Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

we won both houses of congress and a majority of governors and state houses last year. Maybe the tide is turning.

Indeed, the GOP made sure the TP idiots can't threaten to sink the ship of state this time around.

Marriage equality is an American issue, not a party issue.

yes it is, and as such it should be decided by the people or their representatives in congress, not 9 old people in black robes.
It is a constitutional issue to be decided by the Court, not the tyranny of the majority.
You sound silly, but it is your right to be a fool.

Yes, it is a constitutional issue, regardless of what you feel. SCOTUS and the courts have accepted it as such. Amazing, huh, they feel no need to consult with such scholars like you? :lol:

you keep saying that, but have yet to quote the language in the constitution that addresses gay marriage, or marriage of any kind for that matter.

gay marriage is NOT a constitutional issue, it is a societal issue, and society as a whole should decide it. I am willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

Whether same-sex couples may access marriage law or not is very much a Constitutional issue. Marriage is contract law, no different than any other law enacted by a state or jurisdiction.

Same-sex couples are eligible to participate in marriage contract law, where the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from seeking to deny gay Americans access to that law; the people do not have the authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights, as one's civil rights are not determined by 'majority rule.'

Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

You are too obtuse to understand what YOU yourself is saying.

"If a majority are capable of preferring their own private interest, or that of their families, counties, and party, to that of the nation collectively, some provision must be made in the constitution, in favor of justice, to compel all to respect the common right, the public good, the universal law, in preference to all private and partial considerations... And that the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority, is demonstrated by every page of history... To remedy the dangers attendant upon the arbitrary use of power, checks, however multiplied, will scarcely avail without an explicit admission some limitation of the right of the majority to exercise sovereign authority over the individual citizen... In popular governments [democracies], minorities [individuals] constantly run much greater risk of suffering from arbitrary power than in absolute monarchies..."
Quote by:
John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
Source: "On Government", (1778)

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258

"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson: Note in Destutt de Tracy, "Political Economy," 1816. ME 14:465
A state-wide vote would mobilize the Millennials into a frenzy to put down the political power of the far right social cons once and for all.

Ok, then lets do it. Let each state vote on a prop 8 type referendum. Let the will of the people control. OK?

Of course it would crush your side, and so will the SCOTUS ruling when it is announced in June. No reason for a state by state vote because it is a constitutional issue, created by your side.

Geez, give it a rest. There is no constitutional issue here. But if you think there is, please quote the language from the constitution where gay marriage is mentioned.

I know that you fear a vote of the people, because you know that your side would lose as it did twice in the very blue state of CA.
You sound silly, but it is your right to be a fool.

Yes, it is a constitutional issue, regardless of what you feel. SCOTUS and the courts have accepted it as such. Amazing, huh, they feel no need to consult with such scholars like you? :lol:

you keep saying that, but have yet to quote the language in the constitution that addresses gay marriage, or marriage of any kind for that matter.

gay marriage is NOT a constitutional issue, it is a societal issue, and society as a whole should decide it. I am willing to accept the will of the people, are you?
Of course it is, the Court says it is which negates your argument.
JR, you are wrong.
You sound silly, but it is your right to be a fool.

Yes, it is a constitutional issue, regardless of what you feel. SCOTUS and the courts have accepted it as such. Amazing, huh, they feel no need to consult with such scholars like you? :lol:

you keep saying that, but have yet to quote the language in the constitution that addresses gay marriage, or marriage of any kind for that matter.

gay marriage is NOT a constitutional issue, it is a societal issue, and society as a whole should decide it. I am willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

Whether same-sex couples may access marriage law or not is very much a Constitutional issue. Marriage is contract law, no different than any other law enacted by a state or jurisdiction.

Same-sex couples are eligible to participate in marriage contract law, where the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from seeking to deny gay Americans access to that law; the people do not have the authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights, as one's civil rights are not determined by 'majority rule.'

Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.
Minorities overturn court decisions all the time. It's tyranny by the minority. Everyone accommodates the minority. The minority accommodates no one.
And of course this exhibits the hypocrisy and inconsistency common to many on the right.

With regard to same-sex couples accessing marriage law and a woman's right to privacy, most on the right are great advocates of 'majority rule,' 'states' rights,' and the 'will of the people.'

When the state of New York, however, enacted the Safe Act, prohibiting possession of an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine, most on the right become opponents of 'majority rule,' 'states' rights,' and the 'will of the people,' seeking to invalidate the Safe Act in Federal court, vowing to contest the measure all the way to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives can't have it both ways: if it's the 'will of the people' that same-sex couples not be allowed to marry, then it's also the 'will of the people' that residents of New York may not own an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine.
And of course this exhibits the hypocrisy and inconsistency common to many on the right.

