authorize a wire tap, then it's a non-story. If the courts approved, it doesn't matter what what Obama knew or when he knew it.

No. If the October request did not fully disclose all of the targets of the wire tap, then a criminal act occurred...which then causes one to question what Obama knew and when he knew it.

Nope. It wouldn't have been a Presidential action and it wouldn't have been the White House who'd request it.

To which branch of the government does the DOJ and FBI report? Who was President when these things happened?
Deflection and means nothing. It's Trump who is the subject of investigation, not Obama.

Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual.

And you can keep spinning as fast as you can, but this is about Obama...what he knew and when he knew it. Or as the old saying goes...it's not the crime, it's the cover-up.
boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the Obama White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?
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boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Comey is playing word games. He's focused on the very narrow "Obama ordered" spin. The real issue is did the Obama Admin spy on a political opponent during the election. Yes, it did. So, What did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Kid you can't be certain of anything. The more any of us "feels" certain, the less likely what we are seeing is the truth.
boedicca, post: 16727019
Let's see if the 2nd FISA request actually specified Trump as an individual

Comey just called Trump a liar.

We can be certain that there were no FISA requests coming from the White House.

Will Trump fire Comey now?

Kid you can't be certain of anything. The more any of us "feels" certain, the less likely what we are seeing is the truth.
It is why it's a swamp
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