Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

The SCOTUS voted in favor of gay rights, because gay rights are supported by the constitution.

Gay rights are a social issue; if you are trying to legislate morality, e.g. social issues, the SCOTUS should do it's job and vote in favor of personal liberties and against the government injecting itself into your bedrooms.

You can't but I will ask any way. Where in the Constitution is marriage mentioned? Especially gay marriage?

No one is getting into anyone's bedroom. Marriage is a legal situation set up by the government, it is only a right in that one can not discriminate due to race color or creed.

That would be the contract clause.

Marriage is a legal contract between two people.

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Then there's the full faith and credit clause which means the every state must recognize contracts from other states.

Article IV, Section 1:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.[5]
So according to that clause every state must recognize the contracts from other states.

Where in the constitution does it say that homosexuals can't get married or can't be treated equally to heterosexuals? I must have missed that part because I can't find anything in our constitution that says it's legal to discriminate against anyone.
The supreme court will uphold same sex marriage. Count on it. Then the issue will move into the same kind of constant legal action that abortion did.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

Again a poll that didn't matter. Please try again
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
Remeber this when you realize you are not free anymore

look Gober, it's not 1857 there won't be a civil war over gay marriage. I'm free, you're owned by your stupidity.

sad that.
You have necwr been free if you rely on the government to rule you
A state-wide vote would mobilize the Millennials into a frenzy to put down the political power of the far right social cons once and for all.

Ok, then lets do it. Let each state vote on a prop 8 type referendum. Let the will of the people control. OK?

That already happened in my state.

In 2012 a petition was written to allow gays to get married. Enough people signed it so that it got on the ballot for the 2012 election.

The result wasn't even close. The initiative passed by a good margin. Gay marriage has been legal in my state since 2012. No judge or legislator had anything to do with it.

It was the people of my state that voted in the majority for legal gay marriage.

So it doesn't need to be voted on in my state. We already did that.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole
Blacks and Mormons hate gays......always been that way

One reason why people should not be allowed to vote for what rights others can have
Once again you show the true racist is you
The center is the majority of Americans who support marriage equality.

The haters and losers are out of the far right.

SCOTUS will not go back to before marriage equality

The center is now more right leaning on most issues. Whether they are or not on this doesn't matter. This issue is a 50/50 split with science on the side of the right, which may sway this in their favor and be the deciding factor. That's why I believe the justices age and the generations they grew up in and the fact they sided with Obama on the ACA being a tax, makes me believe they want to seem fair and a balanced power and un political. Remember this isn't science this is people playing politics and requesting the same rights and other and taking it to a whole new level.

I could without question see them being bold and overrule the states.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.

Non sequitur. Stop your babbling, wuckfit. SCOTUS decides these things, not majoritarian democracy. We might as well let the Iranians rule us, because that is what you obviously want.
When put to a vote of the people even in the ultra liberal state of California gay marriage was banned. Gays may prevail in court, I don't personally care an iota but they are kidding themselves if they think they have transformed the thinking of voters.

A decade ago, and the vote would be 55 to 45 now for. Yes, they have transformed the voters' thinking.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

Again a poll that didn't matter. Please try again

Ignorant turds like you are about to be flushed down the toilet...start holding your breath...LOL

Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Accepted by Young Conservatives

Same-sex marriage is accepted by younger conservatives and won’t likely be an issue in upcoming political races, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said.

Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Walker was asked whether younger conservatives are “more apt to see marriage equality as something that is … what they believe, that is basic rather than as a disqualifying issue?”

“I think there’s no doubt about that,” Walker said. “But I think that’s all the more reason, when I talk about things, I talk about the economic and fiscal crises in our state and in our country, that’s what people want to resonate about. They don’t want to get focused on those issues.”

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Scott Walker Gay Marriage No Longer an Issue for Young Conservatives
The center is now more right leaning on most issues. Whether they are or not on this doesn't matter. This issue is a 50/50 split with science on the side of the right, which may sway this in their favor and be the deciding factor. That's why I believe the justices age and the generations they grew up in and the fact they sided with Obama on the ACA being a tax, makes me believe they want to seem fair and a balanced power and un political. Remember this isn't science this is people playing politics and requesting the same rights and other and taking it to a whole new level.

I could without question see them being bold and overrule the states.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.

Non sequitur. Stop your babbling, wuckfit. SCOTUS decides these things, not majoritarian democracy. We might as well let the Iranians rule us, because that is what you obviously want.
Actually dumbass the constitution says that it is a state issue so no the supreme court doesnt make the decision. You do know we are not a democracy right? Oh look whom i am posting to of course you dont
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

Roberts was on the 1857 Court? You a mindlessly chattering chipmunk, making much noise and no sense.

The majority of the tyranny is limited the Constitution, and SCOTUS makes those decisions.

We are a constitutional republic, not a direct democracy.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.

Non sequitur. Stop your babbling, wuckfit. SCOTUS decides these things, not majoritarian democracy. We might as well let the Iranians rule us, because that is what you obviously want.
Actually dumbass the constitution says that it is a state issue so nobthe supreme court doesnt makebthe decision. You do know we are not a democracy right? Oh look whom i am posting to of course you dont
SCOTUS makes the decision. You are arguing for a democracy. You are spinning like a top.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
Remeber this when you realize you are not free anymore

look Gober, it's not 1857 there won't be a civil war over gay marriage. I'm free, you're owned by your stupidity.

sad that.
You have necwr been free if you rely on the government to rule you

so go stand on a corner and tell the country how the Government doesn't own you. Then go pay your taxes like a good boy.


Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

Again a poll that didn't matter. Please try again

Ignorant turds like you are about to be flushed down the toilet...start holding your breath...LOL

Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Accepted by Young Conservatives

Same-sex marriage is accepted by younger conservatives and won’t likely be an issue in upcoming political races, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said.

Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Walker was asked whether younger conservatives are “more apt to see marriage equality as something that is … what they believe, that is basic rather than as a disqualifying issue?”

“I think there’s no doubt about that,” Walker said. “But I think that’s all the more reason, when I talk about things, I talk about the economic and fiscal crises in our state and in our country, that’s what people want to resonate about. They don’t want to get focused on those issues.”

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Scott Walker Gay Marriage No Longer an Issue for Young Conservatives
Look dummy if homosexual marrige was popular it wouldn't need to usurp individual freedoms using judicial tyranny. Why you ask? Because it would have won at the ballot box you fool
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
Remeber this when you realize you are not free anymore

look Gober, it's not 1857 there won't be a civil war over gay marriage. I'm free, you're owned by your stupidity.

sad that.
You have necwr been free if you rely on the government to rule you

so go stand on a corner and tell the country how the Government doesn't own you. Then go pay your taxes like a good boy.


I don't stand on corners. Unlike progrssives i don't prostitute myself

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