Will The Democrats Finally Admit They Are a Socialist Party?

What have capitalists actually accomplished?

cell phones
electric lights
electric motors
air conditioning
Open heart surgery
chemical fertilizers
Cheap cotton textiles
reinforced concrete
cheap mass produced steel
The assembly line
The highest standard of living in the world
The end of mass starvation.

Thanks for an answer at last.

I'm not sure if we should be so glad with all those items though but that's another issue

I notice that there aren't any socialist programs on that list so maybe evil government is required after all to accomplish that





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Very weak comrade, you start by assuring me that capitalists are better at "accomplishing crap".

I ask you what crap they accomplish

And now you're telling me my opinion of whatever they may or may not accomplish doesn't change that

Talking about crap.......


That isn't what I have posted at all ... I posted that they can accomplish "their goals" whatever your opinion of "their goals" may be.
You can either agree with that or not ... It doesn't vary depending on your opinion of what a Capitalists' goal may be and how it helps you (they aren't you and don't have your goals).

Your problem is that you don't like "their goals" and somehow think that makes a difference in whether or not a Capitalist can achieve "their goals".
Your crap isn't worth arguing with beyond that ... Because Capitalists either achieve their goals (at which point you may not like their goals) ... Or Capitalists don't achieve their goals (at which point you don't have anything to complain about).

Sorry ... But I don't think you are getting that very simple point ... And until you can understand that, there is no reason for me to argue about it with you.

Whenever I think of Socialists, I always remember their love of big, happy, white families, just like Adolf...

Socialists always pay you to have four or more children right?


Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Whenever I think of Socialists, I always remember their love of big, happy, white families, just like Adolf...

Socialists always pay you to have four or more children right?


Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Yes, I know, and it's not Socialism...
What have capitalists actually accomplished?

cell phones
electric lights
electric motors
air conditioning
Open heart surgery
chemical fertilizers
Cheap cotton textiles
reinforced concrete
cheap mass produced steel
The assembly line
The highest standard of living in the world
The end of mass starvation.

Thanks for an answer at last.

I'm not sure if we should be so glad with all those items though but that's another issue

I notice that there aren't any socialist programs on that list so maybe evil government is required after all to accomplish that


Social programs have done nothing but harm this country. Which of the items do you think shouldn't be on the list?

This should be hilarious.
Whenever I think of Socialists, I always remember their love of big, happy, white families, just like Adolf...

Socialists always pay you to have four or more children right?


Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Yes, I know, and it's not Socialism...

hmmm, yes it is. It's socialism disguised as capitalism, i.e., fascism.
Redefining words seems to be your talent. I'm using historical definitions for words, you are redefining them to suit your agenda.
– Ludwig von Mises, Human Action

Mises said fascism is a form of socialism.
Redefining words seems to be your talent. I'm using historical definitions for words, you are redefining them to suit your agenda.
– Ludwig von Mises, Human Action

Mises said fascism is a form of socialism.


Now that's funny, you don't know what Nazi stands for.

It's an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party. I can't believe you asked that, it's hilarious
Are you really that stupid or just being disingenuous?

Seriously dude, you are on the Internet. That you couldn't look up Nazi yourself was pathetic, but then when I told you, you call me stupid and/or a liar. Here you go, dumb ass

What does Nazi mean in German - Quora

The fullname of the political party was the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" - the National Socialist German Worker's Party.
Nonsense, any student of the creation of the NAZI party is aware of the well documented disagreements between Harrer and Drexler in selecting a name for the nationalist parties that created the Nazi party. They were anti SFP, Social Democrat Party, but in favor of social welfare. The use of socialist in the name was deemed advantageous to drawing workers who were affiliated with socialist groups and needed to swell and grow the DAP, forerunner of the NAZI Party.
Whenever I think of Socialists, I always remember their love of big, happy, white families, just like Adolf...

Socialists always pay you to have four or more children right?


Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Yes, I know, and it's not Socialism...

hmmm, yes it is. It's socialism disguised as capitalism, i.e., fascism.
During times of war even Americans seek a Dear Leader, hence this guy:

That is an element of Fascism, not socialism.

And these fine fellows. All of whom embraced forms of Socialism to fight Fascism BTW...
So the Democrat party isn't really democratic?
Whenever I think of Socialists, I always remember their love of big, happy, white families, just like Adolf...

Socialists always pay you to have four or more children right?


Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Yes, I know, and it's not Socialism...

Yes it is.
Most libraries and college book stores have booklets, defining, explaining, giving examples and histories of the various ideologies.
What have capitalists actually accomplished?

cell phones
electric lights
electric motors
air conditioning
Open heart surgery
chemical fertilizers
Cheap cotton textiles
reinforced concrete
cheap mass produced steel
The assembly line
The highest standard of living in the world
The end of mass starvation.

Thanks for an answer at last.

I'm not sure if we should be so glad with all those items though but that's another issue

I notice that there aren't any socialist programs on that list so maybe evil government is required after all to accomplish that


Social programs have done nothing but harm this country. Which of the items do you think shouldn't be on the list?

This should be hilarious.
Tell us, how exactly did the telephone make it into everyone's home, was it pure capitalism?

Was it maybe, like this:

"Around 1917, the idea that everyone in the country should have phone service and that the government should promote that began being discussed in government. AT&T agreed, saying in a 1917 annual report: "A combination of like activities under proper control and regulation, the service to the public would be better, more progressive, efficient, and economical than competitive systems." In 1918 the federal government nationalized the entire telecommunications industry, with national security as the stated intent. Rates were regulated so that customers in large cities would pay higher rates to subsidize those in more remote areas. Vail was appointed to manage the telephone system with AT&T being paid a percentage of the telephone revenues. AT&T profited well from the nationalization arrangement which ended a year later. States then began regulating rates so that those in rural areas would not have to pay high prices, and competition was highly regulated or prohibited in local markets. Also, potential competitors were forbidden from installing new lines to compete, with state governments wishing to avoid "duplication." The claim was that telephone service was a "natural monopoly," meaning that one firm could better serve the public than two or more. Eventually, AT&T's market share amounted to what most would regard as a monopolistic share."
History of AT T - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Those damn Fascists, installing telephones for everyone, and growing the economy in the process...
What have capitalists actually accomplished?

cell phones
electric lights
electric motors
air conditioning
Open heart surgery
chemical fertilizers
Cheap cotton textiles
reinforced concrete
cheap mass produced steel
The assembly line
The highest standard of living in the world
The end of mass starvation.

Thanks for an answer at last.

I'm not sure if we should be so glad with all those items though but that's another issue

I notice that there aren't any socialist programs on that list so maybe evil government is required after all to accomplish that


Social programs have done nothing but harm this country. Which of the items do you think shouldn't be on the list?

This should be hilarious.
Tell us, how exactly did the telephone make it into everyone's home, was it pure capitalism?

Was it maybe, like this:

"Around 1917, the idea that everyone in the country should have phone service and that the government should promote that began being discussed in government. AT&T agreed, saying in a 1917 annual report: "A combination of like activities under proper control and regulation, the service to the public would be better, more progressive, efficient, and economical than competitive systems." In 1918 the federal government nationalized the entire telecommunications industry, with national security as the stated intent. Rates were regulated so that customers in large cities would pay higher rates to subsidize those in more remote areas. Vail was appointed to manage the telephone system with AT&T being paid a percentage of the telephone revenues. AT&T profited well from the nationalization arrangement which ended a year later. States then began regulating rates so that those in rural areas would not have to pay high prices, and competition was highly regulated or prohibited in local markets. Also, potential competitors were forbidden from installing new lines to compete, with state governments wishing to avoid "duplication." The claim was that telephone service was a "natural monopoly," meaning that one firm could better serve the public than two or more. Eventually, AT&T's market share amounted to what most would regard as a monopolistic share."
History of AT T - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, we all know that the government handed AT&T a monopoly. However, your theory that everyone wouldn't have obtained a telephone without that monopoly is idiotic. Telephone market penetration was proceeding at astounding rates before the monopoly was granted. There was absolutely no economic justification for it. It was all special pleading by crony capitalists. Nothing is more predictable than corporations asking the government to be granted a legal monopoly.