With regard to same-sex couples accessing marriage law and a woman's right to privacy, most on the right are great advocates of 'majority rule,' 'states' rights,' and the 'will of the people.'

When the state of New York, however, enacted the Safe Act, prohibiting possession of an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine, most on the right become opponents of 'majority rule,' 'states' rights,' and the 'will of the people,' seeking to invalidate the Safe Act in Federal court, vowing to contest the measure all the way to the Supreme Court.

Conservatives can't have it both ways: if it's the 'will of the people' that same-sex couples not be allowed to marry, then it's also the 'will of the people' that residents of New York may not own an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine.

Now all you need do to show those on the right is quote something from the COTUS that pertains to gay marriage as does the 2nd amendment pertains to gun ownership.
JR, you are wrong.
you keep saying that, but have yet to quote the language in the constitution that addresses gay marriage, or marriage of any kind for that matter.

gay marriage is NOT a constitutional issue, it is a societal issue, and society as a whole should decide it. I am willing to accept the will of the people, are you?

Whether same-sex couples may access marriage law or not is very much a Constitutional issue. Marriage is contract law, no different than any other law enacted by a state or jurisdiction.

Same-sex couples are eligible to participate in marriage contract law, where the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from seeking to deny gay Americans access to that law; the people do not have the authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights, as one's civil rights are not determined by 'majority rule.'

Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.

Yes, in cases such as the Dred Scott ruling.
JR, you are wrong.

Whether same-sex couples may access marriage law or not is very much a Constitutional issue. Marriage is contract law, no different than any other law enacted by a state or jurisdiction.

Same-sex couples are eligible to participate in marriage contract law, where the 14th Amendment prohibits the states from seeking to deny gay Americans access to that law; the people do not have the authority to decide who will or will not have his civil rights, as one's civil rights are not determined by 'majority rule.'

Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.

Yes, in cases such as the Dred Scott ruling.
And, for you, particularly, Brown vs School Board.
JR, you are wrong.
Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.

Yes, in cases such as the Dred Scott ruling.
And, for you, particularly, Brown vs School Board.

I am a little disappointed I thought you would go with Lovingly but OK. What does this ruling have to do with gays? No one is segregating gays. Or is this just another of you left handed insults.
The center is the majority of Americans who support marriage equality.

The haters and losers are out of the far right.

SCOTUS will not go back to before marriage equality
Elections prove You wrong as normal fakie
Quit babbling. The Polls prove you wrong, and SCOTUS proves you wrong.
Hey dummy the poll that mattered was the election polls and homosexual marriage failed. Thus why you facists are trying to circumvent the will of the voter
The polls show that you have lost, Thanatos. The last four elections on the issue have gone pro-marriage equality.

And the ultimate "poll", which is SCOTUS, indicates it will be crying time for you dishonest folks.
Five of the nine justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republican presidents, while four were appointed by Democratic presidents.

Left leaning?

it could be the OP is a moron ...
yes it is, and as such it should be decided by the people or their representatives in congress, not 9 old people in black robes.

Checks and balances say those 9 old people have the responsibility to stand up for the rights of the people......even if they are in a minority

the role of SCOTUS is to decide issues that cannot be decided by the lower courts. SCOTUS is the final appeal for all legal matters. It is not their role to inject their personal cultural beliefs into any case. They are not there to "stand up for the rights of the people" That is one of your more stupid statements. They are there to interpret lower court rulings based on the words of the constitution and constitutional precedents.
It seems like that is what they are doing in trying to resolve a dozen lower court decisions

Yes, they are there to stand up for the rights of the little man against the big bad gubmint.......isn't that what you guys are always bitching about?

your knowledge of our government is very limited. Did you fail 9th grade civics class?

the SC is not there to protect anyone from anyone else. The SC exists to decide cases that have been appealed from the lower courts. The SC is not the morals police?

You seem to have missed out on 200 years of Supreme Court decisions

In cases related to morals and individual rights.........yes they are the morals police

wrong again, you libtardian indoctrination has blocked rational thought. Morals and ethics are established by the society in general, a majority of society decided that minorities should have equal treatment. The SC only exists to make sure that the rights established by the majority are unheld.
The center is the majority of Americans who support marriage equality.

The haters and losers are out of the far right.

SCOTUS will not go back to before marriage equality

The center is now more right leaning on most issues. Whether they are or not on this doesn't matter. This issue is a 50/50 split with science on the side of the right, which may sway this in their favor and be the deciding factor. That's why I believe the justices age and the generations they grew up in and the fact they sided with Obama on the ACA being a tax, makes me believe they want to seem fair and a balanced power and un political. Remember this isn't science this is people playing politics and requesting the same rights and other and taking it to a whole new level.

I could without question see them being bold and overrule the states.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.

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