Will The Democrat party field a Traditional pro American Candidate Again?

There’s no way around these following points. Biden literally said he would nominate a black woman for vice president. You can troll all you want about it doesn’t matter. I suppose that’s more of the Democrat political party machines fault compared to Kamala Harris. She was after all only the person that was nominated.

Democrats are weak on crime. It’s been years of filth and degradation and major cities like San Francisco. The flash mob looting, record homelessness in America under Joe Biden. And American patriots don’t forget the Democrats becoming anti-police in the past few years. Wrongly Calling the police “systemically racist”

Harris said we should be more woke.

And you can’t get away with this one. But I don’t care what you think. The whole world knows that Democrats cater to anti-racism and weakness. Feminization and being a beta male wrt there pro blm attitude. Has nothing to do with me or other Trump supporters favoring Weiss or blacks. This is very specifically about the Democrat party being racist against whites with regards to their belief that whites are privileged. Maddie Democrat politicians wear BLM attire they would wear a BLM facemask during the coronavirus. They all took a knee for George Floyd.

But again much of your post is propaganda. Joe Biden did not run for president in 2016. Harris did not earn the position she is in now. She came in last place in the 2020 Democrat primaries. This is a joke

1. Yes, he's going to hire a black woman. And he knew exactly which one. He had 4 good choices but went with the best. Don't you think any are qualified to be VP/President? Kamala was a good pick. Why can't you guys seem to pick anything other than a white man? JD Vance was a DEI pick. Trump would have picked a woman but WE found out she's a dog murderer. Why do we have to vet his choices?

2. More woke than Trump and DeSantis sure.

3. Cities are growing in red states. Those cities will turn blue. Don't blame liberals when the crime goes up. That's what happens in American capitalism. Maybe the employers should pay the employees better and they won't vote Democratic or start unions.

4. Sorry but in a country as diverse as ours, you can't deny there is a good old white boys network that favors whites. We've come a long way and minorities and women have come a long way but still they make 75 cents to every dollar we make. And they are under represented in the executive board room. You, a white male, wants to keep the status quo. Go figure. I know it sucks losing that privilege.
This includes a candidate for Congress, Senate, or Potus, who will oppose the squad, who will oppose anti-Americanism, who will oppose the big lie that there is white supremacy in America, who will oppose the “400 years of slave” propaganda line, and who will oppose BLM?

Or Will we continue to only have Democrats who support the radical feminist, radical LGBT and radical BLM political agenda, which is harmful to all Americans. Clearly our economy is really bad right now. We have record homelessness in America. High drug addiction rates, 100,000 Americans dying each year from drugs brought over the border illegally, not to mention the drugs that we already have in the country.

What will it be? Will we ever have another JFK?

I think the answer is yes I don’t think that this will continue for long this anti-Americanism. It just is not sustainable. People are seeing it because it’s hitting their pocketbook… I’m not sure how long it will take, but I do believe in the future in America we will see the Democratic Party return to its roots of greatness and pro Americanism.
Unfortunately, democrats have become the P Diddy Party and Republicans have become Democrats
This includes a candidate for Congress, Senate, or Potus, who will oppose the squad, who will oppose anti-Americanism, who will oppose the big lie that there is white supremacy in America, who will oppose the “400 years of slave” propaganda line, and who will oppose BLM?

Or Will we continue to only have Democrats who support the radical feminist, radical LGBT and radical BLM political agenda, which is harmful to all Americans. Clearly our economy is really bad right now. We have record homelessness in America. High drug addiction rates, 100,000 Americans dying each year from drugs brought over the border illegally, not to mention the drugs that we already have in the country.

What will it be? Will we ever have another JFK?

I think the answer is yes I don’t think that this will continue for long this anti-Americanism. It just is not sustainable. People are seeing it because it’s hitting their pocketbook… I’m not sure how long it will take, but I do believe in the future in America we will see the Democratic Party return to its roots of greatness and pro Americanism.

The democrat party will field who they’re told to field. End of story.
She still exhibits plenty of radical pro blm talking points.

But here’s the biggest point of them all she is a DEI hire. While she has experience in politics and the legal field, she was put into the position of vice president she because she was a “black women”. Although funny enough recent evidence shown by Candace Owens shows she’s not black person.

Joe Biden literally said he would nominate a black woman for vice president. . It’s blatant weakness and stupidity. He could’ve just nominated anyone without having to say that kind of thing which is clearly against American values. But that’s the word we live in today Democrats accept that type beta behavior.

Harris came in last place in the 2020 democrat primaries. This is one of the biggest jokes ever when it comes to the history of American presidential election cycles.

The biggest joke is Trump and his garbage supporters like you. It is Donald Trump who exhibits rad8ical tendencies. He continues to talk about charging people who offend h9im with criminal charges. The latest victim is Google because he doesn't like the search results.

Harris is not a DEI hire. It betrays the fact that you are a racist. You automatically assume that no black woman is qualified. Candace Owens' credentials as a black person is in doubt. She gives cover to racist Republicans like you. When Ronadl Reagan ran for President, he promised to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court which he did.

Harris came in last because she was going after the same constituency that Biden wanted. The biggest joke in the history of American Presidential election cycles is fascist Republicans trying to regain power.
There’s no way around these following points. Biden literally said he would nominate a black woman for vice president. You can troll all you want about it doesn’t matter. I suppose that’s more of the Democrat political party machines fault compared to Kamala Harris. She was after all only the person that was nominated.