BTW, why shouldn't rural dwellers pay more than urban inhabitants? Don't you think consumers should pay based on what it costs to provide the service?
Most libraries and college book stores have booklets, defining, explaining, giving examples and histories of the various ideologies.

Most of it is Marxist propaganda.
All of the books? Why would college book stores sell them if not correct? Lordy lordy what will we do for the truth, you don't suppose you could be talked into telling America the real truth about all those ideologies? So what is socialism? Are there different types? Do all of them lead to communism?
Most libraries and college book stores have booklets, defining, explaining, giving examples and histories of the various ideologies.

Most of it is Marxist propaganda.
All of the books? Why would college book stores sell them if not correct? Lordy lordy what will we do for the truth, you don't suppose you could be talked into telling America the real truth about all those ideologies? So what is socialism? Are there different types? Do all of them lead to communism?

Colleges these days are little more than government indoctrination centers. Any subject that is even remotely political is taught by Marxists.
Yes, we all know that the government handed AT&T a monopoly. However, your theory that everyone wouldn't have obtained a telephone without that monopoly is idiotic. Telephone market penetration was proceeding at astounding rates before the monopoly was granted. There was absolutely no economic justification for it. It was all special pleading by crony capitalists. Nothing is more predictable than corporations asking the government to be granted a legal monopoly.

BTW, why shouldn't rural dwellers pay more than urban inhabitants? Don't you think consumers should pay based on what it costs to provide the service?
No, because it that were true the South still wouldn't have a power grid. It's why there's no cable TV where I live. They'd lose money to install the infrastructure, so they don't, and now never will. That's capitalism baby, love it. leave it, or regulate it, which is what we do, for reasons like the above...

Those damn Nazis, they were even right here.

Goddamned Fascists, telliing me what I can and can't eat. Outrageous...

That is actually fascist propaganda.
Yes, I know, and it's not Socialism...

hmmm, yes it is. It's socialism disguised as capitalism, i.e., fascism.
During times of war even Americans seek a Dear Leader, hence this guy:

That is an element of Fascism, not socialism.

And these fine fellows. All of whom embraced forms of Socialism to fight Fascism BTW...

READ ABOUT THE Munchausen by proxy syndrome (MBPS) THEN REPOST.

Most libraries and college book stores have booklets, defining, explaining, giving examples and histories of the various ideologies.

Most of it is Marxist propaganda.
Even this guy was in on the global conspiracy. Obviously finger boy is more knowledgeable than this fella.


By the way, the guy wrote this back in 1949. That kind of blows away the "modern colleges" stupidity.

There used to be some conservatives in the social sciences prior to the 1960s. Now there are none.

As an economist, Einstein made a great physicist.
That isn't what I have posted at all ... I posted that they can accomplish "their goals" whatever your opinion of "their goals" may be.
You can either agree with that or not ... It doesn't vary depending on your opinion of what a Capitalists' goal may be and how it helps you (they aren't you and don't have your goals).

Your problem is that you don't like "their goals" and somehow think that makes a difference in whether or not a Capitalist can achieve "their goals".
Your crap isn't worth arguing with beyond that ... Because Capitalists either achieve their goals (at which point you may not like their goals) ... Or Capitalists don't achieve their goals (at which point you don't have anything to complain about).

Sorry ... But I don't think you are getting that very simple point ... And until you can understand that, there is no reason for me to argue about it with you.


Ok, let's try this one more more time

What exactly are their goals?

Please note this is a simple question, not my opinion and I'm not complaining


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