Democrats are weak on crime. It’s been years of filth and degradation and major cities like San Francisco. The flash mob looting, record homelessness in America under Joe Biden. And American patriots don’t forget the Democrats becoming anti-police in the past few years. Wrongly Calling the police “systemically racist”

Harris said we should be more woke.

And you can’t get away with this one. But I don’t care what you think. The whole world knows that Democrats cater to anti-racism and weakness. Feminization and being a beta male wrt there pro blm attitude. Has nothing to do with me or other Trump supporters favoring Weiss or blacks. This is very specifically about the Democrat party being racist against whites with regards to their belief that whites are privileged. Maddie Democrat politicians wear BLM attire they would wear a BLM facemask during the coronavirus. They all took a knee for George Floyd.

But again much of your post is propaganda. Joe Biden did not run for president in 2016. Harris did not earn the position she is in now. She came in last place in the 2020 Democrat primaries. This is a joke
And I understand why whites are so upset. I get it. They've lost their privilege. I told white middle class democrats in the 90's that to the rich, we are all n*$rs. Pitting us against each other. Hiring blacks because they'll take 75 cents to the dollar you are asking for. I say pay them the same so race doesn't matter.

My brother was a VP of a fortune 500 company. In HR. That's the first department that companies will diversify because it's not that important. So today, my brother would not go to school for HR because the top jobs are going to women and blacks. And get this. Companies want diversity candidates so bad and they're in such short supply, the woman who replaced my brother made double what he did. Then she left to go make double somewhere else. Then she hired him to that new company and she left again for more money. So my brother had to find another diversity candidate to take the job of VP. He found a black guy who makes 4 times what he made.

Still 95% of the executive boardroom is all white guys.

What I find fascinating is back when middle class whites had the privilege, we looked down on minorities. Why can't they pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Why do crack. Well look at our uneducated blue collar white population today

Acting just like our black brothers and sisters did in the 80's. And we looked down on them. Now it's us and fentynol. Seems American capitalism is just another ism. It needs to be tweeked. Perhaps CEO's shouldn't have given themselves all the raises the last 40 years and givin us workers some. I mean blue collar uneducated. Us college degreed Americans make on average $35,000 more a year than they do.
The biggest joke is Trump and his garbage supporters like you. It is Donald Trump who exhibits rad8ical tendencies. He continues to talk about charging people who offend h9im with criminal charges. The latest victim is Google because he doesn't like the search results.

Harris is not a DEI hire. It betrays the fact that you are a racist. You automatically assume that no black woman is qualified. Candace Owens' credentials as a black person is in doubt. She gives cover to racist Republicans like you. When Ronadl Reagan ran for President, he promised to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court which he did.

Harris came in last because she was going after the same constituency that Biden wanted. The biggest joke in the history of American Presidential election cycles is fascist Republicans trying to regain power.
Come on man!!! Clinton? Moderate. Obama, moderate. What because Obama gave us gay marriage he's a flaming liberal who's gone too far? I bet Bill would have been okay with gay marriage. As soon as he realized most of his constituents are okay with it. That's how it works.

Yes, politicians on both sides do some fucked up shit. Still I side with the labor party. The party best for the middle class. Not the party of the rich Republicans. Trump's conning you if you think he cares about the middle class. He only cares about himself. He'll pander to you and use you but he doesn't care. He even admitted it at a rally.

Find me 11,000 votes. That disqualifies Trump from being president. That and all the lines he's crossed thinking Presidents are above the law so fuck it. And giving us Roe. And tweeting I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT. Big mistake. You'll admit it in 2025 when Trump's NOT president.

1. Clinton, Obama, and Biden are not moderates, AND neither is Harris. They all talk the talk but they do not walk the moderate walk.

2. I don't think the Democratic Party is the party of labor anymore. You think labor likes all the illegals coming across the border? They are now the party of rich, elite liberal democrats.

3. Harris and the democrats are conning YOU if you believe they care about the middle class, except to get their votes. They will pander like hell and do nothing.

4. Personally, I find Trump to be a megalomaniacal asshole. But that does not disqualify him from being the next POTUS. And yeah, he makes a ton of mistakes. Not as many as Biden though.
1. Clinton, Obama, and Biden are not moderates, AND neither is Harris. They all talk the talk but they do not walk the moderate walk.

2. I don't think the Democratic Party is the party of labor anymore. You think labor likes all the illegals coming across the border? They are now the party of rich, elite liberal democrats.

3. Harris and the democrats are conning YOU if you believe they care about the middle class, except to get their votes. They will pander like hell and do nothing.

4. Personally, I find Trump to be a megalomaniacal asshole. But that does not disqualify him from being the next POTUS. And yeah, he makes a ton of mistakes. Not as many as Biden though.
In spite of his personality issues, Trump is George Washington compared to the democrat party.
In spite of his personality issues, Trump is George Washington compared to the democrat party.

True. I do not vote based on personality or even character. OK, maybe somewhat but what's really important to me is not what a candidate says but what he does. I don't care about rhetoric, what are your actions and policies. It appears to me like both Biden and Harris are the puppets out front to enact the agenda of the Far Left cuz that is who is running the DNP these days. And those guys are effing crazy, the things they want to do are well beyond practical AND in some cases irreversible.

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